Tag Archive for: Voice Technology




Last weekend Celestin Mitabu, the TFT Foundation’s lead trainer in Kigali, Rwanda, and Director of the Rwandan Orphans Project, joined the Callahan’s Optimal Health training in Seattle, WA. His training was provided by the Callahan’s and his travel by the TFT Foundation, including considerable donations from board members Jenny Edwards and Suzanne Connolly. Jenny donated a majority of the airline miles for his trip and Suzanne and her family hosted him in Seattle for nearly a week. Joanne, Jenny and Suzanne also donated personally, school and personal hygiene materials for the orphans.

This is a cause for celebration as Celestin is the first to have learned TFT Voice Technology in Africa. He will use it to support further trainings in adjoining regions and countries. He has already been asked to train in the Congo and will assist with the foundation’s follow-up to the 2012 PTSD study in Uganda. He has already done so much to help the people of his country and share TFT with others, we are proud to have him represent TFT in Kigali.

Celestin brought a beautiful carved walking stick to present to Roger, TFT’s Founder, as a thank you for the gift of TFT. He told us these sticks are presented to “men of honor”.



tapping therapyI remember the day Michelle Smith walked into our TFT Optimal Health program. She wanted to start a family, but couldn’t. She’d been diagnosed with severe and “incurable” endometriosis which prevented her from becoming pregnant. As a motivated and vivacious young woman, she stepped up as our first volunteer for a demonstration during the class.

Her case exemplifies the healing power of TFT Voice Technology. And in notes to us since the training, she’s shared her story of more than a year and a half of using TFT to improve so many aspects of her health and well-being. No one but Michelle—in her own words, as she sent letters and emails to us—could accurately convey her feelings and experience. It’s just one more heart-warming story of healing with TFT.

“Dear Roger and Joanne… I’m Pregnant!”

Letter following the Optimal Health program…

“During the class, Roger found my womb and reproductive area to be in psychological reversal and diagnosed a treatment for the endometriosis which I applied several times that day—as well as repeatedly checking the reproductive area for reversals.

My endometriosis is extremely interesting to treat. It’s only mid-cycle, but I treat it every day and when I treat it, it feels like elastic bands snapping inside me on the laparoscopy scars I have near my ovaries—which can be quite painful but only for a second.

There is no known cause or cure for endometriosis so this will be amazing if it works. I will keep you informed. Every month, I suffer from sickness and diarrhea and excruciating pains that make me scream into a towel so as not to scare my husband. I cannot stand up or eat or sleep, and I have been unable to work due to this. Because we are trying for children, I can’t have a laparoscopy even if I was willing to, as it means we cannot try for children for six months afterward. My husband is 47 and I am 36, so time is not on our side.” Read more

Roger Callahan in Brazil - TFT Tapping Therapy

Leandro Percario and his new company, TFT Brazil, recently hosted Roger and Joanne Callahan as they launched TFT in Sao Paolo.  The large, well attended Boot Camp consisted of an excited and eager group of  new practitioners, including physicians, professors, psychologists, teachers, journalists and other community leaders.  This group also included therapists who volunteer with a humanitarian non-profit group Therapists Without Borders.

Joanne Callahan opens TFT in BrazilJoanne celebrated her birthday on the last day of the Optimal Health course where 12 professionals learned TFT Voice Technology.  This group had attendees from Chile and France as well as Brazil.  There were 3 physicians, 3 psychologists, a pharmacist, a professor, an acupuncturist, and 3 therapists.  The class was very exciting and enlightening as they all shared knowledge, experience and skills while they successfully applied TFT VT to many complicated cases.

One of the physicians experienced a life-changing improvement in a medical condition, even documenting it with blood tests.  Another attendee, was able to provide relief for one of the Therapists Without Borders call-in clients, in just minutes.  And another will be sharing it within the prison system as a volunteer.

Maria Isabel Aguilar, PhD, TFT VT, came from her home in Montevideo, Uruguay to assist in both courses.  She was a huge hit with all the  class members, as she could speak English, Spanish or Portuguese with them and shared her many years of experience with TFT.

