Tag Archive for: Our TFT Sites

project-rwanda ATFT

Izere Center in Nyinawimana Parish, Byumba Diocese in Rwanda

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) was the answer to a mother who sought help for her son recently.

Her boy was unable to attend school because he had intense rages, threw and destroyed things, and went into tantrums and tirades.  He was physically robust, and his petite mother appeared overwhelmed and exhausted with his supervision and care.

These rages were triggered whenever he didn’t want to do something, or didn’t like something, or when he did not get his way.

The treatment algorithms for oppositionality (psychological reversal), anger, rage and trauma were demonstrated to the child and mother.

The child was not initially cooperative, but tolerated being tapped by mother after psychological reversal was treated.  Then mother was warned that a thought field that would induce the rage might be created right then and there, to check the effectiveness of this treatment.  Mother seemed apprehensive, and she, the Rwandan therapist and ATFT team support therapist first moved out of the immediate range of his kicking and hitting.  Mother was asked to instruct the young boy to give the water bottle he was playing with to his mother, so he could do the tapping sequences.  He started going into a tantrum, and the reversal was done by the Rwandan therapist and his mother.

Much to both their surprise, the boy’s tantrum abruptly stopped, he gave the bottle to his mother as requested, and he started tapping himself.  He calmed down and tapped on all the meridian points himself.  He was not grunting, whining, yelling, kicking, throwing things, or hitting—but smiling, and wanting to repeat the treatment.

Mother worked with TFT with the same algorithm for her own frustration, and reported feeling the calming response herself and the remitting of her own intense emotions.  She made an appointment for a TFT follow-up visit for herself, and for help with parenting support at the Izere Center.

Washington DC Trip, 06/09

I’d like to send a thank-you to you and to Roger for the great work  you both do and for Tapping the Healer Within.

Since I had my kids I’ve not been the best flyer, but on a recent trip to Canada (a long haul – 6 flights in one  week!) I used TFT algorithms to conquer my fears and to avoid jet lag.

I’m so pleased to say I enjoyed each and every flight and was able to admire  the Rockies from my window seat! (I simply wouldn’t have sat there before).

On arrival and on my return I was completely free of jet lag.

I’ve been telling everyone about it since – tweeting  too!

Best to you,

Click here to try Thought Field Therapy to beat your fear of flying!


Creative Commons License photo credit: karindalziel

Sometimes humor helps!

This clip is a lighthearted look at the common fears and anxieties many of us share when giving a presentation or a speech.

Can you relate to this video?

If you are held back by the fear of public speaking, it not only keeps you from reaching your potential, it also can hold you back from promotions, getting a job and even enjoying social settings.

Thought Field Therapy has successfully been used to treat the fear of public speaking for years, along with helping to overcome anxiety when in a social gathering, job interview, or a meeting.

If you suffer from anxiety and fear of public speaking, click here to get the cure.

Dr. Caroline Sakai, TFT-VT, relates the story of a Rwandan boy who was so grateful for his relief from trauma through Thought Field Therapy (TFT), he tried to give her one of his prized possessions, a marble.

We just received a report from a TFT practitioner on the front lines that they are having amazing successes with TFT and helping with stress reduction with the troops.

He requested 500 wallet sized trauma relief cards and other easily transported support materials.  Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan sent them out immediately, so pleased to be able to support our troops with these simple self-help procedures.  He requested materials that he could use for rapid treatments and self help tools for our troops serving in harms way. Will keep everyone updated…. Caroline Sakai, PhD, TFTdx, VT

Ildiko Scurr, TFT-Dx Shares How TFT is Used For Trauma

Terry Shares His TFT Experience With Accident Trauma Treatment

Pets and TFT - EFT GaryI was visiting a friend a couple weeks ago and she was explaining how her 7-month-old puppy, Ave, had been having diarrhea off and on for a while, and consistently for the last 3 days. She was even waking my friend a couple times a night to be let out so she could relieve herself. Her appetite was not good for days at a time and hadn’t eaten much at all the last couple days. The puppy was also scratching herself a lot.

Needless to say, my friend was very concerned.

So we decided to experiment with using TFT on Ave. I found a massive reversal at the outset and discovered her collar was toxic. We took the collar off and corrected the reversal, my friend acting as surrogate.

Being a chiropractor with excellent knowledge of the body who also practices TFT, she suggested a few things to test, which first led to the discovery that Ave was being weakened by bacteria. At this point the puppy got up to vomit some undigested food, after which we used the 7-second tx for the bacteria.

The next area that tested weak was Ave’s kidneys, which we treated with a tapping sequence. And finally, we did a tapping sequence for her stomach. Ave immediately stood up, walked to her bowl and ate everything in it!

The next morning Ave’s stool was normal. My friend continued to test her puppy and did the 7-second tx for bacteria one more time two days later.

We’re happy to report that Ave has been consistently better ever since the treatment, including a significant decrease in the itching. How fun to be able to use TFT to bring such immediate relief to a pet!

Thank you, Dr. Callahan!

Mary L Cowley, PhD, TFT-VT
The Center for Extraordinary Living

Dr. Dariah Morgan discusses how Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is used to ease trauma and anxiety, and she details how it has been used in extreme cases.

Dr. Dariah Morgan has been personally trained and certified by Dr. Callahan.  Dr. Morgan earned an EdD from Texas A & M in Commerce (formerly East Texas State) and has conducted successful therapy practices in both Dallas and Rockwall for many years.  She is also an accomplished public speaker, seminar leader and Tibeten Yoga instructor.

For more information, visit our TFT Trauma Relief blog, or get the book here

ATFT Foundation Relief work

“…a grace they had longed for…”

The following is a brief excerpt from an upcoming article about the work our ATFT Foundation just completed in Uganda.

This is why we believe our trauma relief work is so very important.

“Several of the those participating had been at the Lachor seminary in 2003 when LRA rebels attacked. Government troops counterattacked, unleashing a two hour gunfight at the seminary. But the rebels succeeded, kidnapping 41 teenage boys, marching them, roped in a long column, away to be conscripted into their guerrilla army. Three people were killed.

The priests’ anguish as they silently reflected on their memories of this horror was palpable. As their fellow priests, newly trained, treated them, all watching were eased to feel it pass, like a great oppressive weight lifting from the room. Several of the those treated were transformed, explaining to us the profound compassion and forgiveness they now felt, compassion even for the rebels. This was a grace that they had longed for but had resignedly feared they would never know in this life.”

The ATFT Foundation team trained nearly 500 Ugandans, treated almost that many and left an infrastructure with TFT to serve 500,000 people in Uganda.

You can visit the ATFT Foundation site here for more information.

Don't worry be happy - stress squeeze ball

A recent study done by the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, with 506 seniors (median age 82), found that those who were calm and easygoing were 50% less likely to develop dementia than those who were prone to anxiety and stress. (Hui-Xin Wang, PhD, research scientist, Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden).

Daily use of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) can reduce anxiety, fears and stress whether related to trauma, economic fears or other life stressors.  TFT also can improve heart rate variability (HRV).

Not only does reducing phobic anxiety increase HRV  but it can also reduce the risk of dementia. (Kawachi, I. et al., 1995.  Decreased heart rate variability in men with phobic anxiety:  data from the Normative Aging Study.  American Journal of Cardiology, 75(14):882-885)

To learn more information and receive a free daily stress busting program, go to www.TFTRX.com

Creative Commons License photo credit: alonso_inostrosa