Tag Archive for: Trauma Relief

Haiti Earthquake trauma

While it is much too soon to begin to think about helping with the psychological traumas of the survivors in the after effect of the massive earthquake in Haiti, it is important to begin the psychological healing of the families and friends who are living elsewhere, and providing trauma relief for the rescue crews, first responders, troops going in to serve and their families. Even the press and viewers are being effected by the constant stream of heart wrenching images and reports of losses.

The ATFT Foundation has provided Thought Field Therapy® (TFT), the original meridian tapping therapy for trauma, to victims of wars, genocides and natural disasters, including Hurricane Katrina and the floods in Tabasco, Mexico.

TFT has been safely used to heal psychological problems for 30 years, and PTSD studies have demonstrated it to be highly effective in quickly eliminating the debilitating effects of even the worst of traumas with lasting results.

Early and regular use of these safe, self-applied protocols, can reduce or eliminate crippling grief, secondary traumatization, compassion fatigue and burn-out of our rescue workers and first responders. TFT can also reduce the stress and fears burdening the families of the rescue workers and response teams on the ground.

To this end, the ATFT Foundation’s TFT Trauma Relief Blog teaches these TFT trauma relief procedures in English, Japanese, Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish, French and Italian. These procedures are the very same, powerful tools used successfully in Kosovo with war victims, Rwandan genocide survivors, New Orleans Hurricane Katrina victims, and other traumatized regions.

The TFT Trauma Relief blog also has 34 powerful stories about how TFT has relieved the trauma of war, suicide, genocide, kidnapping, prison, massive burns, rape, etc. Our most recent story is Juanita Van Ham’s account of how TFT transformed her experience after being severely traumatized in a bank robbery.

The tapping techniques are provided in print and video formats, to all who are in need.

Please, if you have any family or friends that have been affected by the devastating earthquake in Haiti, or have loved ones deployed in the rescue efforts, take advantage of these free, powerful self-help tools.

Go to www.TFTTraumaRelief.wordpress.com .

You can also receive a Free Stress Relief Guide, at www.RogerCallahan.com.

Our prayers are with Haiti.

Creative Commons License photo credit: markyturner

Rwandese Rainbow

We have a preliminary report of the progress being made following our ATFT Trauma Relief interventions this August in Byumba, Rwanda. We are attaching the draft that we received from Brother Augustine. The report sent by Brother Augustine, summarizes the reports sent in by each of the thirty-six therapists we trained this August. The therapist’s reports had to be translated from Kinyarwanda to English by Brother Augustine, and this report, attached, contains the responses thus far translated. It is a busy season now in Rwanda and we may get a more complete summary sometime early next year.

It is good to know that the thirty- six therapist the ATFT Team trained have treated 622 people since our departure at the end of August. That is in addition to the 200 plus persons treated by the Rwandan therapists while we were there. It seems that TFT is making a big difference in the lives of the therapist’s, in the lives of those whose lives the therapists touch, and in the larger communities in which they live.

Good work ATFT members! All of you have helped in some really significant way. Thanks especially to team members, Caroline Sakai, Gordon Barrett, Carmen Carrasco, Gary and Cyndie Quinn.

Happy Holidays!

Suzanne M Connolly, LCSW
ATFT Foundation Trauma Relief Committee Chairperson. Read more

TFT For Trauma Relief:

Bruce Ramsay relates the story of treating a woman who saw her sister die in a car crash with Thought Field Therapy. She took a Thought Field Therapy course from Mr. Ramsay during which he treated her and she found the first relief she has felt in the years since the accident.

Bruce tells the story:

The Living Matrix Movie

I just returned from a spectacular live screening of the Living Matrix Movie in Hollywood.

It was a sold out event, with over 600 people filling the Egyptian Theatre.

I found it very exciting to watch and listen to so many forward thinking minds on the new science of healing, and, see that TFT is recognized as part of that new science, and was included in the Living Matrix Movie.

The director and producer, Greg and Susan Becker, along with the Executive Producer, Harry Massey were all there and it was a pleasure to meet with them.

We also had the opportunity to speak with the panel and hear their views for the future of healing and science and hear some amazing stories.

Lynne McTaggert, Eric Pearl, Marilyn Schlitz, Peter Fraser, and Deborah Rozman, all participants in the Living Matrix film, were all present and spoke on the panel.

I had a wonderful conversation with Lynne and thanked her for her hearty endorsement of TFT and our Trauma Relief work.

If you don’t have a copy of the Living Matrix yet, be sure and get one. It is excellent, gives support for and of TFT along with many other cutting edge healing modalities.

Click this link to get your copy…

I believe the next screening will be in San Francisco. If you are in that area be sure and attend.

We just received a report from a TFT practitioner on the front lines that they are having amazing successes with TFT and helping with stress reduction with the troops.

He requested 500 wallet sized trauma relief cards and other easily transported support materials.  Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan sent them out immediately, so pleased to be able to support our troops with these simple self-help procedures.  He requested materials that he could use for rapid treatments and self help tools for our troops serving in harms way. Will keep everyone updated…. Caroline Sakai, PhD, TFTdx, VT

Ildiko Scurr, TFT-Dx Shares How TFT is Used For Trauma

Terry Shares His TFT Experience With Accident Trauma Treatment

Dr. Dariah Morgan discusses how Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is used to ease trauma and anxiety, and she details how it has been used in extreme cases.

