Tag Archive for: Amazement

weight loss through EFT

by Fränzi Ng, Ed.D., TFT-Dx, RCT • www.DrNg.net

I was sitting on the sofa with my 5-year old reading stories when he suddenly exclaimed in amazement: “Mommy, how do you do that?!” He was pointing at my tummy.

There it was, sticking out like a soccer ball, plump and solid.

Unfortunately, it was not due to another pregnancy or bad posture. No, my son simply pointed out the obvious: mommy had a gut.

For some reason, I was not able to reciprocate my son’s enthusiasm and admiration.

Instead, I felt embarrassed to see myself like that. However, I was not ready to do anything about it. Not yet.

The life-changing insight did not come until about a month later when my husband and I were sitting in an elegant Vancouver restaurant, enjoying a sumptuous lunch buffet. That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks – or a barrel of liposuction fat:

“I cannot go on living like this! I cannot go on pretending that every meal is an all-you-can-eat feast, and he or she who eats the most, wins. I don’t think this will be good for my waist line!”

What waist line?

It was on this late December morning that I found the resolve to change my ways with food. My desire to be slim, fit, and healthy was over 40 lbs. slowly and steadily. It is a personal transformation that changed my life in many wonderful and sometimes surprising ways. Read more


Research Update from Rwanda

We have now trained 33 amazing Rwandan therapists.

Our newly trained therapists are a remarkable group as are our translators. We have priests and teachers and directors of orphanages, directors and teachers of secondary schools, policemen, businessmen, and clinical psychologists (with their degrees but they tell us it’s hard for psychologists to find work in Rwanda.)

We enjoy them all and have the greatest respect for them.

Following the training of the therapists last week came the pretesting of the 200 clients. All showed up and were administered the MPSS and the TSI and it went very well. Quite miraculous!

Only one of the 200 could read and all therapists showed up to read the questions to them. The clients who are participating in the study are a rural and impoverished group and were appreciative of any help we might be able to give them. Read more

TFT meridian energt, EFT, thought field Therapy, Rogeer Callahan

By Mark Steinberg, PhD.

How long does Thought Field Therapy treatment last? This seems to be an obsession among many people we talk to, skeptics and seekers alike.

Here is a good example:

Last February, I treated a 16-year old for OCD symptoms, using diagnostic face-to-face TFT. This adolescent had seriously disabling symptoms. He felt that there were good times to leave his house and bad times. If he missed the narrow window of good times, he could not leave his house. He was in grave distress.

Obviously, this condition seriously impacted his life. Ironically, he functioned very well outside of his obsessive compulsiveness. He was an excellent student and a first-string quarterback on his high school football team. His OCD included numerous restricting rituals, such as checking many things repeatedly and counting ritualistically.

After one TFT diagnostic treatment, his SUD went to a 1. He was giggling and flushed. I asked him to get upset about his problem, and, of course, he could not do it. Seeing how relaxed and jovial he had become, I needled him a bit to test the limits and validity of these results.

Oh, come on, I prodded. Isn’t it obvious that certain times are bad, and you should avoid leaving during those times?

That’s ridiculous, he laughed. I know I was like that, but not anymore. I can leave at any time.

We were both impressed by the dramatic and rapid results.

I didn’t see him for a year, and found myself thinking about him. Figuring that his problem was pretty severe, and that he might need more help, I called him to find out how he was doing, and to let him know that I could now treat him with Voice Technology.

To my amazement, he said he was doing fine, his problem of only leaving the house at certain times and checking things and counting had completely disappeared, and he did not need any treatment.

He said, I guess the treatment really worked. As an afterthought he added, Or maybe I just matured.

I was pleased, but dumfounded. (Nothing like an apex to end a conversation!)

Obsessing about how long this single treatment had lasted, I had to remind myself that keeping someone better was a better treat than treating someone longer.

Like the treatment, that is a thought that lasts.

TFT and Thought Field Therapy Meridian Tapping Energy has a lasting effect.

Creative Commons License photo credit: fauxto_digit