Tag Archive for: Trauma

Fourth of July in the United States is a major Holiday where were celebrate our independence and birth as a Nation. Most businesses are closed in observance of this patriotic occasion.

Major cities around the world have festivities, parades and concerts. The night ends with awesome displays of bursting color and light forms dancing against the dark backdrop in the sky. The Awe’s, Oh’s and Wow’s from the spectators can be heard echoing under the magnificent burst of light with loud pops and bangs.

For many living in the outskirts of the city or for those who choose not to travel into the crowded cities, friends and families come together and celebrate with each other at their homes. They create their own excitement and shoot off their own fireworks.

But, what happens when an exciting, fun filled evening turns bad? My 22 yr. old nephew, was in a rural area enjoying the festivities with other family members. After a day of boating and swimming, everyone sat around the campfire as several of the adults went over to the secured area to shoot off their own fireworks.

That’s when the evening turned disastrous. As soon as my nephew lit the fuse on his firework, it exploded in his face. Since it was dark, it was hard for anyone to determine how bad he was. There were several EMT’s at the party who started administering care right away. The closes ambulance was too far so they rushed him themselves to the closest hospital emergency center. His parents were 3 hours away and no one could get a hold of them.

The day after the accident.                            Healing underway

At the hospital, they had to remove various shrapnel from his forehead and eyes. He had 3rd degree burns over his face and forehead and his eyes were badly burned. They did what they could and advised getting him to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. A friend drove my nephew home so we could see about getting him additional medical attention. Since Monday was a holiday, we could not find a doctor who was open.

When I found out about the accident, I immediately called my sister-in-law and told her that I would come over to work with both of them. She was pretty shaken up when he got home and saw how bad he was. I always have my clients tap the side of their hand to clear any reversals, just in case. Next, I showed her the trauma algorithm and then had her to the anxiety algorithm. She said that there was noticeable difference in her anxiety and she felt much calmer.

My nephew was in major pain and traumatized over the ordeal. I immediately had him start tapping the side of his hand to keep his polarity out of reversal. I instructed him do this as often as possible. Since he could not move his eyes without intense pain, I used myself as a surrogate when doing the pain algorithm and the trauma algorithm. Since most of his face and eyes were badly burned and blistered, I tapped the spots on me, holding the intention for him. When it came time to do the 9 gamut sequence, I tapped his gamut spot and did the eye movements myself. He said it did help some.

In addition to TFT, I gave him Bach Rescue Remedy under his tongue and on the areas that only had 1st or 2nd degree burns. His Uncle had recently bought an “Amega – zero point field energy wand” which we started wanding his face and eyes every couple hours.

My sister finally found an ophthalmologist who could see him on Tuesday. The doctor said that his right eye was traumatized with blurry vision and the left eye had a severe burn on the cornea. The doctor prescribed a steroid drop and antibiotic to prevent infection. He told him that it could take 2-3 months to restore full vision in the eye if he even got full sight restored. The doctor told him to come back on Friday for a follow up.

I continued to work on my nephew with the TFT, Rescue Remedy cream and the “Amega” wand. We also kept after him to treat for reversals by tapping the side of the hand.

On Friday, the doctor could not believe how improved everything looked. My nephew could barely open his eyes on Tuesday. Now, he not only had them opened, the right eye was almost normal and the left eye had 80% vision restored. The scabbing on the face/forehead was pretty much gone and there was no real sign of scarring. He now only had a egg size area where the 3rd degree burn was.

Chrissy Mayhew TFT-Adv.
Well Within Reach

haiti trauma relief
Joanne Callahan, President, ATFT Foundation

There are currently two TFT healing and training teams, teaching local community leaders how to help their neighbors, families and colleagues how to tap away the pain of loss, trauma, grief, despair and fear.

ATFT UK Foundation’s board members, Dr. Howard and Phyll Robson, have joined a healthcare team led by Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat, California, providing community outreach for many in La Vallee, Haiti. Howard and Phyll are treating many and more importantly, are teaching a group of 32 leaders, clergy, teachers and professionals in TFT trauma relief. They will leave behind a TFT skilled and caring group to continue helping others.

They will soon be traveling to outlying areas with their new TFT trainees to support them as they begin to help the many children and refugees from the devastated Port Au Prince area.

This model of teaching the local people to carry on with the healing tools of TFT has proven to be very successful in Uganda and Rwanda and we expect similar results in Haiti.

The ATFT (USA) Foundation’s trauma relief team, Suzanne Connolly, Caroline Sakai, Gary Quinn and Cyndi Quinn, have also just begun training a new group at the TFT algorithm level, and are scheduled to begin a diagnostic level training for those trained in previous years. They will also begin two follow-up studies to the work done in Kigali and Byumba in 2008 and 2009.

Haiti TFT helpsThey said they were welcomed with smiling and appreciative faces, friends from their previous trips, all telling stories of how TFT has helped their community over the last year.

Rwanda has been an excellent example of how these missions can grow to serve an entire region. The IZERE Center (Reconciliation and Peace) in Byumba, Northern Rwanda has now been successfully helping the people of their region with TFT trained therapists for a full year.

Please help us carry on this much needed work. If you wish to help or contribute with further missions to Haiti or Rwanda, please click this link to the ATFT Foundation.

Lynn McTaggert, author of The Field, The Intention Experiment, and What Doctors Don’t Tell You, and one of the participants in the Living Matrix Movie, talks about Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and how it rapidly heals trauma. She gives an example the TFT healing of trauma in the warn torn country of Kosovo.

