Tag Archive for: Self Sabotage

Learn the Sensitivities, Intolerances and Toxins TFT Protocol

How much better could you feel every day, if you could learn what things trigger those negative feelings, rapid heart rate, a head ache, or fatigue…. if you can avoid eating things that make you feel bad, or, possibly neutralize them when you eat them, you could significantly improve the quality of your life?

And, what if you could eliminate negative feelings and self-sabotage when they start, or even before they happen?

The top two questions we have been asked over the last three decades of TFT’s development and training are:

How can I identify my own toxins? Or, how can I stop negative thinking and blocks to succeeding?

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Join us for the TFT self-help workshop and learn How to Apply the Power of Tapping to Eliminate Stress, Fear, Anxieties, and Identify and Overcome Your Blocks to Achieving Better Health.

Tapping Therapy for Health Workshop

In response to the large number of requests from people around the world who ask us how they can put the full power of Thought Field Therapy® into effect in their daily lives, we have created a new 2-day live workshop.

Our new live event–Tapping Into Health–will teach you how to combine the TFT tapping algorithms, or tapping sequences, for optimum results in you life.

The workshop will be throughout the year, where you’ll learn:

  • 30+ years of powerful TFT algorithms
  • 35+ of our proven powerful tapping sequences for improving your quality of life.
  • How to combine sequences for optimum results in your own life
  • Objective self-testing of self-sabotage and blocks to healing and success
    – where you’ll learn to identify and correct all of your blocks to well-being.

You’ll also get a Tapping Into Health Guide that you’ll be able to keep as a reference the techniques and tapping sequences for almost any challenge you’ll face.

In this special workshop for anyone wanting to learn TFT in-depth, we’ll even be sharing the self-testing and identification of toxins, as well as the neutralization protocols –previously only available to our advanced level TFT practitioners.

Tapping Into Health Create a Better Lifestyle Through TFT

Click here for details on attending this new tapping self-help workshop

When I tabulated the demonstration results from our new TFT teleclass series I was amazed.  The number of people and variety of problems we worked with and helped, in a brief period of time, following each class was truly a tribute to the healing power of TFT.

We offered a series of five teleclasses, beginning last January and ending in November.  Each class had a 55-60 minute presentation on TFT and how to use it on yourself at the algorithm level.  Then, we ended each call with live demonstrations with TFT Voice Technology (VT) from Dr. Callahan.  This allowed participants to experience our most successful level of TFT, Voice Technology.  The live demonstrations lasted 20-45 minutes with the average time per class about 30 minutes.

We had 79 volunteers for these demonstrations.  Based on 300 minutes of total demonstration time and 79 volunteers, the average treatment time was a mere 3.797 minutes. This is just truly astounding.

During the classes, we worked on many types of problems.  We eliminated fears for things like driving, freeways, flying, bridges, tunnels, public speaking and even death.  We helped many get rid of cravings or addictive behaviors.  Some eliminated a desire for alcohol, others cigarettes and food, and we helped still others stop biting their nails, pulling hair or picking.

Others learned how to easily and quickly control their anger or rage and improve their relationships. Read more

Nearly 80 people volunteered and were treated in our tapping tele-classes…

When I tabulated the demonstration results from our new TFT tele-class series I was amazed. The number of people and variety of problems we worked with and helped, in a brief period of time following each class, was truly a tribute to the healing power of TFT.

We offered a series of five tele-classes, beginning last January and ending in November. Over 1,000 people attended the classes. Each class had a 55-60 minute presentation on TFT and how to use it on yourself at the algorithm level. Then, we ended each call with live demonstrations with TFT Voice Technology (VT) from Dr. Callahan. This allowed participants to experience our most successful level of TFT, Voice Technology. The live demonstrations lasted 20-45 minutes with the average time per class about 30 minutes.

We had 79 volunteers for these demonstrations. Based on 300 minutes of total demonstration time and 79 volunteers, the average treatment time was a mere 3,797 minutes. This is just truly astounding.

During the classes, we worked on many types of problems. We eliminated fears for things like driving, freeways, flying, bridges, tunnels, public speaking and even death. We helped many get rid of cravings or addictive behaviors. Some eliminated a desire for alcohol, others cigarettes and food, and we helped still others stop biting their nails, pulling hair or picking.

Others learned how to easily and quickly control their anger or rage and improve their relationships. Read more

Vern-moter- TappingListen to Business Talk Radio, Saturday, January 23rd at 2:00 EST, and learn how you can tap into better business, health and well-being this year.

By the third week of January, most of us have abandoned our well intended New Year’s Resolutions. However, TFT has some simple tools to prevent that self-sabotage, negative self-talk, eliminate those cravings, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve our ability to visualize for peak performance.

Vern Moter, CPA, and host of Your Practical Advisor on Business Talk Radio will interview Joanne Callahan, President of Callahan Techniques, Ltd. and co-developer of TFT.

They will talk about this year’s top 10 New Year’s Resolutions and teach listeners how to correct blocks to achievement and healing, eliminate cravings, and improve their ability to clearly visualize their desired goals.

They will also be offering a 25% on a Stop Smoking self-help package and a Free Stress Busting Guide. Be sure to listen for your 25% savings code for his listeners. In addition you will hear from Vern about some great self-help programs he has for increasing your income this year.

Click here to listen live at Business Talk Radio.

Click the listen live button, at 2:00 pm EST on Saturday, January 23rd.