The exciting and successful results the attendees experienced was a wonderful birthday gift for Joanne.  She and Dr. Callahan are eager to see TFT expand and grow across Brazil.  Mr. Percario translated the TFT Boot Camp materials into Portuguese so we now have our Self-Study program available in a third language, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

Tapping Therapy in Spanish

TFT in Brazil

The need for simple, effective self-help ways to heal is growing every day. Disasters, wars, uprisings, and turbulent economies around the world all contribute to our levels of anxiety, stress and poor health. TFT, the original source of tapping, continues to meet the healing needs of many people, through our expanding trainings, self-help products and humanitarian relief.

A clear example of this need was seen in Cairo, Egypt in the last few months. The chair and secretary of our UK ATFT Foundation, Dr. Howard Robson and his wife Phyll were in Cairo as Dr. Robson was doing some consulting work for the Royal College. Phyll told me she was using TFT daily as they heard gun shots and witnessed the horrors of the events unfolding outside their hotel room. We are so glad they have now returned home to the UK safely. They will be leading our TFT Foundations’ trauma relief mission to Uganda later this year.

We are very excited as we provide TFT to more people, in additional languages and countries in 2012. Early this year we launched our Spanish web site. And now, our TFT Boot Camp Self-Study package is being translated into Spanish and will be available by the end of March.

We are cooperating with local, established organizations in other countries to make TFT available to their countries.

As we expand TFT in the Spanish language, Fr. Luis Jorge Gonzalez will be giving the first TFT Boot Camp in Mexico City in June. TFT can be a wonderful tool for the people of Mexico to help with the trauma and fear from the widespread violence that is occurring.

This summer we will be expanding further into Canada, working with our one of our new Boot Camp trainers, John Steuernol, to provide TFT in the greater Toronto area. Dr. Bob Bray will be working with him to offer an algorithm level training, and then we will provide a Boot Camp and Optimal Health training for those wanting to learn Voice Technology.

Then, we are off to Sao Paolo, Brazil. We are working with an excited TFT practitioner and local institutions to bring a TFT Boot Camp and an Optimal Health training to Brazil. It will be our first time to visit this country and we are delighted for the opportunity…

On the home front, please join us, and many other TFT practitioners, at the annual ACEP conference this June in San Diego, CA. I will be speaking, and we will have many family members, grandchildren and one beautiful great-grandchild sharing the beautiful weather with us. Click here to take register.

Joanne Callahan

When I tabulated the demonstration results from our new TFT teleclass series I was amazed.  The number of people and variety of problems we worked with and helped, in a brief period of time, following each class was truly a tribute to the healing power of TFT.

We offered a series of five teleclasses, beginning last January and ending in November.  Each class had a 55-60 minute presentation on TFT and how to use it on yourself at the algorithm level.  Then, we ended each call with live demonstrations with TFT Voice Technology (VT) from Dr. Callahan.  This allowed participants to experience our most successful level of TFT, Voice Technology.  The live demonstrations lasted 20-45 minutes with the average time per class about 30 minutes.

We had 79 volunteers for these demonstrations.  Based on 300 minutes of total demonstration time and 79 volunteers, the average treatment time was a mere 3.797 minutes. This is just truly astounding.

During the classes, we worked on many types of problems.  We eliminated fears for things like driving, freeways, flying, bridges, tunnels, public speaking and even death.  We helped many get rid of cravings or addictive behaviors.  Some eliminated a desire for alcohol, others cigarettes and food, and we helped still others stop biting their nails, pulling hair or picking.

Others learned how to easily and quickly control their anger or rage and improve their relationships. Read more

Nearly 80 people volunteered and were treated in our tapping tele-classes…

When I tabulated the demonstration results from our new TFT tele-class series I was amazed. The number of people and variety of problems we worked with and helped, in a brief period of time following each class, was truly a tribute to the healing power of TFT.

We offered a series of five tele-classes, beginning last January and ending in November. Over 1,000 people attended the classes. Each class had a 55-60 minute presentation on TFT and how to use it on yourself at the algorithm level. Then, we ended each call with live demonstrations with TFT Voice Technology (VT) from Dr. Callahan. This allowed participants to experience our most successful level of TFT, Voice Technology. The live demonstrations lasted 20-45 minutes with the average time per class about 30 minutes.

We had 79 volunteers for these demonstrations. Based on 300 minutes of total demonstration time and 79 volunteers, the average treatment time was a mere 3,797 minutes. This is just truly astounding.

