Tag Archive for: Stress Busting

These are the same procedures given in the Daily Stress Busting Program, where you will see exactly how and where to apply them to yourself, for the stress of everything from job interviews to exam anxiety to travel fears.

Today’s world is chaotic, filled with anxiety, trauma and stress, from natural disasters, war, terrorists and the economic crises of job loss, home foreclosures and stock market crashes.

This constant stress on our minds and bodies takes its toll. Studies continually tell us stress depresses our immune system, increases risk of heart disease, aggravates weight and addictive behaviors and leads to sleep problems. Not to speak of what it does to us emotionally.

To get emotional freedom, you need to first get free of stress. Most of us find these stresses inescapable, but, there is something you can do, quickly and simply, to reduce the stress on your system.

Dr. Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy® has over 30 years of success in conquering trauma, stress, phobias, fears and addictions. It has some proven yet simple, self-help procedures (based on the body’s meridian system) that will decrease the stress we experience daily.

These protocols are explained, in detail, in Dr. Roger Callahan’s book, Tapping the Healer Within, and key procedures for reducing stress are provided in his Daily Stress Busting Program.

This simple, Daily Stress Busting Program, based on procedures from his book Tapping the Healer Within, and proven in relief work in areas such as Kosovo, Rwanda, New Orleans, can offer you significant relief in your hectic, unpredictable world. Find the emotional freedom you need.

You can get the free tapping guide at http://www.RogerCallahan.com

Tapping Away Stress

The holiday season is typically a stressful time for most of us.This year will be particularly stressful due to the increased financial strain many are facing. And for others it will also be emotionally painful due to the absence of loved ones, either currently away serving their country or lost in the many disasters both man-made and natural that have occurred throughout the world.

A season that historically is supposed to represent peace, love and joy, often turns out to be a nightmare from being stressed out, under-financed, and overwhelmed.

So when those old fashioned holiday tunes are playing, and the sadness starts rising, try tapping away those blues and then remember to smile.

Probably the single most stressful thing facing us this year is feeling the need to buy gifts for many but having limited resources.Another area of stress and concern is feeling the need for entertaining and pleasing others.These challenges can be faced with much more calm and mental clarity if you are tapping away your stress daily.

Our daily Stress Busting Guide is invaluable for relieving stress or anxiety as it comes up, keeping you calm and collected as each new difficulty arises.You can download this tapping guide for free from our web site. Use it morning and night during this busy season.

A Japanese study demonstrated that TFT meridian tapping normalizes cortisol, the stress hormone, levels in the body. Increased amounts of this stress hormone will leave you feeling tense and add to your feeling of being overwhelmed.It is well known that reduced stress contributes to a more robust immune system.

As we shop, interact in public, attend parties and travel, a healthy immune system is vital to maintaining our health. To learn how to use tapping for better health, just use the Stress Busting Guide regularly.

And then lastly, don’t allow your feelings of anger or guilt to linger and take up residence… try tapping them away as they surface.If you feel guilty that you can’t do or provide all that you would like to this season, or others have not met your expectations, tap away those harmful emotions.You can truly give and receive good feelings when your own negative emotions have been resolved. To find out where to tap for anger and guilt, go to the trauma relief blog, and the version for complex trauma with anger and guilt will help you to smile and reach out to others in the holiday spirit.

These are some simple ways that you can help turn your holidays into the peaceful and joyous time that we all wish for.As our gift, from Dr. Roger Callahan and Joanne Callahan, to all, we have provided these free tools to assist you, and wish you all a very blessed and joyous holiday season as we celebrate 30 years of healing with TFT.

Creative Commons License photo credit: MinimalistPhotography101.com


Vern-moter- TappingListen to Business Talk Radio, Saturday, January 23rd at 2:00 EST, and learn how you can tap into better business, health and well-being this year.

By the third week of January, most of us have abandoned our well intended New Year’s Resolutions. However, TFT has some simple tools to prevent that self-sabotage, negative self-talk, eliminate those cravings, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve our ability to visualize for peak performance.

Vern Moter, CPA, and host of Your Practical Advisor on Business Talk Radio will interview Joanne Callahan, President of Callahan Techniques, Ltd. and co-developer of TFT.

They will talk about this year’s top 10 New Year’s Resolutions and teach listeners how to correct blocks to achievement and healing, eliminate cravings, and improve their ability to clearly visualize their desired goals.

They will also be offering a 25% on a Stop Smoking self-help package and a Free Stress Busting Guide. Be sure to listen for your 25% savings code for his listeners. In addition you will hear from Vern about some great self-help programs he has for increasing your income this year.

Click here to listen live at Business Talk Radio.

Click the listen live button, at 2:00 pm EST on Saturday, January 23rd.

As a follow-up to my recent post “Tap Away Holiday Stress and Anxiety”, I wanted to share a note of thanks from someone who did tap away their holiday stresses.

“I feel differently today….I would call it ‘normal’.

I got up at 5:30 am and I just finished making 4 pies (I volunteered to bring 2) and a triple batch of salad.

Normally, my kitchen would be a HUGE disaster once I was done making food for a holiday, but it’s completely clean and orderly and it fees awesome to have no anxiety, just a calm feeling!

Thank you for my BEST Thanksgiving yet!

