Tag Archive for: Phobias

Dr. Roger Callahan is the founder of Thought Field Therapy – TFT.

Dr. Callahan believes his most important discovery is psychological reversal due to the enormous impact it has had.

Since founding TFT, there have been many copycat versions taken and modified from Dr. Roger Callahan’s lifetime studies. EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is one example.

Get the original proven program for relief from pain, stress and anxiety.

You can find out more on Dr. Roger Callahan’s website, and also get the free guide to beating phobias here.

These are the same procedures given in the Daily Stress Busting Program, where you will see exactly how and where to apply them to yourself, for the stress of everything from job interviews to exam anxiety to travel fears.

Today’s world is chaotic, filled with anxiety, trauma and stress, from natural disasters, war, terrorists and the economic crises of job loss, home foreclosures and stock market crashes.

This constant stress on our minds and bodies takes its toll. Studies continually tell us stress depresses our immune system, increases risk of heart disease, aggravates weight and addictive behaviors and leads to sleep problems. Not to speak of what it does to us emotionally.

To get emotional freedom, you need to first get free of stress. Most of us find these stresses inescapable, but, there is something you can do, quickly and simply, to reduce the stress on your system.

Dr. Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy® has over 30 years of success in conquering trauma, stress, phobias, fears and addictions. It has some proven yet simple, self-help procedures (based on the body’s meridian system) that will decrease the stress we experience daily.

These protocols are explained, in detail, in Dr. Roger Callahan’s book, Tapping the Healer Within, and key procedures for reducing stress are provided in his Daily Stress Busting Program.

This simple, Daily Stress Busting Program, based on procedures from his book Tapping the Healer Within, and proven in relief work in areas such as Kosovo, Rwanda, New Orleans, can offer you significant relief in your hectic, unpredictable world. Find the emotional freedom you need.

You can get the free tapping guide at http://www.RogerCallahan.com

Our New Book Is Now Available!

Real People Reveal How Thought Field Therapy® Heals Trauma, Anxiety and Disease.

To all the Thought Field Therapy practitioners around the world who have helped hurting and despairing people recover their lives, this book is dedicated to you. -Roger and Joanne Callahan

For the past 30 years, a simple technique called Thought Field Therapy has been rapidly healing negative emotions such as trauma and anxiety—and even disease—for people who are desperate to regain wellness and normalcy in their lives.

What started as a simple therapeutic treatment to stimulate the body’s own healing systems through the identification of a specific code and then tapping this code on various points of the body—using the same system Chinese acupuncturists do—has become a mainstream therapy accepted by medical doctors, psychologists, alternative healthcare practitioners and even military mental-health personnel.

Thousands of people have recovered rapidly from troublesome disorders like insomnia, gout or tinnitus. Others have eliminated stress, anxiety and phobias such as fear of flying and fear of public speaking—literally within minutes. Still others with life-threatening cancer have completely reversed the disease. Hundreds have regained their lives by curbing addictive urges for nicotine, controlled substances or obsessive behaviors. And those suffering the aftereffects of trauma—warfare, rape, injury or loss—have instantly removed the horrible emotions and feelings tied to that event which previously controlled their lives, sometimes for decades.

But while hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have proven that Thought Field Therapy (or “TFT”) is the most effective tool available for rapidly improving one’s physical and mental health—surprisingly, millions of consumers still suffering from illness, stress, depression and trauma have yet to even hear of it.

That, we believe, is about to change.

Read more

International trauma expert Suzanne Connolly will be on Healing Talk Radio for a live demonstration of Thought Field Therapy in the treatment of PTSD, On Wednesday March 30th at 11AM MST.

Suzanne has healed trauma and trained trauma therapists throughout the world. She was invited to travel to Littleton Coloroado to train professionals who were treating the traumatized survivors of the Columbine High School shooting. Suzanne has also traveled to Kuwait, France and Rwanda to train community workers in trauma recovery and to directly treat victims of genocide.

Suzanne has participated in three different research studies, including the study “Treatment of PTSD in Rwandan Child Genocide Survivors Using Thought Field Therapy”, published in Winter 2010 edition of International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12(1), 41-50. Suzanne is also author of the book “Thought Field Therapy: Clinical Applications Integrating TFT in Psychotherapy. published in 2004.

