Entries by Dwainjew


Embarking on our second Hispanic world healing conference in Mexico City in  August, 2024, we had such ambitious plans for teaching TFT across Mexico. With good fortune, 100 indigenous tribes from across Mexico were gathering, with some Mexican government officials present at a conference outside Mexico City on native land. Our healing foundation had rented […]

What is the Importance of Being Able to Identify Our Toxins?

If we look at just a few of the recent headlines, research studies and articles we can feel overwhelmed and even hopeless about the toxicity of our environment, food and water.  But, there are some things we can do to help protect ourselves.  It begins with being able to identify what our toxins are and […]

Is TFT Truly Cross-Cultural and Cross-Species?!

I’ve heard the stories of practitioners using TFT to help animals (cats, dogs, horses, etc.), and of course I knew these stories to be true, but I never expected that one day I would have a story of my own. It was a beautiful sunny day in Mexico on Monday, October 28th, 2024 around noon. […]

Using TFT for Self-Healing Through Service to Others

by Yoniray Donis, TFT-AVT, Algo Trainer One of our goals when creating the Self-Healing Foundation was to see if we could inspire people who were impacted by the incredible results they got from TFT to in turn help others. We compared it to a wave of good energy we could help create that would move […]

Helping School Children in Mexico with TFT

Yoniray Donis, one of our TFT advanced and Voice Technology level practitioners just sent me this brief report on her recent work in Mexico and her opportunity to share TFT with 3,000 school children.  She said, “I am excited to share that after completing a charitable TFT mission in Mexico, I have been asked by […]

Healing Our Children With the TFT Tapping Song

As a charitable foundation, the purpose of our foundation is to help people to heal their lives, so in turn they can help others heal. The recent Pandemic exacerbated trauma and suffering.  Our world is suffering so much and we need to find our way again. We are now aligned and destined to bring the […]

Case Study: TFT’s Proven Trauma Tapping Protocol Has Many Applications

The common tapping sequence for complex trauma has been proven time and time again, both in research and worldwide humanitarian relief. Extreme childhood abuse can manifest in later life into many debilitating symptoms and emotions, like panic when driving to later life depression. The following two cases are from our recent Algorithm practitioner graduate, Sharon […]

Announcing Brazilian University Recognition on TFT trainings

Dear TFT Community, My name is Leandro Percário.  I´m from Brazil and I have been so fortunate to meet Dr Roger J. Callahan and Joanne Callahan, the founders of TFT, in 2012 when I organizid their first official TFT training in São Paulo! My life has been blessed and changed so much since I met […]