Tag Archive for: Trauma

Suzanne Connolly, LCSW, LMFT

If you were asked what the major cause of death and disability is globally, you would probably guess heart disease — and you would be correct.  But did you know that the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that posttraumatic stress will be second only to heart disease as the cause of death and disability by the year 2020? That means that by the year 2020, approximately 780,000,000 men and women globally will be suffering from posttraumatic stress in any one year. Right now, one out of 20 men and one out of 10 women in the world is suffering from posttraumatic stress.

Posttraumatic stress not only affects individuals, it affects families and entire communities. And we are just talking about posttraumatic stress; there are so many other mental health issues that confront individuals throughout the world.  As TFT practitioners, we know from our research and experience, that there is no more efficient and effective way to tackle mental health issues than Thought Field Therapy.

But the number of Thought Field Therapy therapists throughout the world is limited; and there are only so many individuals and families that one TFT practitioner can treat.  It is imperative, that we begin an effort to teach more TFT practitioners to teach others to use our proven Thought Field Therapy Techniques, through humanitarian outreach.

The WHO met in 2009 and addressed the problem of what to do after man-made and natural disasters. They concluded that in a world of high need and few trained professionals, para-professionals need to be trained to fill the gap, referring only those who couldn’t be helped by the para-professionals to available professionals.

Your TFT Foundation is constantly making an effort to spread TFT for humanitarian purposes. Your TFT Foundation has developed a method of treating trauma after large scale disasters that has been tested and refined throughout the years in Haiti, Tanzania, Mexico, Kuwait, Japan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This method has also been researched, and three randomized control studies have been published. You can learn this method and its protocol during a one-day intensive before the 2016 International Energy Psychology Conference.

Persons receiving this one-day training will learn to train professionals and para-professionals in humanitarian outreach settings and will receive a certification to teach TFT to professionals and non-professionals for humanitarian purposes. They will not be certified to teach TFT, in any way, for fees or non-humanitarian purposes.

Please join Suzanne Connolly and many other TFT practitioners on the second of June for this important TFT activity.   To quote Helen Keller, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”  Be part of the solution and join us in Santa Clara.


Suzanne Connolly, LCSW, LMFT, has trained over 2,000 people worldwide to use TFT and to integrate TFT in clinical settings. Her presentation venues include Rwanda, Israel and Kuwait. (www.tappingtft.com) Suzanne Connolly is a member of the TFT Foundation Board.

Would you like to get trained in helping communities heal after disaster? Would you like to learn more about using TFT in humanitarian settings? Join us for the 18th International Energy Psychology Conference in Santa Clara, CA from June 2-5. Suzanne will be offering a full-day training just before the conference where you will learn a protocol for using TFT in communities after large-scale traumatic events. Learn more.

Nightmare of TraumaThought Field Therapy has been used to overcome traumas around the world.

The new book on Though Field Therapy and Trauma provides the latest and most up-to-date procedures and theory for TFT.

Roger J. Callahan, PhD, founder and developer of Thought Field Therapy, includes information on Heart Rate Variability (HRV), the important role of toxins, the healing system and much more. He gives the reader step-by-step instructions on how to Stop the Nightmares of Trauma.

You can get the book here, or if you would like a sampler from the book, click here.

You can also listen to Joanne Callahan’s Interview on WAMS Talk radio here:

Joanne Callahan Radio

Trrauma to Peace - How Tapping HelpedWatch and hear story after story told of the horrors suffered by  Rwandans and the transformative healing that has taken place in their lives since learning TFT. The Rwandans have forgiven.   And, through the healing power of TFT, they have not only forgiven, they have transformed themselves from survivors to happy, productive and loving people.

The documentary shares the work the TFT Foundation has done in Rwanda since 2006. The research that has been completed, the trainings of TFT leaders, and the humanitarian relief are all compelling. The stories of each life, family and community that can now smile, laugh, love one another and be productive again will melt your hearts as it has ours. It deeply conveys the great need for trauma relief in our world. Reg. Price $24.95

Click here to purchase
Only $19.95 with Free  Shipping

One of our TFT Foundation board members, Mary Cowley, wrote a wonderful description for the documentary.

Read more

The healing of trauma is becoming more and more important – WHY?

  • Traditionally recognized reasons:
    • PTSD and symptoms including fear often develop
    • Long-term and chronic health issues – lowered HRV
    • Decreased quality of life – nightmares, anxiety, anger
    • Overall negative effect on society – cycle of violence
  • Additional reasons that may be relevant:
    • Dramatic rise in trauma around the world
    • NewTrauma of Life is PASSED DOWN in SPERM – affects our children and even our grandchildren (see below)

The TFT Foundation’s documentary, From Trauma to Peace, is in the end stages of post-production.  An early version will be premiered at the ACEP Conference in Arizona at the end of this month.  Attend and be the first to see this ground breaking work and hear from the many Rwandans whose lives have been transformed.  To view our new trailer, go to:  www.TFTFoundation.org.

