Entries by Dwainjew

Give the Gift of Healing by Sharing TFT

The recent bombing in Beirut left many dead, injured, and traumatized.  The after-effects of this kind of event can be far-reaching and long-lasting.  Sharing TFT’s trauma relief tapping sequences can begin the healing process and dramatically improve the quality of life of all those affected. Our TFT Algorithm and Diagnostic level trainer, Abeer AlOsaimi, from […]

Coping With Covid With Calm And Conviction

The Coronavirus Pandemic has created a “panic-demic” of epic proportions fueled by chaos, confusion, conflicting information, and politics interfering with scientifically-based health and safety policies and procedures.   Even generally very calm individuals with no prior history of anxiety or panic attacks are experiencing symptoms which are exacerbated by uncertainly and reality-based concerns. Prolonged high anxiety […]


Toxins Can Block the Flow of Healing Energy

The blocking of the healing process can be caused by simple things that we all have around the house.  Something as simple as laundry detergent or cleaning products. I know this from personal experience.  In 2001 I was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL).  I have been cancer free since March of 2003, with […]

A Man and A Therapy Before Their Time

There is not a day that goes by where I am not extremely grateful for my late husband, Dr. Roger Callahan’s, gift to the world, Thought Field Therapy (TFT).  TFT has been providing a healing tool to the masses for over four decades.  It is evidenced-based yet simple and safe to self-apply. TFT has been […]

Avoiding Depression: Lifting our Mood

Many people are experiencing low moods, discouragement, and even depression during this time of imposed isolation and quarantine. I have been asked by numerous people to provide a simple set of tapping tools for lifting our mood. I have done a brief YouTube guiding us through TFT tapping to first align us to our desired […]


Health Pandemic Challenges the Comfort and Quality of Life for Chronic Pain Sufferers

Those suffering with chronic pain are facing even more challenges during this world-wide health pandemic.  Isolation, limited pharmacy and medical services and supplies, and constant fear and anxiety are leading to increased suffering. “To see exactly how the pandemic is impacting pain care, the U.S. Pain Foundation went right to the source, surveying 664 individuals […]

TFT “taking care of those who take care” VERSUS COVID19

By Edna-Pereira, Brazil Last Friday 03/20/2020 I had an insight and in my mind, I figured it out how we could help. I called Marina Haniuda also a TFT Voice Technology therapist, my course partner (TFT) since Boot Camp in 2018, who became like a sister to me as we have already shared a lot […]

The Safety Net of TFT in a World of Chaos – Coronavirus

Last Saturday I led my monthly interactive webinar.  Our topic was Releasing Stress and Anxiety in Today’s World.  Prior to the class I received so many requests on how to tap for the fear of the Coronavirus, and how to boost our immune systems, that I devoted the entire hour on tapping sequences specific to […]