Another strange thing is….. I am not even checking my e-mails or looking at the newspaper to see who has what on sale for Black Friday! So that alone is incredible!

I am more interested in looking at how to do my daily strengthening routine you gave me to do for the next 2 weeks.

Thanks again!”

You too can enjoy a stress free holiday. Our Daily Stress Busting Guide is invaluable for relieving stress or anxiety as it comes up, keeping you calm and collected as each new difficulty arises.

You can download this guide for free from our web site, www.RogerCallahan.com . Use it morning and night during this busy season.

Remember, it feels awesome to have no anxiety!

Creative Commons License photo credit: tallkev

Stress; Stress level: high stress

A Daily Stress Busting Program To Help You Quit The Coffee Habit, Create Calm, and Reduce Your Blood Pressure.

If you haven’t downloaded your copy of the free Daily Stress Busting Program, isn’t it time to do so?

We just received another thank-you note from one of our customers. She just began using the Stress Busting Program and is already seeing results on herself and her family.

Betty reports, “After using both the Trauma and Stress Busting downloads I immediately read and used them on myself practicing so I could use them on my Mother and a friend in Calif. who just lost her job. Just practicing the tapping sequence on myself and not really tuning in to a specific problem but more the sequence I was able to quit my coffee habit that I have been trying to quit for 4 months now.”

She also reported benefits for her mother, “I feel real calm just using the Collarbone Breathing with my Mom but I get the benefits as well. We are working on a physical problem of 2 leaking mitral valves so I did the Trauma recipes and the Stress recipes on her it seems to help her blood pressure.”

Remember how important it is to eliminate stress. Our health depends on it. Look at what some of the leading health care authorities say about stress:

• CDC – stress is cause of 90% of all illnesses
• Stanford Medical School – 95% of all illness is stress related
• Mayo Clinic – just watching 10” minutes of today’s news disrupts many body systems
• Cleveland Clinic – chronic stress leads to many diseases
• Harvard School of Medicine – illness is the tip of the iceberg, stress mars joy from life and loved ones

Obviously, we are not the only ones noticing this and the devastating effect it is having on our well-being. I was on another call last night about health care issues and they were stating many of the same facts and data.

The doctor leading the call also focused on stress as the major cause of illness, relationship problems, and, financial security.

He went on to say that stress causes five things:

  • Poor health
  • Fatigue/tiredness
  • Dumbs us down – pulls blood flow from higher brain functions
  • Causes pessimism and negativism
  • Causes failure – due to 1-4

We all want to feel good, have lots of energy, be alert and on top of our game, positive and upbeat and succeed in all we do. TFT can be a tool to address all these areas. Click here to go and get your free Daily Stress Busting Program now.

increase local visibility


The media frenzy surrounding the swine flu has sent people into mass hysteria. Churches aren’t allowing hand shaking or hugging. Public events are being canceled. The sale of face masks and antibacterial cleansers has skyrocketed.

An emotional roller coaster of stress, fear and trauma can substantially depress the ability of our immune system to protect us when something like the Swine Flu comes along. Research has documented the negative effect of stress on our health and our immune system.

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

The first thing everyone tells you is “don’t panic”.

Eat a good diet, exercise, and get enough sleep. Practice scrupulous hygiene by washing your hands regularly. Keep your distance from people who have symptoms—and if you’re sick, do everyone else a favor and stay home.

Julian Whitaker, MD, in his Health and Healing newsletter, recommends that you make a point to bolster your immune system. Take a good daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, along with extra vitamin D (2,000-5,000 IU/day) and vitamin C (a minimum of 1,000mg/day).

TFT can be used to quickly reduce stress, fear and anxiety on a regular basis. The same simple algorithms given in our Daily Stress Busting program, have been demonstrated to normalize cortisol levels (Cortisol is a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that has been intensively studied by behavioral medicine researchers because of its association with behavioral adaptation and the stress response, physiological reactivity to environmental stressors and immunocompetence).

Your best defense is to reduce or eliminate stress and fear with Thought Field Therapy – a simple, non-invasive proven techniques.

Alvaro Hernandez, TFT Adv, has already begun using TFT to help fellow citizens in Mexico City.

He reports:

“Last weekend at the middle of this crisis we were able to give a TFT Training.

We were more than 40 people… most came were wearing protective masks, scared and trying to keep distance among them. The first thing we did as introduction was to treat the fear and trauma of the group, the result was incredible.

At the end of the training I ask Dr Lammoglia a well known Doctor and owner of a TV program to come to give the certificates. People were so grateful for the course and the TFT techniques that after getting their certificate most of them stayed until they were able to personally thank us and take a personal picture.

All of these people are now helping scared people all over, and some of them have called to thank us for teaching TFT in this difficult moment.

I teach them also that the use of TFT can improve our immunological system and many I know are still tapping for this reason.

I have not suspended my private practice and yesterday I treated a panic case related to the fear of getting the swine flu.

As usual TFT is being a great help in time of crisis.

Thank you Roger!”

To keep your immune system strong, eliminate negative emotions of fear and stress, try the simple self-help guide, Daily Stress Busting Program.

For information on how to eliminate the traumas associated with your daily stress, visit www.rogercallahan.com.