The model it presents is a model for large scale trauma relief that can be implemented anywhere in the world.  If we hope to find peace in this world, it is becoming clearer every day that we must begin healing the trauma in our lives.  This latest study shows us the health of our future generations depend on this healing.

How the trauma of life is passed down in SPERM, affecting the mental health of future generations:

  • The changes are so strong they can even influence a man’s grandchildren
  • They make the offspring more prone to conditions like bipolar disorder

Read more, article by Emma Innes.

Tapping for dogs

In a successful experience with TFT, I was retained to work with a Jack Russell Terrier who was dismissed from the Conformation Ring for growling at the judge and biting him when he examined the dog’s feet.

Could TFT cure this problem? I wondered.

After some basic obedience training using positive reinforcement, I found the pup only 80% reliable. By using TFT, I was able to break through that final 20% and he went on to earn his Championship.

I started with desensitizing handling, then had strangers handle his feet while he was on a table. When he growled at them and showed his teeth to the handler, I started TFT.

At first, the pup was not receptive to the tapping. That is to say, he resisted it. I started by tapping him in the middle of his forehead, a technique I have used for many years (prior to my knowledge of TFT) to calm hyperactive dogs. After getting his attention, I used the eyebrow, under eye, under arm, clavicle, and gamut tapping sequence.

At first he looked surprised, and then calm.

After several treatments, the pup seemed to invite the tapping as though aware it was making him feel better.

I’ve also used TFT with other dogs including, recently, two Labrador Retrievers who were rescued from very abusive homes. Both dogs were fear-aggressive, lunging, barking, snapping, then retreating. After working with the dogs for several days, gaining their confidence, I had a stranger approach the dogs to maximize their trauma. I then applied the treatment, tapping the forehead, under eye, clavicle and sternum. The dogs calmed noticeably.

I have also used TFT many times briefly when working with students in classes. As I approach the pups, I signal them with the calming signals and then tap them on the forehead, under the eye, and on the sternum or clavicle, whichever is easiest to find. The only times I do not feel successful are when the owners interfere with or are not willing to try the treatment.

I believe TFT works when the dog is confident in the person applying the treatment. It should not be tried with a dog who is frightened of everyone and who has no “ally” in the room. In this situation, I find that dogs are not receptive to treatment and it is very difficult to tap the appropriate spots. —Lee Wells

TFT Tpping and dogs

I have been visiting an animal rescue center and recently had the opportunity to work with a dog that was traumatized. She was at the center for re-homing and was lying shivering in her basket. She would not move from it and braced her feet against the side so that it was almost impossible to move her.

As she lay trembling, I talked to her and tapped using the trauma algorithm. I next used algorithms for complex trauma, anger and rage. Gradually she became a little more interested and did not tense her body quite as much. I was able to lift her to a sitting position and then, after some more tapping, she stepped out of her bed and came with me for a walk. It had taken about 30 minutes. She was still very nervous, had her tail between her legs and pulled back when she saw another person or dog.

However, she seemed to enjoy the walk!

The next day, I found her—again—in her basket, trembling fearfully. But this time she picked up her head and looked at me, and even wagged her tail a little. It took 5 minutes to get her to step out of her bed and go outside with me. The next time I visited the center, I saw her running in and out of her outside pen and jumping up to greet people!

After that success, the staff asked me to work with another dog—only a few months old and already biting and snapping.

“He’s a challenge,” said the staffer. “Be careful of that one.”

After listening blithely to advice that I’d have to ‘lasso’ him by dropping a loop of lead around his neck, I found the dog cowering in the corner behind his bed.
I sat on the floor and focused my attention on him, using surrogate tapping to calm him. Eventually he got up and walked over to me and sniffed my hand. He went away and came back a few times, and I was gradually able to stroke his head and begin touching the tapping points on his head.

He didn’t make any attempt to growl or bite, and after a short while I was able to tap gently through the sequence and put a collar around his neck. I took him outside, although he was obviously not used to walking on a lead so I carried him some of the way and sat with him, continuing to tap whenever he seemed uneasy.  He yawned the way some people do after a TFT session.

