Entries by Dwainjew

New Study About the Danger of Cell Phone Radiation

The following article just came in my WDDTY newsletter.  I want to share it with all TFT practitioners as we are seeing more and more of EMF sensitive clients.  For more information about this newsletter go to www.wddty.com/ Radio frequency radiation from cell (mobile) phone networks can cause cancer, a major $30m study has concluded. […]


Anti-Aging, Increased Energy and Peace and Calm?

While it sounds hard to believe, so did tapping under the eyes to cure a phobia. Since the early 1980’s the feats of TFT have been hard to believe and have held up over time. TFT is a constantly evolving healing modality, and now we have added a new level of healing and use of […]

Diagnostic Process Course now available in French

Dear TFT Community, We are excited to announce our new Diagnostic Process:  Determining Specific and Individual Tapping Protocols has just been launched in French.    I just received the following details. Joanne, I am very pleased to announce that your Paris TFT Dx online training has been launched! Hooray! Here is the link to the Training […]

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from phones affect memory…

Author and Journalist Lynne McTaggart, who mentioned TFT in the Living Matrix, has an excellent publication, WDDTY, What Doctor’s Don’t Tell You. I have received their emails for many years and often find very relevant information to our practice of TFT and healing. Below is one such article: Schoolchildren suffering memory problems from using their […]

Where should I start with TFT?

We are often asked, Where should I start with TFT? Or, Which training should I take? Because TFT has so many options for training, whether professional or for personal use, it can sometimes be confusing to the person new to TFT. Additionally, we are creating new trainings for both online and live delivery and it […]

Tapping Away Aches and Pains – A Safe Way to Relieve Pain

Our last issue of the Thought Field newsletter shared a touching story about a little girl in the hospital dying from cancer, and suffering severe pain.  As I was reading it, I thought back about several times over the years, that Roger would work with a cancer patient, who, like this little girl, was in […]

The Power of Treating PRs in a Hospital Setting

An 11-year old girl was admitted to the local children’s hospital wing for acute pain, level 10, throughout her body.  Doctors told her parents that based on a CT scan, her cancer had returned and had spread through her entire body and that there was nothing for them to do but to give her a […]

Forensic Nurse Solves Pain That Won’t Go Away

As we dashed into the hotel lobby, shivering from the freezing wind of a chilly Denver night, my friend and I looked at each other and laughed—remembering the great day we had had. We were conference presenters together and followed the morning’s proceedings with a calming afternoon of wine, massage, tea and friendship—after briefly visiting […]