Tag Archive for: Our TFT Sites

The healing of trauma is becoming more and more important – WHY?

  • Traditionally recognized reasons:
    • PTSD and symptoms including fear often develop
    • Long-term and chronic health issues – lowered HRV
    • Decreased quality of life – nightmares, anxiety, anger
    • Overall negative effect on society – cycle of violence
  • Additional reasons that may be relevant:
    • Dramatic rise in trauma around the world
    • NewTrauma of Life is PASSED DOWN in SPERM – affects our children and even our grandchildren (see below)

The TFT Foundation’s documentary, From Trauma to Peace, is in the end stages of post-production.  An early version will be premiered at the ACEP Conference in Arizona at the end of this month.  Attend and be the first to see this ground breaking work and hear from the many Rwandans whose lives have been transformed.  To view our new trailer, go to:  www.TFTFoundation.org.

The model it presents is a model for large scale trauma relief that can be implemented anywhere in the world.  If we hope to find peace in this world, it is becoming clearer every day that we must begin healing the trauma in our lives.  This latest study shows us the health of our future generations depend on this healing.

How the trauma of life is passed down in SPERM, affecting the mental health of future generations:

  • The changes are so strong they can even influence a man’s grandchildren
  • They make the offspring more prone to conditions like bipolar disorder

Read more, article by Emma Innes.

Learn the Sensitivities, Intolerances and Toxins TFT Protocol

How much better could you feel every day, if you could learn what things trigger those negative feelings, rapid heart rate, a head ache, or fatigue…. if you can avoid eating things that make you feel bad, or, possibly neutralize them when you eat them, you could significantly improve the quality of your life?

And, what if you could eliminate negative feelings and self-sabotage when they start, or even before they happen?

The top two questions we have been asked over the last three decades of TFT’s development and training are:

How can I identify my own toxins? Or, how can I stop negative thinking and blocks to succeeding?

Read more

TFT and Horses

While visiting a friend’s farm recently, the farmer’s daughter shared with me the story of her 7-year-old mare, who was extremely fearful of people—and especially hostile to men. The horse had been mistreated by its previous male owner. By now, it needed veterinary treatment to trim its hooves—which were overgrown and causing the horse extreme discomfort.

Unfortunately, the local veterinarian is a man and couldn’t get near the horse, even to examine it. Not wishing her mare to be sedated, the farmer’s daughter shared with me her dilemma.

Could TFT help calm this anxious horse, I wondered?

I explained briefly about TFT, then asked the daughter to stroke the horse’s forehead, and tap gently under its eye. I then asked her to tap behind the horses foreleg (as close to where I imagined the arm point would be), then tap the horse’s chest—as close to the collarbone as she could get.

Since it was impossible for me—a man—to get near the horse initially, I asked the daughter to tap out the algorithm instead. As she tapped away to my instructions, I could see the horse calming down from a distance. I entered the field and slowly walked to the animal, repeating the algorithm where the daughter left off.

In just a few minutes, the mare was almost asleep.

I asked the farmer’s daughter to walk away and leave the field. By then, she was extremely surprised to find the horse calm, receptive and unaffected by her departure—particularly when the mare had not been bridled in any way, nor had I used any treats.

Later, as I walked about the field, the horse followed me, nudging me in the back—her fear of people (and men, in particular) completely resolved. Even another male visitor to the farm that afternoon couldn’t change the anxiety-free state of the mare.

Of course, the veterinarian was able to treat her hooves with ease. But getting her to hum a tune while tapping was a different matter entirely! —Brian Ewart as told to Ian Graham

Tft and babies

Settling in for the 16-hour flight on my way home from presenting at the Pacific Rim Energy Conference, I had an amusing experience. The huge airliner was filled to capacity, and several families were traveling with infants on board.

When I requested a bulkhead seat so I could stretch out my legs, I had no idea that—during long flights—this section was also used to hang baby beds off the bulkhead.  As a result, I found myself surrounded by infants including an adorable baby boy and his family traveling next to me.

Before the flight, I had noticed the parents in the lobby—playing with their happy infant, while awaiting boarding instructions.  Unfortunately, by the time we boarded, it was 9:30 p.m. and the babies were already tired and stressed. Of course, when the airplane took off, the crying began.

I expected that.

Yet when the plane leveled off, the cries simply escalated. Mothers and fathers took turns walking their babies around. Nothing worked.

Hoping to help, I turned to my seat mates and told them I thought I could calm their infant.  Of course, they didn’t believe me. So I went on to explain I had just come from Singapore, where I was teaching energy therapy, and that I was pretty sure it would work on their son.