Later, one of the staff tried her own puppy in the dog run with him. And 30 minutes later, she had both puppies on leads on the grass outside the building! —Jo Cooper

The TFT Foundation’s teams, USA and UK, have just returned safely from a very rewarding and successful trip to Uganda.  They trained local Ugandans to heal trauma, fear, grief and other sufferings, as well as helped many Ugandans directly.

When you do these missions, it is heartwarming to receive a letter from our host, Fr. Peter, thanking us and sharing the many healings they are already experiencing.

Here is an excerpt of his letter.


Dear Joanne,

I greet you and Dr. Callahan so much in the name of Jesus. I am very grateful to you and the foundation for sending us such a wonderful team of five people. They were very excellent. They did not only have a Mastery of the content and matter of TFT, but they also showed us a lot of love, concern and care. They were able to integrate with us very well. It was very easy for people to ask them questions, and the responses were perfect and out of love.

Everything, the training of catechists and the PTSD study went on perfectly. You really sent us excellent people. Our prayer and request is that, they should be the very people to come to Uganda next time. We already miss them so much. I am really very grateful. We did not have a single problem with any of them at all. Thanks a lot.

The catechists who were trained mastered the TFT Algorithm level and have already started treating people with very good results.

Many people were healed during the stay of the team you sent us in Uganda. The catechists were getting amazed and surprised at the very many healings. I am so much impressed, and the bishop is so much impressed. I will promote TFT till I die, and I thank God for revealing TFT to you and Dr. Callahan. May God bless you abundantly.

We have plans that if possible on your part, there could be a follow up next year of the trained catechists and the PTSD study, and the same persons are followed up. We are planning a National training of TFT within two years if you and the bishop allow us.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Greetings to Dr. Callahan  I remain yours in Christ,

Fr.Peter Mubunga Basaliza

Also, notice he has invited us back next year for a follow up to the study and further training for local communities.  This work further validated our model for large scale trauma relief and has helped reduce the suffering of many Ugandans.

If you would like to help us continue this work, click here to donate.

Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

TFT: Helping to overcome trauma around the world

Download The Latest Tapping For Humanity Newsletter…

TFtT Tapping NewsletterLast year, 2011, was an exciting and productive year for the ATFT (now the TFT) Foundation. We saw the completion, continuance and fruition of many programs with support for our mission and goals.

This year is headed in the same fruitful direction. In our Spring Issue we share our plans, needs and hopes for this year and our long-term future.

Glimpse a bit of the past and hope for the future – I am so excited to be able to share the just completed teaser for our upcoming documentary (see below).

Click here to download the latest newsletter

One of our TFT Foundation board members, Mary Cowley, wrote a wonderful description for the documentary.

Peace IS within our grasp. It is at the tip of our fingers…literally. The upcoming documentary “From Trauma to Peace” will shock you in how quickly and easily people can be relieved of the devastating effects of trauma through the safe and effective “tapping” technique of Thought Field Therapy (TFT). AND how the impact of that emotional freedom not only brings peace of mind to the individual, but facilitates peace within and among communities.

As you may know, we give away a free TFT Stress Guidein fact the guide is downloaded over 50 times per day.

Everyone that gets the guide is asked to let us know how tapping therapy has worked for them. We do this for a few reasons. First is to make sure that we are providing instructions that are easy to follow, as second is that we like to hear from all of the TFT family.

Over the course of this year we have received over 1,000 surveys from our TFT readers, and we’d like to share some of the surprising results.

Here is a sampling of the results people are getting with Thought Field Therapy®… from just the past 2 weeks.

Feel better about myself. Didn’t realize that the trauma of my mothers sudden death in front of me when I was 3 yrs old had affected me for the next 55 years.


Instant relief, and calm. Simply amazing!

After I performed the tapping technique i absolutely forgot about the stress I was dealing with. I just couldn’t stop laughing!

I applied just the bare beginning meaning finding out what to tap and in what sequence and I right away experienced a positive turn – especially the Reversal taps!  Amazing!

Before I went to work I glanced at the website and implemented the steps and it became a very useful tool.  I started implementing the steps when I found myself in lots of traffic on my way to work. I am so glad that I knew what to do. Thank you.

I feel calmer, I have been tapping everyday for the past three days, everytime I think of it. Helps to put myself in better space, would like to have it specific to my personal needs, think the results will be phenomenal.

Felt better after tapping. Routine a bit different to the EFT I’m accustomed to, but I find TFT more credible. Probably because this is the foundation of tapping. Read more

Below is a video we did after China’s earthquake… showing how to use TFT tapping therapy to overcome trauma and anxiety from earthquakes.

The tapping sequence can also be used if you are facing trauma following a natural disaster.

Please share this with anyone you know that may be suffering from trauma.