Entries by Dwainjew

Tapping to Relieve an Allergic Reaction

During our morning walk, on our lovely beach near our home in Costa Rica, we took our morning swim in the warm Pacific Ocean. Occasionally, there are jellyfish present and I experienced some stings from them. The stings are mild and create, what I thought would be a mild reaction, itching and stinging of the […]

New Study Mentions TFT

John Freedom shared the following with us about a new study that mentions TFT. A newly published meta-analysis by Mukdarut Bangpan, Lambert Felix, and Kelly Dickson entitled “Mental health and psychosocial support programmes for adults in humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review and meta-analysis in low and middle-income countries,” has included a TFT research study by […]


The Value of Learning and Sharing with the Experts

We just completed our first Optimal Health program in our new training center in Costa Rica. We were very fortunate to welcome back two of our long term TFT practitioners and trainers, Suzanne Connolly and Nora Baladerian.  They each have a wealth of experience in the field of Trauma, having both participated in the TFT […]

Life-Changing – Transformational – Empowering

These are some of the words former attendees used to describe their training in TFT Voice Technology in the Optimal Health course. Why is this course different, not only from other TFT courses, but from all other types of training programs? For a start: We use and teach the newest protocols in TFT, including those […]

Announcing All New Energy Medicine Yoga

Our upcoming Personal Healing Retreat in Costa Rica will be launching one of the first programs teaching Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga). Caroline Avant, who taught and shared yoga with us at our past Synchronicity and Wintergreen Resort Well-Being Retreats, has completed her education/certification in the new Energy Medicine Yoga and will be joining us in […]