By this time, they were willing to try anything (and so, I imagine, were the passengers). Tapping on myself to illustrate, I showed them how to tap out the simple anxiety algorithm (eye, arm, collarbone). They did it twice and the baby calmed down immediately. In fact, he was asleep within minutes. Placed in his hanging bed, he slept almost 12 hours.  And when he awakened, he remained calm for the rest of the flight.

Another parent had been watching and asked me to show him the same tapping sequence. I treated yet another infant with the same result.  Mission accomplished.

Peace was restored —Susan Wright

Joanne Callahan recently had the pleasure of appearing on the UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONNECTION blog talk radio show, where she was asked to explain what TFT is and how it is different from EFT… EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a version that former student Gary Craig created, a one-size fits all version.

In the audio below, Joanne explains how TFT works and how it has spawned so many variations of tapping therapy.

It’s a great discussion on the history of Thought Field Therapy, how it works and what the differences are between TFT and EFT.

[gplayer href=”http:///www.rogercallahan.com/pdf/Joanneblogtalkradio.mp3″ ] Joanne Callahan On EFT and TFT [/gplayer]

Gary Graig EFT switch to TFT - become a TFT practitioner

We welcome Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioners to TFT.
TFT offers advanced EFT Algorithms to help overcome specific challenges!

TFT Foundation

Dear TFT Community,

I am grateful to have the opportunity to share with you the last step in completing the TFT Foundation’s PBS quality documentary “From Trauma to Peace”. This work has been supported by four studies and the transformation of an entire region in Rwanda. A mayor in a Northern Provence of Rwanda commented that:

“People who I have never seen smile, are smiling. People who were not productive, are productive.”

We were blessed to have an Emmy Award Winning Documentarian (Bhutan) believe in our ability to create PEACE with our sharing of TFT. With his help, we have just launched our Indiegogo campaign to complete the documentation of this transformation and support further treatment of trauma victims.

Please click the link here – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – and see his video and read about how the healing of thousands, one person at a time, has transformed a whole community and its people, from the trauma of genocide to peace.

TFT Foundation

Thank you to all who have donated for these studies and humanitarian missions over the last 6 years. It is hard to imagine the many lives and hearts you have helped heal with your generosity.

As we head in to the holiday season, many of us have so much to be grateful for. Please help us complete this campaign and continue to treat thousands in Africa and other traumatized regions both at home and abroad. The TFT Foundation uses 93 cents of every dollar donated directly on its programs.

Activity on the campaign site is key to our success; visit the Indiegogo page, comment on what you see, tell others if you have had personal success with TFT, share the page with your lists, your family, your friends and your colleagues. The more people that visit, post and interact with the site, the higher our rankings and the greater awareness we can create for our trauma relief work and all of Energy Psychology.

Learn about the excellent Perks available for participating. Meet our documentary team.

Remember—it is activity that makes the campaign successful.

Please visit the site – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – share it with everyone you know and help us move closer to PEACE amidst a chaotic and traumatized world.

Thank you for joining our campaign,


Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, TFT Foundation



Listen to a recent KAOI Radio show in Hawaii, where Joanne Callahan, Bob Stone and Cindy Paulos discuss TFT and trauma relief:
[gplayer href=”http:///www.rogercallahan.com/pdf/KAOI-Radio-TFT.mp3″ ] KAOI Radio – Rwanda Trauma Relief [/gplayer]

happy-new-year EFT TFT

Class Starts January 12th! Register Now!

Many people have asked me over the years whether TFT can help them  achieve a particular health goal, career goal, financial goal or relationship goal.

Unequivocally, the answer is “Yes”!

By working directly on the emotional stress points that keep us from achieving what we want in life — TFT can help allow abundance, health, love and other achievement into our lives.

To help YOU get what you want in 2013, I’ll work directly with you and others who want to reach their goals.

In an exciting, informative and results-oriented teleconference — I’ll personally lead you through the tapping sequences and follow-up exercises you need to achieve your loftiest goals.

We’ll start with an introduction to using TFT and the tapping technique for achieving goals — I’ll lead you through the same processes my private VIP consultation clients enjoy!

We’ve kept the price super-economical to insure that everyone can afford to work with me.

Registering for this group-format series is easy by clicking the link below.



register for tapping in the new year

When you join us January 12th with your list of New Year’s resolutions, you’ll discover that achieving any goal is possible with TFT — even though, today, the world seems to be spinning out of control.  Goals that seemed so much closer during the “boom years” now appear further away than ever.

Many people are questioning how they can get what they want when — every day — they’re feeling more and more lost, helpless and stressed.  Daily news stories keep us focused on negative, stressful events — rather than on pursuing our goals, dreams and desires.