During the classes, we worked on many types of problems. We eliminated fears for things like driving, freeways, flying, bridges, tunnels, public speaking and even death. We helped many get rid of cravings or addictive behaviors. Some eliminated a desire for alcohol, others cigarettes and food, and we helped still others stop biting their nails, pulling hair or picking.

Others learned how to easily and quickly control their anger or rage and improve their relationships. Read more

As New TFT Practitioners – We Had Our Own Apex Problem

By Noël Battal & Natasja Looman, Deventer, the Netherlands

First, we wish to offer our congratulations to Roger and Joanne for their ACEP Award!

In May 2010 we attended the Optimal Health course in London, England. We were very curious about Voice Technology and we were thrilled to learn that technique from Roger and Joanne! It was really a wonderful course.

At Saturday (our second course day) everybody had to practice VT over the phone in front of the group under supervision from Roger and Joanne. We had to choose a volunteer who we could call for a VT treatment. We asked our Mum in the Netherlands if we could practice on her and that was all right with her.

Our Mum had a fear of water since she was a little child (she’s now 63 years old). She only could handle water up to her knees. If the water came above her knees she would have a panic attack with hyperventilation. Walking with only her feet in the sea was okay, but when a wave came, she got frozen, her eyes got very big and she got very scared. Sitting in a boat was never an option for her, and neither was swimming. Even when she imagined that she could fall in the water, she would get a very fast heartbeat, she felt dizzy, and would start to breath very fast, and nearly get a panic attack.

We really wanted to help her with this fear, but we thought that this case was to complex and to difficult for a first VT practice as our Mum had this fear for nearly 60 years! So we asked Roger and Joanne if this case was too difficult to start with, but they say: “do not say something is too difficult, just try it! And, remember Roger’s first TFT case was also with a fear for water (Mary’s case)”.

So we called our mother in the Netherlands for a VT session and asked her to work on her fear for water. She said ”Oh if I could lose that fear…, is that really possible?” Read more

boston-Roger and Joanne Callahan

Roger and I have just returned from the UK and a great Optimal Health course where some of our long time practitioners of TFT, as well as a few new ones, have added the Voice Technology level to their skills.  They came from numerous health care fields to add the convenience and effectiveness of TFT VT to support the emotional health of their clients and training base.  It was a very diverse group and we all shared information on tapping within the fields of nursing, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, Reiki, hypnosis, trauma specialists and counseling, and, even a little EMDR.

Roger also taped a brief interview with Tom Greenhalgh, Executive Director of National Public Safety Solutions,  for his training programs.  I taped a brief segment on our trauma relief work and our Freedom R & R program for our returning veterans, for the ATFT Foundation,  and our Trauma Relief Blog.

Tom has an excellent production crew and facility and our hope is to have these tapes available to all our trainers for use in their trainings as well.  I will keep our trainers posted on their availability (on the trainer’s list serve).  Thank you Tom!

During the course we saw some excellent improvements in HRV’s as we worked on everyone’s personal issues throughout the weekend.  The objective self-testing and self-treatment methods allowed everyone to help themselves in many areas, as well as improve their clients, especially those who they had found difficult to help in the past.

One attendee helped a client with the recent death of a parent, another helped a sibling with PTSD from war, and several helped family members with various physical pain issues.  We had a variety of problems to practice on and they were enlightening learning experiences for everyone.

Also, we’ll be hosting another “Learn to Tap” Teleclass.

It has been a great experience for both Roger and I, and our class attendees.  They are doing an amazing job of applying tapping to themselves for  all kinds of life stresses, past traumas, over eating, claustrophobia and much more.

The teleclass format has proven to be a very effective way to help many people and provide them with one-on-one interaction with Roger and I, at a very reasonable cost.

Our country’s current economic state and the increased daily stress for most people make a low cost, easy to attend tele-class an effective way to solve problems.

As many are facing job interviews, employee reviews, new social or peer groups as your situations change, we find many of our customers are experiencing some degree of discomfort with these events.  The class starts at the end of the month .

Click here to register for the 2-part tele-class.

Band of focus

I am thrilled and honored to have learned about Thought Field Therapy. The TFT teleclass is one of the best training experiences and investments I have ever made.

