Entries by Dwainjew

TFT to be Used in Double-blind Randomized Controlled study with Women in camps for Internally displaced people (IDP) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

TFT practitioners have been bringing post-disaster trauma relief to places in the United States such as Charity and Oshener Hospitals after Hurricane Katrina, and training local therapists following the shootings at Columbine High School. TFT Practitioners in Japan also utilized TFT to help others in the aftermath of the Fukushima Earthquake and the resulting Tsunami. However, TFT […]

Announcing the Addition of a Ukrainian Translation

We are excited to share with you the addition of a Ukrainian translation of the TFT Trauma Relief Protocol.  After many months of searching for help, Herb Ayers put this together for those suffering trauma as a consequence of the war in the Ukraine.  Please share this with all who may be able to benefit […]

Doing Good TFT Research

The video above is from last year’s Keynote presentation by Suzanne Connolly on the ins and outs of doing good research. It wasn’t filmed so she had it filmed later because so many had asked for a copy. As the TFT community, we want good research!! It is currently getting included in more literature reviews […]

Help support the TFT IZERE in Rwanda

TFT Foundation has been helping support TFT IZERE in Rwanda for nearly 16 years.  Dr. Caroline Sakai does a wonderful job of summarizing all of the progress they have been making in her recent article From the Devastation of Devisive Trauma to Reconciliation in the Fall Energy Field. In the fall, 4th quarter salaries are coming up and […]

TFT Tapping and Dental Fear

A New Study Confirms TFT is Effective in Relieving Odontophobia (Dental Fear) A dentist and TFT practitioner in Saudi Arabia recently shared the following article with me for our TFT community.  It is just another confirmation of what Dr. Callahan found to be true over 30 years ago. TFT is effective for relieving fears and […]

New TFT RCT Trial Published

Long-time TFT trainer and VT practitioner, Ayame Morikawa, PhD, just announced the publication of their Randomized Control Trial in Explore. Dr. Morikawa has been the leader in TFT in Japan, founding and running the Japanese Association for Thought Field Therapy (JATFT). She has been instrumental in having TFT recognized in medical centers, Universities, Corporations and […]

Thought Field Therapy Stress Reduction Protocol

The Effects of a Thought Field Therapy Stress Reduction Protocol on the Stress and Empathy Levels of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder In a new longitudinal randomized control study by Hadas Keppel, PhD. , a Thought Field Therapy (TFT) protocol was found to reduce general stress and increase perspective-taking in parents of children […]

Where’s the Research?

The research on TFT and other energy psychology methods continues to grow.  We have compiled many studies on our TFT Foundation Resource Library page, http://www.tftfoundation.org/category/researchboth , both scientific and anecdotal since the mid 1990’s   Recently, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) updated their research section and John Freedom and David Feinstein created a Quick Facts.  […]

From Cancer to Special Needs – TFT Can Offer Immediate Relief

Since we have created our Diagnostic Level TFT online course, I am amazed at the case studies our students have turned in.  It is heart-warming to see the kinds of things they are able to help with their families and clients.  The following case studies are an example of challenging situations and the kind of […]