A local client volunteer with disabling symptoms of PTSD will join the radio program and Suzanne Connolly will work live on the air with the client to resolve her problems, which include intense nightmares almost every night and severe, intrusive fears.

After over 20 years of practice and research, Thought Field Therapy continues to produce dramatic results in the resolution of brain-stem based emotional issues. Meridian-based tapping releases have been shown in studies to be the fastest of all release methods for phobias and fear issues, and can produce dramatic improvement for these problems one session.

With its precision, carefully developed algorithms and history of humanitarian use for trauma, Thought Field Therapy is the premier and original meridian-based release therapy.

For more information go to healingtalkradio.wordpress.com

This program will broadcast live on Healing Talk Radio at 11 am Mountain Time, Wednesday March 30 on KSTAR, 1400 am.

Healing Talk is also syndicated to three internet radio stations: wcww.com, planetarystreams.com, and shoutcast.com.

The program is streamed worldwide starting Saturday, April 2nd. It will replay daily for a week at 11 am and 2 am mountain time.


By Rosemarie Solarz, Maryland

The story I am about to tell is perhaps one that a lot of people can relate to. Fear of snakes!

Having a brother that frequently brought home creepy crawlers of any kind, made my life uneasy at a very early age. Family camping trips were never fun for me, I was always fearful of us coming across one, dead or alive, and have my brother tease me by threatening to throw it at me.

Looking back now I can see the controlling effect the fear of snakes had on me.

Spring is the most difficult time for me because of my phobia. The fear of the snakes coming out of hibernation kept me from doing the things I love in the yard.

Remembering back to the times when there would be the annual field trip to the local zoo and I would chaperon.

Each time when it came time to visit the snake house, I would have to have one of the other mothers include my group with hers. I could not bring myself to even go near the place.

There are no words adequately enough to express the depth of fear I had at just the mention of the word snake.

When I was first approached to consider a new concept in treating phobias with Thought Field Therapy, I honestly was skeptical. I was told that it would not take long, perhaps five to fifteen minutes of my time, no cost to me, and painless!

I laughed it off and walked away, since I did not want to face the issue of my phobia.

Two weeks went by before I was again asked if I would like to get rid of my fear of snakes.

Finally I consented. I first asked if I had to touch one or it be in the same room I was in because if I did, no deal!

Assured there would not be any snakes involved, the process began.

I was first told to think about snakes and rate my fear on a scale of one to ten. The mere word snake set me in a tailspin. I immediately felt sick to my stomach, heart beating very rapidly, felt faint, head began to ache, sweaty palms and down right scared to death not knowing what I had done to myself. As far as I was concerned, ten was not a high enough number to express my pain.

The therapy began and it was hard for me to concentrate on the instructions I was given at first because of all my physical pain I was experiencing.

The time went by quickly, what seemed like minutes to me, took all of twelve minutes all toll for the therapy to end.

The transformation in my mind and body was unbelievable. I felt as if a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulder. Or I had just awakened from a ten hour sleep, very refreshed and happy.

To my utter disbelieve the fear was gone. I can not only say the word snake and not go into my usual physical pain; I can now look at pictures about them, watch movies about them and read books about them with my grandchildren.

The technique Dr. Callahan has developed for ridding phobias for people like me is so unique; I wish I had had the opportunity to have done so long ago.

I want to express to all that still suffer from some type of phobia to take a step in faith and give TFT a try. You have nothing to loose, a few minutes of your time can change your life.

Creative Commons License photo credit: LongitudeLatitude

Wisdom - Seeds of Light

Now that we’ve come to the 30 year mark of Thought Field Therapy, it’s rewarding to see how Dr. Roger Callhan’s tapping technique has evolved to become a major part of the alternative healing community. In fact, the word “tapping” is now synonymous with Dr Roger Callahan.

A quick search for  “energy tapping for trauma” on Amazon finds a wide selection of books written by Fred Gallo, Anthony Robbins, Gary Craig, Joseph Mercola and Ron Ball, among many others.

