Entries by Dwainjew

Helping School Children in Mexico with TFT

Yoniray Donis, one of our TFT advanced and Voice Technology level practitioners just sent me this brief report on her recent work in Mexico and her opportunity to share TFT with 3,000 school children.  She said, “I am excited to share that after completing a charitable TFT mission in Mexico, I have been asked by […]

Healing Our Children With the TFT Tapping Song

As a charitable foundation, the purpose of our foundation is to help people to heal their lives, so in turn they can help others heal. The recent Pandemic exacerbated trauma and suffering.  Our world is suffering so much and we need to find our way again. We are now aligned and destined to bring the […]

Case Study: TFT’s Proven Trauma Tapping Protocol Has Many Applications

The common tapping sequence for complex trauma has been proven time and time again, both in research and worldwide humanitarian relief. Extreme childhood abuse can manifest in later life into many debilitating symptoms and emotions, like panic when driving to later life depression. The following two cases are from our recent Algorithm practitioner graduate, Sharon […]

Announcing Brazilian University Recognition on TFT trainings

Dear TFT Community, My name is Leandro Percário.  I´m from Brazil and I have been so fortunate to meet Dr Roger J. Callahan and Joanne Callahan, the founders of TFT, in 2012 when I organizid their first official TFT training in São Paulo! My life has been blessed and changed so much since I met […]

TFT to be Used in Double-blind Randomized Controlled study with Women in camps for Internally displaced people (IDP) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

TFT practitioners have been bringing post-disaster trauma relief to places in the United States such as Charity and Oshener Hospitals after Hurricane Katrina, and training local therapists following the shootings at Columbine High School. TFT Practitioners in Japan also utilized TFT to help others in the aftermath of the Fukushima Earthquake and the resulting Tsunami. However, TFT […]

Announcing the Addition of a Ukrainian Translation

We are excited to share with you the addition of a Ukrainian translation of the TFT Trauma Relief Protocol.  After many months of searching for help, Herb Ayers put this together for those suffering trauma as a consequence of the war in the Ukraine.  Please share this with all who may be able to benefit […]

Doing Good TFT Research

The video above is from last year’s Keynote presentation by Suzanne Connolly on the ins and outs of doing good research. It wasn’t filmed so she had it filmed later because so many had asked for a copy. As the TFT community, we want good research!! It is currently getting included in more literature reviews […]

Help support the TFT IZERE in Rwanda

TFT Foundation has been helping support TFT IZERE in Rwanda for nearly 16 years.  Dr. Caroline Sakai does a wonderful job of summarizing all of the progress they have been making in her recent article From the Devastation of Devisive Trauma to Reconciliation in the Fall Energy Field. In the fall, 4th quarter salaries are coming up and […]