Dr. Dariah Morgan has been personally trained and certified by Dr. Callahan.  Dr. Morgan earned an EdD from Texas A & M in Commerce (formerly East Texas State) and has conducted successful therapy practices in both Dallas and Rockwall for many years.  She is also an accomplished public speaker, seminar leader and Tibeten Yoga instructor.

For more information, visit our TFT Trauma Relief blog, or get the book here

As TFT leaders, we have demonstrated the revolutionary power of TFT to bring peace to one’s life, over many years and in many countries.

We’ve have also experienced the frustration of not being able to get it to the world fast enough to help all who need the healing power of TFT!

Now we are working to have TFT available to all who need it, in any country and any language. We have combined the healing power of TFT with the powerful communication tool of the internet!

It takes virtually no money or moving bodies—just our joint effort to add information and connect it to the individuals and communities in need.

Millions of people worldwide suffer from violence, natural disaster, illness, divorce, loss of job, home or loved ones, etc. Imagine what impact the relief of their suffering—the fear, grief, guilt, stress, anger, hatred—could have on the world?

Helping people with anxiety, trauma and stress is what we do best. Giving the gift of emotional freedom from trauma, stress and anxiety, is a wonderful thing.

The simple words of the priests in Uganda, TFT trauma treatment gave them “…a grace they had longed for…” (see previous post) and it clearly demonstrates what a humbling tool the gift of Thought Field Therapy is for peace in the world.

It’s a beautiful demonstration of how using TFT to relieve the effects of trauma can open people to peace, compassion and community. What a difference it could make in areas that have been plagued by violent conflict.

The implication of this kind of transformation is truly inspirational, especially considered on a large scale!

Visit the ATFT Foundation blog that launched today to make TFT trauma relief available on a global scale, or http://www.ATFTFoundation.org.

Please visit the blog and see how you can join us!


ATFT Foundation Relief work

“…a grace they had longed for…”

The following is a brief excerpt from an upcoming article about the work our ATFT Foundation just completed in Uganda.

This is why we believe our trauma relief work is so very important.

“Several of the those participating had been at the Lachor seminary in 2003 when LRA rebels attacked. Government troops counterattacked, unleashing a two hour gunfight at the seminary. But the rebels succeeded, kidnapping 41 teenage boys, marching them, roped in a long column, away to be conscripted into their guerrilla army. Three people were killed.

The priests’ anguish as they silently reflected on their memories of this horror was palpable. As their fellow priests, newly trained, treated them, all watching were eased to feel it pass, like a great oppressive weight lifting from the room. Several of the those treated were transformed, explaining to us the profound compassion and forgiveness they now felt, compassion even for the rebels. This was a grace that they had longed for but had resignedly feared they would never know in this life.”

The ATFT Foundation team trained nearly 500 Ugandans, treated almost that many and left an infrastructure with TFT to serve 500,000 people in Uganda.

You can visit the ATFT Foundation site here for more information.

As we enter February and approach Valentine’s Day many of us turn our thoughts to our love relationships. Some of us are grateful for the love of our lives, while many others are asking themselves – Why do I always get a loser? – or – How can I find that special person and not sabotage it?

Amouraphobia is at the root of many of the troubles with our love life. It is caused by the very severe personal trauma that virtually everyone one of us has suffered – at one time or another in our lives, loss of a lover. I call this horrible trauma LOVE PAIN. Many may joke about this pain but underneath the humor seethes remnants of the past suffering and terrible LOVE PAIN.

Severe love pain is supposed to only happen to adolescents. Because they are more vulnerable and open to intense romantic love (Romeo and Juliet were adolescents) they do suffer to a greater degree than their elders.

My first book, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU was about amouraphobia and its manifold effects, especially it’s potential for destroying the chance for a happy and fulfilling romantic life – even if you happen to have the ideal partner.

As a result of my theory, I found that those who had suffered severe love pain, in the past, often became severe amouraphobes. I then discovered a very effective treatment for amouraphobia and the severe trauma from the past love loss. It is quite possible, if you do these self-help procedures, you will notice it is easier to give, communicate, and receive romantic love, perhaps better than you have since you were very young.

Many people believe that the most common phobias are fear of public speaking or fear of death. Perhaps not? Based on my decades of experience and clinical practice, I believe the most common fear is, fear of intense romantic love, amouraphobia. I did considerable clinical research on amouraphobia and I found that it caused many problems and was much more common than we realized.

When my book, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU, first came out, it received much media attention. However, at that time, while it was an intriguing topic, I had not yet discovered a treatment for it. Even so, US magazine did a full story on it, Phil Donahue devoted a whole show to the concept and the media devoured it.

Now, however, I understand the phenomenon of amouraphobia, what causes it and the problems it causes in our lives, robbing many of a satisfying and fulfilling romantic relationship.

Surprisingly enough, the same treatment that is needed to relieve love pain is the very same treatment we use on severe traumas. The treatment needed to eliminate the amouraphobia is our common phobia treatment, best used after using the trauma treatment to treat past love pain and grief.

If you miss the free teleclass, we provide free Trauma Self-Help from our web site . This help is available in English, Spanish and a video in Chinese. We will be adding new languages soon. This is the very same, powerful treatment we have used in our trauma relief missions in Rwanda, Kosovo, New Orleans, Uganda and to help our returning veterans.

Roger J. Callahan, Founder and Developer of Thought Field Therapy