Fourth of July in the United States is a major Holiday where were celebrate our independence and birth as a Nation. Most businesses are closed in observance of this patriotic occasion.
Major cities around the world have festivities, parades and concerts. The night ends with awesome displays of bursting color and light forms dancing against the dark backdrop in the sky. The Awe’s, Oh’s and Wow’s from the spectators can be heard echoing under the magnificent burst of light with loud pops and bangs.
For many living in the outskirts of the city or for those who choose not to travel into the crowded cities, friends and families come together and celebrate with each other at their homes. They create their own excitement and shoot off their own fireworks.
But, what happens when an exciting, fun filled evening turns bad? My 22 yr. old nephew, was in a rural area enjoying the festivities with other family members. After a day of boating and swimming, everyone sat around the campfire as several of the adults went over to the secured area to shoot off their own fireworks.
That’s when the evening turned disastrous. As soon as my nephew lit the fuse on his firework, it exploded in his face. Since it was dark, it was hard for anyone to determine how bad he was. There were several EMT’s at the party who started administering care right away. The closes ambulance was too far so they rushed him themselves to the closest hospital emergency center. His parents were 3 hours away and no one could get a hold of them.

The day after the accident. Healing underway
At the hospital, they had to remove various shrapnel from his forehead and eyes. He had 3rd degree burns over his face and forehead and his eyes were badly burned. They did what they could and advised getting him to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. A friend drove my nephew home so we could see about getting him additional medical attention. Since Monday was a holiday, we could not find a doctor who was open.
When I found out about the accident, I immediately called my sister-in-law and told her that I would come over to work with both of them. She was pretty shaken up when he got home and saw how bad he was. I always have my clients tap the side of their hand to clear any reversals, just in case. Next, I showed her the trauma algorithm and then had her to the anxiety algorithm. She said that there was noticeable difference in her anxiety and she felt much calmer.
My nephew was in major pain and traumatized over the ordeal. I immediately had him start tapping the side of his hand to keep his polarity out of reversal. I instructed him do this as often as possible. Since he could not move his eyes without intense pain, I used myself as a surrogate when doing the pain algorithm and the trauma algorithm. Since most of his face and eyes were badly burned and blistered, I tapped the spots on me, holding the intention for him. When it came time to do the 9 gamut sequence, I tapped his gamut spot and did the eye movements myself. He said it did help some.
In addition to TFT, I gave him Bach Rescue Remedy under his tongue and on the areas that only had 1st or 2nd degree burns. His Uncle had recently bought an “Amega – zero point field energy wand” which we started wanding his face and eyes every couple hours.
My sister finally found an ophthalmologist who could see him on Tuesday. The doctor said that his right eye was traumatized with blurry vision and the left eye had a severe burn on the cornea. The doctor prescribed a steroid drop and antibiotic to prevent infection. He told him that it could take 2-3 months to restore full vision in the eye if he even got full sight restored. The doctor told him to come back on Friday for a follow up.
I continued to work on my nephew with the TFT, Rescue Remedy cream and the “Amega” wand. We also kept after him to treat for reversals by tapping the side of the hand.
On Friday, the doctor could not believe how improved everything looked. My nephew could barely open his eyes on Tuesday. Now, he not only had them opened, the right eye was almost normal and the left eye had 80% vision restored. The scabbing on the face/forehead was pretty much gone and there was no real sign of scarring. He now only had a egg size area where the 3rd degree burn was.
Chrissy Mayhew TFT-Adv.
Well Within Reach