Announcing Brazilian University Recognition on TFT trainings

Brazilian University

Dear TFT Community,

My name is Leandro Percário.  I´m from Brazil and I have been so fortunate to meet Dr Roger J. Callahan and Joanne Callahan, the founders of TFT, in 2012 when I organizid their first official TFT training in São Paulo!

My life has been blessed and changed so much since I met them and started practicing TFT (Thought Field Therapy).

At first, I was searching for TFT to help myself to treat depression and traumas that I carried since my teenage time.  TFT really helped me a lot to overcome them, but the greatest joy that TFT brought to my life is so much bigger than that!

In 2013 I myself started teaching official TFT trainings at Algorithm level and continued to promote Joanne´s trainings at the Diagnostic and Voice Technology levels since then.

For this last 11 years I have worked very hard to promote this amazing tool to all Brazil and today we have more than 3.000 official TFT practitioners and literally millions of views of the free TFT videos on YouTube!

It is an amazing joy to read the testimonials my students left under the YouTube videos and hundreds have recorded their testimonials on video and sent them to me!

People who have overcome many different types of problems such as depression, fear, panic, anxiety, trauma, physical pain and much more have started a completely new life after these brief treatments!

This joy to help others is even greater than the relief for treating my own personal issues, which was important too of course. I believe that both things walk together: Do your personal work and help others at the same time.

We don´t have to be perfect and neither have to treat all our problems before we start to help others and you don´t need to help millions of people if you don´t know how to get to them trought the internet because each person you can help is as important as everybody else.

You can and should start practicing for your self and offer without pushing your help to those next to you!

I am sure that when you have the first experience of helping other people to change their live with TFT Help you will feel that amazing joy too!

For me it is like collecting good memories that will always continue to make me feel good for ever and every time and I remember any person I could help! It is a Joy and satisfaction that can only grow bigger with time!

And today my greatest Joy is to know that after 11 years of hard work by the grace of the universe or god or lucky, whatever you choose to believe (for me I believe it was Grace for sure since the beginning) It was given to me the opportunity to teach TFT in an official University in Brazil, called Anhanguera University and we finally will have a certification on TFT Trainings that is recognized by the Brazilian Government Education Ministry!

That means to have more credibility for the society and more people will open their mind to try and experience the beautiful transformation TFT can bring to their lives!

So with much gratitude and happiness I share this message with you!

Keep tapping and be happy!

Founder of TFT Brasil Institute

P.S. We are also doing an Optimal Health Traning on Oct. 27-29 OH with Portuguese translation… click here for details.

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