Tag Archive for: Healer

These are the same procedures given in the Daily Stress Busting Program, where you will see exactly how and where to apply them to yourself, for the stress of everything from job interviews to exam anxiety to travel fears.

Today’s world is chaotic, filled with anxiety, trauma and stress, from natural disasters, war, terrorists and the economic crises of job loss, home foreclosures and stock market crashes.

This constant stress on our minds and bodies takes its toll. Studies continually tell us stress depresses our immune system, increases risk of heart disease, aggravates weight and addictive behaviors and leads to sleep problems. Not to speak of what it does to us emotionally.

To get emotional freedom, you need to first get free of stress. Most of us find these stresses inescapable, but, there is something you can do, quickly and simply, to reduce the stress on your system.

Dr. Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy® has over 30 years of success in conquering trauma, stress, phobias, fears and addictions. It has some proven yet simple, self-help procedures (based on the body’s meridian system) that will decrease the stress we experience daily.

These protocols are explained, in detail, in Dr. Roger Callahan’s book, Tapping the Healer Within, and key procedures for reducing stress are provided in his Daily Stress Busting Program.

This simple, Daily Stress Busting Program, based on procedures from his book Tapping the Healer Within, and proven in relief work in areas such as Kosovo, Rwanda, New Orleans, can offer you significant relief in your hectic, unpredictable world. Find the emotional freedom you need.

You can get the free tapping guide at http://www.RogerCallahan.com

stress-cancer-trauma - TFT

Last week we did an introductory level tele-class, Though Field Therapy, Stress, Trauma and Cancer, where we outlined some of the many ways TFT can help people who have cancer. The recording is available to listen to here.

If you tuned into this meeting, you will recall how we found that our treatment for trauma can be of great help in two major ways. It was Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German oncologist, who developed cancer after he suddenly lost his son in an automobile accident. Although many professionals attribute the origin of numerous problems to past traumas, Dr. Hamer, I believe, is quite correct in this theory that such a trauma can start and nurture the beginning of cancer due to the amount of stress that can suddenly and unexpectedly submerge a person. This theory is further supported in a book by Lothar Herneise. (Herneise, Lothar 2005 Chemotherapy heals cancer and the world is flat. Sensei Verlag Kernen/Germany).

Fortunately, I discovered and know exactly how to reduce and even eliminate every trace of such horrible intense stress.

Our recent teleclass on Tapping the Healer Within, tells us the many, many ways stress negatively effects our well being and emotional health. (By the way, I am aware that the usual method of reducing stress is a combination of breathing deeply and progressively relaxing the tension in the muscles. I found this method to be possible, but not reliable, for it is too difficult to do to the degree to which it is needed to help a human.)

I have found that the trauma treatments I developed can eliminate not only a trauma that may have been causal in the development of a disease but also on the now current trauma of being diagnosed with cancer.

I personally know the importance of successfully treating and eliminating the trauma from a diagnosis of cancer. I have had that diagnosis and so has my wife. We are both cancer free and regularly address the stress and trauma in our lives, in order to prevent it’s return.

Listen in on our teleseminar recording to find out more.

Dr. Callahan, TFT’s Founder and Developer, and Joanne Callahan, MBA, share 16 ways to help cancer patients. Both Dr. Callahan and Joanne are cancer survivors, familiar with the traumas, fears and challenges of someone suffering from cancer.  You can find out more about this one-hour teleclass on Cancer and Thought Field Therapy® here.

As you may know, we give away a free TFT Stress Guidein fact the guide is downloaded over 50 times per day.

Everyone that gets the guide is asked to let us know how tapping therapy has worked for them. We do this for a few reasons. First is to make sure that we are providing instructions that are easy to follow, as second is that we like to hear from all of the TFT family.

Over the course of this year we have received over 1,000 surveys from our TFT readers, and we’d like to share some of the surprising results.

Here is a sampling of the results people are getting with Thought Field Therapy®… from just the past 2 weeks.

Feel better about myself. Didn’t realize that the trauma of my mothers sudden death in front of me when I was 3 yrs old had affected me for the next 55 years.


Instant relief, and calm. Simply amazing!

After I performed the tapping technique i absolutely forgot about the stress I was dealing with. I just couldn’t stop laughing!

I applied just the bare beginning meaning finding out what to tap and in what sequence and I right away experienced a positive turn – especially the Reversal taps!  Amazing!