The Living Matrix – The New Science of Healing” is the feature length documentary that transforms your understanding of how to get well and stay well.
You can find out more and get the Living Matrix movie here:

Carl Totton, PsyD, works in the school district of a large city. In this video he relates how he treated 2 young men who experienced the trauma of an armed store robbery and a restaurant robbery. The trauma of having gun point to their heads devastated them to the point they could not function.

In matter of minutes using TFT tapping, they could cope with their trauma.

Full theater

Growing up, I was horribly afraid of my own shadow, strangers and public places. As a little child, I used to hide under my bed when company came and if we went out in public, I was stuck to my mom as a third leg. I have no clue what caused that fear and my parents can’t think of any trauma that happened to me. They just thought I was a very shy child.

In school, I’d have myself sick worrying about having to give a speech in front of the class or sing a recital with the choir in front of the parents. I always chose to be the person behind the scene and not the one in the spot light. I remember my body would shake, my heart would race, my mind went to mush and I’d turn bright red in the face. I didn’t even like to go anywhere by myself, especially if I didn’t know anyone else. Any new environment or change would be painful for me because I’d worry myself to the point that exhaustion.

When it came to my job or owning my own business, I knew I had to get rid of this ridiculous fear. I tried everything I could think of like therapy, desensitizing myself by forcing myself to go out to public places, acupuncture, Reiki, hypnosis, self help books and tapes. I think I tried it all. Along the way, those things did help yet their was always a lot of anxiety attached to going out and having to speak in front of people.

My husband and I did marriage prep for our church and there would be times that I thought my heart would jump through my throat or I got light headed when I had to read my part. I kept praying to God to get me through it. Afterwards, I’d be totally exhausted as if I’d run a marathon. Read more

project-rwanda ATFT

Izere Center in Nyinawimana Parish, Byumba Diocese in Rwanda

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) was the answer to a mother who sought help for her son recently.

Her boy was unable to attend school because he had intense rages, threw and destroyed things, and went into tantrums and tirades.  He was physically robust, and his petite mother appeared overwhelmed and exhausted with his supervision and care.

These rages were triggered whenever he didn’t want to do something, or didn’t like something, or when he did not get his way.

The treatment algorithms for oppositionality (psychological reversal), anger, rage and trauma were demonstrated to the child and mother.

The child was not initially cooperative, but tolerated being tapped by mother after psychological reversal was treated.  Then mother was warned that a thought field that would induce the rage might be created right then and there, to check the effectiveness of this treatment.  Mother seemed apprehensive, and she, the Rwandan therapist and ATFT team support therapist first moved out of the immediate range of his kicking and hitting.  Mother was asked to instruct the young boy to give the water bottle he was playing with to his mother, so he could do the tapping sequences.  He started going into a tantrum, and the reversal was done by the Rwandan therapist and his mother.

Much to both their surprise, the boy’s tantrum abruptly stopped, he gave the bottle to his mother as requested, and he started tapping himself.  He calmed down and tapped on all the meridian points himself.  He was not grunting, whining, yelling, kicking, throwing things, or hitting—but smiling, and wanting to repeat the treatment.

Mother worked with TFT with the same algorithm for her own frustration, and reported feeling the calming response herself and the remitting of her own intense emotions.  She made an appointment for a TFT follow-up visit for herself, and for help with parenting support at the Izere Center.

Dr. Caroline Sakai, TFT-VT, relates the story of a Rwandan boy who was so grateful for his relief from trauma through Thought Field Therapy (TFT), he tried to give her one of his prized possessions, a marble.

Wisdom - Seeds of Light

Now that we’ve come to the 30 year mark of Thought Field Therapy, it’s rewarding to see how Dr. Roger Callhan’s tapping technique has evolved to become a major part of the alternative healing community. In fact, the word “tapping” is now synonymous with Dr Roger Callahan.

A quick search for  “energy tapping for trauma” on Amazon finds a wide selection of books written by Fred Gallo, Anthony Robbins, Gary Craig, Joseph Mercola and Ron Ball, among many others.

Search “tapping” and you’ll find books covering phobias, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions and more.

Although the technique has been adapted by many to become their own versions (EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, Meridian Tapping Techniques… to name a few of the more prominent ones) we take great pride in knowing that Roger’s discovery has led to a whole category in alternative healing… and that a wide range of alternative healing practitioners have incorporated it into their practice.

Here’s a short video introduction of the TFT tapping technique by Dr. Fränzi Ng that demonstrates the tapping technique..

Fir information on how to apply tapping to your specific problem, please visit our website to get a free guide.

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney tapping

Paul Harris took time out for this video to tell his story of how Thought Field Therapy has helped him overcome his trauma.

Paul know a few things about fear and trauma… a horrific auto accident in 1989 left him with burns to over 80% his body – and he was pronounced dead three times.

Paul tells his story of how the burns affected his life and how one of our TFT practitioners,  Chrissy Mayhew,  helped him get over 20 years of his post traumatic stress:

Don't worry be happy - stress squeeze ball

A recent study done by the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, with 506 seniors (median age 82), found that those who were calm and easygoing were 50% less likely to develop dementia than those who were prone to anxiety and stress. (Hui-Xin Wang, PhD, research scientist, Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden).

Daily use of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) can reduce anxiety, fears and stress whether related to trauma, economic fears or other life stressors.  TFT also can improve heart rate variability (HRV).

Not only does reducing phobic anxiety increase HRV  but it can also reduce the risk of dementia. (Kawachi, I. et al., 1995.  Decreased heart rate variability in men with phobic anxiety:  data from the Normative Aging Study.  American Journal of Cardiology, 75(14):882-885)

To learn more information and receive a free daily stress busting program, go to www.TFTRX.com

Creative Commons License photo credit: alonso_inostrosa