Search “tapping” and you’ll find books covering phobias, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions and more.

Although the technique has been adapted by many to become their own versions (EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, Meridian Tapping Techniques… to name a few of the more prominent ones) we take great pride in knowing that Roger’s discovery has led to a whole category in alternative healing… and that a wide range of alternative healing practitioners have incorporated it into their practice.

Here’s a short video introduction of the TFT tapping technique by Dr. Fränzi Ng that demonstrates the tapping technique..

Fir information on how to apply tapping to your specific problem, please visit our website to get a free guide.

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney tapping

There is a new, excellent article in Vision magazine talking about the benefits of TFT for anxiety and stress relief.  It is an interview with TFT practitioner Sharon Goodlove, whose is trained through the advanced, Optimal Health level of TFT which includes Voice Technology.  Sharon has been a long time practitioner and the interview is great for increasing awareness of the benefits of using Thought Field Therapy for anxiety and stress in today’s chaotic times.

For further information on training in TFT or a listing of practitioners, go to www.TFTRX.com .

Thought Field Therapy Tapping into Emotional Freedom

by Elyssa Paige

thought field therapy

If I told you that you could completely rid yourself of fear, anxiety and stress in a matter of minutes, what would you say?

That’s what Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is all about. By simply tapping on acupressure points in a specific order, you balance the body’s energy system and release negative emotions.

I discovered this modality during a stressful time in my life in which I thankfully found my way to the cozy office of Sharon Goodlove, Certified Thought Field Therapy Diagnostician. She showed me how to treat myself in one session. Recently we spoke again—this time to empower others to release negativity and heal themselves through TFT. Read more

As we enter February and approach Valentine’s Day many of us turn our thoughts to our love relationships. Some of us are grateful for the love of our lives, while many others are asking themselves – Why do I always get a loser? – or – How can I find that special person and not sabotage it?

Amouraphobia is at the root of many of the troubles with our love life. It is caused by the very severe personal trauma that virtually everyone one of us has suffered – at one time or another in our lives, loss of a lover. I call this horrible trauma LOVE PAIN. Many may joke about this pain but underneath the humor seethes remnants of the past suffering and terrible LOVE PAIN.

Severe love pain is supposed to only happen to adolescents. Because they are more vulnerable and open to intense romantic love (Romeo and Juliet were adolescents) they do suffer to a greater degree than their elders.

My first book, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU was about amouraphobia and its manifold effects, especially it’s potential for destroying the chance for a happy and fulfilling romantic life – even if you happen to have the ideal partner.

As a result of my theory, I found that those who had suffered severe love pain, in the past, often became severe amouraphobes. I then discovered a very effective treatment for amouraphobia and the severe trauma from the past love loss. It is quite possible, if you do these self-help procedures, you will notice it is easier to give, communicate, and receive romantic love, perhaps better than you have since you were very young.

Many people believe that the most common phobias are fear of public speaking or fear of death. Perhaps not? Based on my decades of experience and clinical practice, I believe the most common fear is, fear of intense romantic love, amouraphobia. I did considerable clinical research on amouraphobia and I found that it caused many problems and was much more common than we realized.

When my book, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU, first came out, it received much media attention. However, at that time, while it was an intriguing topic, I had not yet discovered a treatment for it. Even so, US magazine did a full story on it, Phil Donahue devoted a whole show to the concept and the media devoured it.

Now, however, I understand the phenomenon of amouraphobia, what causes it and the problems it causes in our lives, robbing many of a satisfying and fulfilling romantic relationship.

Surprisingly enough, the same treatment that is needed to relieve love pain is the very same treatment we use on severe traumas. The treatment needed to eliminate the amouraphobia is our common phobia treatment, best used after using the trauma treatment to treat past love pain and grief.

If you miss the free teleclass, we provide free Trauma Self-Help from our web site . This help is available in English, Spanish and a video in Chinese. We will be adding new languages soon. This is the very same, powerful treatment we have used in our trauma relief missions in Rwanda, Kosovo, New Orleans, Uganda and to help our returning veterans.

Roger J. Callahan, Founder and Developer of Thought Field Therapy