The healing of trauma

The model it presents is a model for large scale trauma relief that can be implemented anywhere in the world. If we hope to find peace in this world, it is becoming clearer every day that we must begin healing the trauma in our lives. This latest study shows us the health of our future generations depend on this healing.

Thought Field Therapy Tapping Demonstration

Dr. Mary Cowley, TFT-VT, discusses trauma and demonstrates the TFT trauma relief tapping Algorithm.

Tapping for Optimal Health

When we began to consider offering TFT Voice Technology in and to groups, we needed to come up with a name for the new course. Roger wanted something that clearly stated the benefit of what attendees would be receiving—and Optimal Health was that benefit.

Eliminating Performance Anxiety

I would like to take time from trading to recommend a person who can show traders how to achieve peak performance in trading. I speak from personal experience that his techniques are easy to grasp and they work. His name is Roger J. Callahan, PhD. And he currently resides in Indian Wells, California.

Tapping for pets and animals

We have also shared wonderful cases of pets and animals that have benefited from tapping. Mary Kennedy is one who has shared some of these stories with us in the past. But her next story crosses boundaries of healing that we don’t often have the opportunity to experience.

Tapping For A Healthy, Happy Family

As summer winds down and we approach the end of August, many of us turn our thoughts to getting ready for “back to school” and the stresses, both emotional and financial that accompany it. TFT can help us face these challenges with calm confidence and focus. We will follow along the same theme, tapping for […]

TFT for Individual Energy Toxins

How much better could you feel every day, if you could learn what things trigger those negative feelings, rapid heart rate, a head ache, or fatigue…. if you can avoid eating things that make you feel bad, or, possibly neutralize them when you eat them, you could significantly improve the quality of your life?

And, what if you could eliminate negative feelings and self-sabotage when they start, or even before they happen?

Dr. Roger Callahan – The world lost a great man.

Dr. Callahan was a pioneer, an intellectual, and, above all, a humanitarian. He was passionate, not just about helping people, but challenging our beliefs about accepted psychological principles and healing in general.

TFT Brings Smiles to Handicapped Children

Please help us keep these children and others receiving TFT relief in their lives. Help us raise the matching funds of $1100. It would only take 44 caring TFT practitioners each contributing $25 to meet the matching funds challenge and provide continued care for these and other this quarter.

TFT 2009 PTSD Study Published in June 2013 African Journal of Traumatic Stress

The TFT Foundation is excited to announce the publication of its 2009 PTSD study and work in Rwanda. It has taken a long time and a lot of effort by many, and led by our board member, and Trauma Relief Committee chair, Suzanne Connolly.

TFT Voice Technology Goes To Africa – Supporting Our New Trainers

Celestin Mitabu, the TFT Foundation’s lead trainer in Kigali, Rwanda, and Director of the Rwandan Orphans Project, joined the Callahan’s Optimal Health training in Seattle, WA.

From Endometriosis to “Magic Tapping” with Our Beautiful Little Girl

I remember the day Michelle Smith walked into our TFT Optimal Health program. She wanted to start a family, but couldn’t. She’d been diagnosed with severe and “incurable” endometriosis which prevented her from becoming pregnant.

TFT Was Well Represented at ACEP Conference in Reston, VA

The ACEP Conference will be held in Phoenix AZ next June at a Native American owned luxury Hotel. We encourage all TFT practitioners to come join in the camaraderie and fun enjoyed at the ACEP Conference this year.

Tapping Away Aches and Pains – A Safe Way to Relieve Pain

Our last issue of the Thought Field newsletter shared a touching story about a little girl in the hospital dying from cancer, and suffering severe pain.  As I was reading it, I thought back about several times over the years, that Roger would work with a cancer patient, who, like this little girl, was in […]

The Power of Treating PRs in a Hospital Setting

An 11-year old girl was admitted to the local children’s hospital wing for acute pain, level 10, throughout her body.  Doctors told her parents that based on a CT scan, her cancer had returned and had spread through her entire body and that there was nothing for them to do but to give her a […]

Forensic Nurse Solves Pain That Won’t Go Away

As we dashed into the hotel lobby, shivering from the freezing wind of a chilly Denver night, my friend and I looked at each other and laughed—remembering the great day we had had. We were conference presenters together and followed the morning’s proceedings with a calming afternoon of wine, massage, tea and friendship—after briefly visiting […]