Entries by Dwainjew

A Small Man with a Large Dream and a Large Heart

How a Small Man with a Large Dream and a Large Heart Helped Change His Country “Come and help us—we need you to come,” the voice on the phone demanded.  Alone in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, I was taken aback. I was leaving Kigali in two days. “We will send a car for […]


The Effects from EMF’s and cell phones

I have been speaking of the effects from EMF’s and cell phones for some time now.  I attended a presentation by Dr. Beverly Rubic and she had some amazing research. Below is a slide of the effects of a cell phone on our brains. Here is an article below that came from WDDTY today.  Wi-fi […]

Overcoming the health effects of EMFs

According to Professor Olle Johansson in the film Generation Zapped, Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have increased 1 quintillion-fold over the past 10 years – that’s 1,000,000,000,000,000,000! EMFs cause indisputable adverse health effects Research shows that official Safety Level Legislation is far from adequate. There have been no safety tests involving multiple frequencies from multiple sources We […]

Thought Field Therapy Well-Being Classes

I am regularly asked for help by TFT practitioners for themselves and their clients. Thousands have taken part in our online courses, our tele-classes and last year’s Well-Being Mentoring Series. After each training, I get many questions about how to use TFT in this or that field, or how to improve their results. Because of […]

Thought Field Therapy Well-Being Mentoring Series

Dear TFT Community, I am regularly asked for help by TFT practitioners for themselves and their clients. Thousands have taken part in our online courses, our tele-classes and last year’s Well-Being Mentoring Series. After each training, I get many questions about how to use TFT in this or that field, or how to improve their […]


Understanding and then Eliminating Stress and It’s Effects

Below is an excerpt of an article that recently came to me from Metagenics Institute where I obtain my supplements.  It is particularly relevant for us in the TFT world as it is addressing stress, the topic of our upcoming webinar.  The studies show the deleterious effects of stress on our systems and that meditation […]