If you’ve found yourself falling further into this “mental mind-trap,” TFT can help you stay focused, optimistic, calm and resourceful.  It can help you maintain an action-oriented posture versus numbly reacting to whatever comes your way.

And in this state of calm and focus, your own personal super-computer — the brain — can do its job of scanning your environment, looking for connections, allowing opportunity to filter into your consciousness… and giving you the motivation and desire to act.

  • If you’ve been recently unemployed… and want to find new work in 2013, TFT can help activate your job-seeking abilities by allowing your stress-free mind to act upon chance encounters, forgotten connections and odd conversations.
  • If financial success is your goal, TFT can help you find — and act — upon opportunities to make more money than you ever dreamed were possible in this economy.  Significant riches ARE being made in this financial climate by people who can identify them and move forward with confidence.
  • If you want to meet your soulmate in 2013, TFT can help you finally release the emotional hurts and deep-seated “baggage” of past relationships — allowing you to be open to new love and happiness again.
  • If superb health and relief from annoying or cumbersome disease and disorders is your goal for next year, TFT can immediately reduce the stress that causes these ailments — and reduce the further stress they cause YOU in living with them.  The American Institute of Stress found that over 90% of disease is caused or complicated by stress.  In fact, stress has been linked to ALL leading causes of death including heart disease, cancer, accidents and suicide.

Don’t let 2013 go by — living with illness, loneliness, financial lack or simply wondering what your life could be like.

Join us on January 12th.  I want to help you get what you want in the new year.

Click here to register now.


I look forward to working with you,

Joanne Callahan

Joanne appeared on the The Sports Doctor Show on WDCB Radio on Nov 15th, and shared how TFT can be used in sports.

The radio show covers all aspects of sports medicine including treatment & prevention of injuries, current events, numerous guests and health and fitness topics.

You can listen in here:
[mp3j track=”JoanneTFTSports2.mp3″]

TFT-EFT marketingWe are contacted by people all over the world, daily, asking these questions about tapping:

  • How can I find a practitioner in my area?
  • Do you have someone who specializes in —–?
  • What would Dr. Callahan do for this problem?
  • Have you ever worked with people with such and such?

As TFT is now in it’s 32’nd year, there is a vast amount of expertise, not only from our office and Dr. Callahan, it’s founder, but from our highly skilled and long time TFT practitioners around the world.  The ability to “tap” into this vast volume of knowledge is a valuable resource for everyone.

We have participated in or hosted list serves and yahoo groups in the past but they have all had their limitations.  Working with our web/internet expert, we believe we have found an excellent list serve product, allowing ease of use for members, simple moderation, and member support. Read more

The TFT Foundation’s teams, USA and UK, have just returned safely from a very rewarding and successful trip to Uganda.  They trained local Ugandans to heal trauma, fear, grief and other sufferings, as well as helped many Ugandans directly.

When you do these missions, it is heartwarming to receive a letter from our host, Fr. Peter, thanking us and sharing the many healings they are already experiencing.

Here is an excerpt of his letter.


Dear Joanne,

I greet you and Dr. Callahan so much in the name of Jesus. I am very grateful to you and the foundation for sending us such a wonderful team of five people. They were very excellent. They did not only have a Mastery of the content and matter of TFT, but they also showed us a lot of love, concern and care. They were able to integrate with us very well. It was very easy for people to ask them questions, and the responses were perfect and out of love.

Everything, the training of catechists and the PTSD study went on perfectly. You really sent us excellent people. Our prayer and request is that, they should be the very people to come to Uganda next time. We already miss them so much. I am really very grateful. We did not have a single problem with any of them at all. Thanks a lot.

The catechists who were trained mastered the TFT Algorithm level and have already started treating people with very good results.

Many people were healed during the stay of the team you sent us in Uganda. The catechists were getting amazed and surprised at the very many healings. I am so much impressed, and the bishop is so much impressed. I will promote TFT till I die, and I thank God for revealing TFT to you and Dr. Callahan. May God bless you abundantly.

We have plans that if possible on your part, there could be a follow up next year of the trained catechists and the PTSD study, and the same persons are followed up. We are planning a National training of TFT within two years if you and the bishop allow us.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Greetings to Dr. Callahan  I remain yours in Christ,

Fr.Peter Mubunga Basaliza

Also, notice he has invited us back next year for a follow up to the study and further training for local communities.  This work further validated our model for large scale trauma relief and has helped reduce the suffering of many Ugandans.

If you would like to help us continue this work, click here to donate.

Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.