Before I went to work I glanced at the website and implemented the steps and it became a very useful tool.  I started implementing the steps when I found myself in lots of traffic on my way to work. I am so glad that I knew what to do. Thank you.

I feel calmer, I have been tapping everyday for the past three days, everytime I think of it. Helps to put myself in better space, would like to have it specific to my personal needs, think the results will be phenomenal.

Felt better after tapping. Routine a bit different to the EFT I’m accustomed to, but I find TFT more credible. Probably because this is the foundation of tapping. Read more


TFT is very effective at helping people to quit smoking, along with many other addictions. If you want to quit smoking, we hope that Michael’s story will inspire you

In the spring of 08, for the third time, I contacted a local hypnotherapist for help with smoking. This woman said she uses EFT. We did a few sessions over the phone. I was and am a skeptic by nature. I kind of laughed it off and stopped doing the sessions.

Sometime after, I was in the local book store and saw Roger’s book Tapping the Healer Within. I bought it went home and read it cover to cover in one sitting.

I did the algorithm for addiction. I felt happy and had an unexplainable smile after doing it and my desire for a cigarette was reduced. I guess the skeptic in me took over because I didn’t do it again and continued to smoke.

Now I am not sure why, but in July of 08 I did the algorithm on three different occassions, all with a couple days of each other.

It wasn’t until the third week of September that I realized, during the month of August, I only smoked on the weekends… and not all of them. I didn’t think about or really crave a cigarette, and from the beginning of September till the third week I hadn’t smoked at all.

I never made a decision that that was it, it just seemed to happen. I should mention I am one who doesn’t seem to be able to rate myself on the sud scale, but I got results !

The last day of September I bummed a cigarette from my brother, I didn’t even smoke half of it, I got so sick, sweats, hot, vomiting, my whole body felt ill. All I could do was lay on the couch the rest of the day. I have now been smoke free for 8 months. I have no desire what so ever to smoke and I have this uncanny feeling inside that I know I will never smoke again. For this Roger and Joanne I thank you both.

The lung association says the 6th month is the hardest, most people fall off the wagon in the 6th month. When I use to go drinking, I would smoke a lot more than usual. So for my 6-month test I went to a smokey bar and drank while sitting between two smokers, it didn’t bother me other than I hate the smell of cigarettes now (LOL) I never wanted a cigarette at all.

I am 47 years old and have smoked for 32 years. I have over the years tried many things and many times to quit. I tried the patch, gum, Dr. prescribed pills, group hypnosis, 1-on-1 hypnosis as well as other unconventional methods. All with little or not success.

At the time I quit using TFT, I was smoking 2 to 2 1/2 packs a day. Now 8 months being smoke free, I have no desire to smoke at all. Since I have used the TFT algorithm to cut down on my coffee/caffeine intake, I was drinking 10 to 15 cups a day… no lie ! ! ! I now I have 2 – 4 cups a day.

Again, thank you Roger and Joanne.

Sincerely ,
Michael J Bernard
(New Hampshire)

If you are ready to quit smoking, please click here.

Does the movie 2012, the tabloids continual predictions of the end of the world, and the current news of the devastating earthquakes in Japan, Haiti and now Chile, cause you anxiety and stress or even terror at the thought of an earthquake near you? Do you have nightmares about disastrous events taking place around you?

If so, let world renowned phobia expert and author of The Five Minute Phobia Cure and Tapping the Healer Within, Dr. Roger Callahan, help you reduce this stress and eliminate your fears. (The links to both of these are to the right of this article.)

We all know chronic stress leads to comprised health, chronic disease states and poor immune function. But how do we get away from it, when fears and anxiety are all around us. It really can make our lives crazy. Can you relate to this young lady’s constrictive, fear ridden behavior?

Dr. Callahan has developed a simple program that will help many reduce and eliminate daily stresses. It is available on our web site, for FREE. Our FREE TFT Tapping Guide shows you how to use Thought Field Therapy® Meridian Tapping to overcome anxiety and stress in minutes.

If you or someone you love is suffering from anxiety and fear about the potential of an earthquake, you need to try this out.

Go to the web site,  and download your Daily Stress Guide. Use this every day to get rid of the effects of daily and chronic stress.F ollow this sequence for any fear from a past earthquake or the worry about the next one.

Dr. Callahan realizes how crippling chronic fear and anxiety can be and would like to offer this to all who are suffering in today’s current fear ridden environment.