The teleclass provided fantastic insight and guidance into the TFT algorithms and usage. I highly recommend everyone learn TFT and put it too good use. TFT can do wonders for you. Now, perhaps you are wondering why I am so excited about Thought Field Therapy. I hope that after reading about my situation and the help TFT has given me, you too will give it a try.

In January 2005 I went sledding down my street. Part way down the steep hill the snow become solid ice. I was unable to steer or stop and slid head first into the bumper of a parked mini-van. I suffered such a bad head injury that I barely made it to the hospital alive. If it took 20 minutes longer, it would have been too late. I was put into a medical coma for 10 days and have a two month period that I do not remember anything from.

With great medical care, support from my family, and post-hospital rehabilitation I finally returned to full time work after 8 months. I am nearly fully recovered other than I had lost 100% of my sense of smell. Medical professionals told me that the loss of smell is not an unusual occurrence after the type of brain injury I had. I was informed that I would never recover my sense of smell.

For five years, it was correct. I did not smell anything. However, in January 2010 I took the TFT teleclass and was given a customized Thought Field Therapy algorithm, from Dr. Roger Callahan, to regain my sense of smell. It is amazing the capability Roger has developed with TFT and Voice Technology. I have used the algorithm (((a, mf, tf, e, g50, eb) 9g) sq) at least 15 times a day for 40 consecutive days (20+ times for 35 of those 40 days).

After the 30th day, I was startled and pleasantly surprised to notice the air all of a sudden seemed different as walked down the indoor hallway near the building cafeteria. It took me a bit to realize I was actually smelling something again. After 5 years, I had sort of forgotten what that was like. In the days since then I have had other occasional instances of smelling things. My sense of smell is not yet 100% back, but I am thrilled to have what I was told could never happen actually occur. TFT has made this possible.

Roger originally explained I would need to follow this 15+ times a day regimen for many weeks. It only takes a minute to execute the algorithm and it can be anytime throughout the day. I gladly and enthusiastically continue applying TFT to further regain my sense of smell. This is much better than five years of thinking I would never smell again. Use TFT it really works. In addition to this more extensive usage, I have also used different TFT algorithms to alleviate other worries and anxieties.

David Burns
Portland, OR USA

Creative Commons License photo credit: travlinman43

TFT meridian energt, EFT, thought field Therapy, Rogeer Callahan

By Mark Steinberg, PhD.

How long does Thought Field Therapy treatment last? This seems to be an obsession among many people we talk to, skeptics and seekers alike.

Here is a good example:

Last February, I treated a 16-year old for OCD symptoms, using diagnostic face-to-face TFT. This adolescent had seriously disabling symptoms. He felt that there were good times to leave his house and bad times. If he missed the narrow window of good times, he could not leave his house. He was in grave distress.

Obviously, this condition seriously impacted his life. Ironically, he functioned very well outside of his obsessive compulsiveness. He was an excellent student and a first-string quarterback on his high school football team. His OCD included numerous restricting rituals, such as checking many things repeatedly and counting ritualistically.

After one TFT diagnostic treatment, his SUD went to a 1. He was giggling and flushed. I asked him to get upset about his problem, and, of course, he could not do it. Seeing how relaxed and jovial he had become, I needled him a bit to test the limits and validity of these results.

Oh, come on, I prodded. Isn’t it obvious that certain times are bad, and you should avoid leaving during those times?

That’s ridiculous, he laughed. I know I was like that, but not anymore. I can leave at any time.

We were both impressed by the dramatic and rapid results.

I didn’t see him for a year, and found myself thinking about him. Figuring that his problem was pretty severe, and that he might need more help, I called him to find out how he was doing, and to let him know that I could now treat him with Voice Technology.

To my amazement, he said he was doing fine, his problem of only leaving the house at certain times and checking things and counting had completely disappeared, and he did not need any treatment.

He said, I guess the treatment really worked. As an afterthought he added, Or maybe I just matured.

I was pleased, but dumfounded. (Nothing like an apex to end a conversation!)

Obsessing about how long this single treatment had lasted, I had to remind myself that keeping someone better was a better treat than treating someone longer.

Like the treatment, that is a thought that lasts.

TFT and Thought Field Therapy Meridian Tapping Energy has a lasting effect.

Creative Commons License photo credit: fauxto_digit