TFT timeshare for Vets

Freedom R & R’s with Timeshares for Vets

ATFTF Foundation Provides R & R Retreats with Timeshares for Vets

In late 2008, the ATFT Foundation partnered with Timeshares for Vets to provide our returning veterans and families with an opportunity to enjoy a much earned vacation and have the benefit of TFT for the stress and trauma of their service.

While the process of establishing and building the Freedom R & R’s program has been slow, the result is now something we are proud to be a part of and I believe is providing a much needed service for our returning veterans.

I wish to thank those who have dedicated many long hours of hard work. Herb Ayers and the Columbia Basin Veteran’s Resource Center have served as the base for our volunteer coaches and mentors, and a resource for our veterans. Sheila Crouser, a vet herself, and our ATFT administrator has put in many long hours working with the vets to find a resort that fits their needs. Chrissy Mayhew has worked with our volunteer web designer, Mark Perry, to design the Timeshares for Vets web site. Roger Callahan, TFT’s founder, is donating his book, Tapping the Healer Within and Bob Bray is donating his book, No Open Wounds, to the veterans. They both are also volunteering with coaching help as have many of our other practitioners.

I have been working with legal, structure, press, and organizations to bring in additional media, and funding. We will be working with BuyATimeshare.com to be able to accept full timeshares, have the donations sold and the funds given to the foundation. This will help provide much needed revenue for the travel costs for the program.

I would like to thank our generous timeshare donors: Bob MacMahon, TFT Dx, JoAnn and Alan Kilpatrick, Lei-Lynne DooHorvick, and Randy and Lanet Johnson. They have provided the resort vacations that are making this project a reality.

It was so very gratifying to hear from our timeshare recipient just returning from his week in Glacier, Washington. He went with his girlfriend and said it was so relaxing, he felt he had a total reset. In fact, they were having such a wonderful time, they got married while at their Freedom R & R.

atft foundationWe have veterans and families scheduled to go to some great locations, coming up, Las Vegas, NV, Klamath Falls, OR, Glacier, WA, South Florida and South Lake Tahoe, CA. Applications for our program are increasing all the time. We need more timeshares, so if you have or know anyone who has an unused timeshare, please let them know they can help support and thank our troops and returning veterans with the ATFT Foundation’s Freedom R & R’s program with Timeshares for Vets. We could also use help with travel for the veterans. If you have airline miles you can contribute please let us know.

For program information and veteran applications, you can go to www.ATFTFoundation.org. Timeshare donors can also go to www.TimesharesforVets.com

Click Here for more information on how you can participate with the Freedom R & R’s for our veterans.

TFT Is The Original EFT

Great news – Now You Can Learn TFT Online!

Our brand new course is based on the internationally acclaimed book of the same title “Tapping The Healer Within: Using Thought Field Therapy to Instantly Conquer Your Fears, Anxieties, and Emotional Distress” written By Dr. Roger Callahan, Founder of Thought Field Therapy®.

We created this new course based on Dr. Callahan’s book and our recent 8-week tele-class “Tapping The Healer”. This tele-seminar was a very special one-time only event and was taught by both Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan.

The lucky people who attended this private, intimate 8-week course came away with tools, techniques and results that would be considered by many as miraculous.

Now you can have access to the same 8-week course…

This course contains ALL the UNEDITED audio recordings and ALL the written material from our live, eight week, one-time-only tele-course.

This is the most current, up-to-date,  techniques and technology being taught by Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan, the Founder and developers of TFT.

This incredible home study course will show you exactly how to harness the healing power of TFT to overcome anxiety, stress, fears, cravings and much more.

When you immerse yourself in this amazing home study course, both Dr. and Joanne Callahan will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the process of doing TFT. They will show you exactly how you can easily and almost effortlessly tap your healer within.

Click Here to Find Out More.

Washington DC Trip, 06/09

I’d like to send a thank-you to you and to Roger for the great work  you both do and for Tapping the Healer Within.

Since I had my kids I’ve not been the best flyer, but on a recent trip to Canada (a long haul – 6 flights in one  week!) I used TFT algorithms to conquer my fears and to avoid jet lag.

I’m so pleased to say I enjoyed each and every flight and was able to admire  the Rockies from my window seat! (I simply wouldn’t have sat there before).

On arrival and on my return I was completely free of jet lag.

I’ve been telling everyone about it since – tweeting  too!

Best to you,

Click here to try Thought Field Therapy to beat your fear of flying!


Creative Commons License photo credit: karindalziel