Tag Archive for: Power Tools

We have all heard of the many thousands of trauma victims around the world who have been helped with TFT from all types of traumatic events, the aftermath of wars, natural disasters, and man-made events. (From Trauma to Peace). But we often forget the profound healing effect we can have on our best friends in the animal kingdom.

One of our long-time TFT practitioners shared this trauma relief story. I wanted to share it with our entire community because so often, the animals of disasters get left behind. It is important to share our simple and safe tools with our beloved pets and animal friends as well. Thank you Rudy for sharing this with us. It certainly brings love and a smile to my face.

Joanne Callahan


This amazingly strong dog was one of 25 I had the great pleasure to work on and help post-hurricane Michael in Florida. These dogs had been “surrendered” which is the polite way of saying abandoned by their owners who fled the disaster. I worked with the whole crew of them and this one pictured [I call him Michael] was as strong as a train at full speed. He was out of control with anxiety and coupled with his strength he was a risk to the staff, handlers, vet and myself.

I had to get him settled enough to do some bodywork on him to release the Traumatic imprint which was fresh in the entire refuge. I was there within days of the hurricane.

Tapping to the rescue!

From strong wild beast to engaged and cooperative with 3 rounds of: eb – e – a – cb.

Truly a FAST and amazing way to get him focused and more compliant. His strength became an asset and no longer a threat. I taught the staff and handers this sequence to apply for him and the 24 other big fellas abandoned…they shared a large tent where they were kenneled. So the repetition and reinforcement, I believe, also helped the pack/group dynamic of what they had all gone through together.

Thanks Joanne for helping us bring this fast & fabulous work into the world!

Much love,

Rudy Hunter
Retired Touch For Health Instructor & Dog Rehabilitation Enthusiast

This week’s video in our series “The Power Tools of TFT” talks about the heart and creativity of TFT, the “causal diagnostic” protocol, the process from which all of TFT was developed.

Watch below to discover the way these power tools were developed and how we can now use this same diagnostic process, with specificity, in the meridians, chakras, and dan tian systems.

This diagnostic process empowers us to access our higher self and subtle dimensions, helping us to heal traumas from past lives and our ancestors.

As I shared with you in the first five videos in this series, there are some power tools in TFT, that we can all use, no matter what healing modality we are currently using.

In this series you will gain a deeper understanding of the development of these tools along with a glimpse into the broad clinical applications for their use. You will see how these tools can be used to dramatically improve the quality of life for those struggling with chronic problems, promote the body’s natural healing process and reduce suffering from trauma and other daily stresses.

Enjoy these videos and gain an understanding of where tapping came from and how it was developed. Please feel free to share them with anyone interested in tapping and helping themselves or others.

Yours in well-being,

Joanne M Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

This week’s video in our series “The Power Tools of TFT” talks about how we can find the toxins in our life and neutralize them.

We are well into Spring now and allergies are on the rise.  There are multiple new medications with adverse reactions and new studies are showing us the extent of toxins in our environment.  One organization just reported:

“New round of tests find more children’s cereals tainted with
Monsanto’s cancer-linked weedkiller.”

Watch the fifth video, describing the tools available in TFT to mitigate our toxic environment and maintain health.

TFT, the original source of ‘tapping’, has tools that can help us identify toxins in our environment and how to neutralizae them, including eliminating the side-effects of necessary medications.  I know from personal experience how much this can contribute to our quality of life. In our next Power Tools of TFT video, I share my personal story and how TFT can help you deal with our toxic environment and still remain healthy.

As I shared with you in the first four videos in this series, there are some power tools in TFT, that we can all use, no matter what healing modality we are currently using.

Watch for next week’s video where you will learn about the core of TFT, the causal diagnostic system. It is the basis of all of the TFT protocols.

In this series you will gain a deeper understanding of the development of these tools along with a glimpse into the broad clinical applications for their use. You will see how these tools can be used to dramatically improve the quality of life for those struggling with chronic problems, promote the body’s natural healing process and reduce suffering from trauma and other daily stresses.

Enjoy these videos and gain an understanding of where tapping came from and how it was developed. Please feel free to share them with anyone interested in tapping and helping themselves or others.

Yours in well-being,

Joanne M Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

How is your year going?  Are you achieving all of your desires, or, are you coming up short in life? TFT, the original source of ‘tapping’, has tools that can help remove the blocks to success, align ourselves to our goals, begin our healing process, and help us to live a more fulfilled life.

As I shared with you in the first three weeks, there are some power tools in TFT, that we can all use, no matter what healing modality we are currently using. This week’s video in our series “The Power Tools of TFT” teaches us how and when to use the ‘9 gamut’ protocol to assist in fine tuning our focus and creating balance, reaching even better results as we strive to maintain peace within today’s chaotic unpredictable world.

This brief, procedure is actually a set or group of 9 treatments that Dr. Callahan developed early on in TFT’s development.  I will share this brief history with you as well as teach you applications for your life now.

The 9 gamut can be easily integrated into or added to any current energy modality or healing practice, and is free, brief, and provides you with an explanation and detailed instructions for use, whether you are a practitioner or an individual who just wants to help themselves.

Please watch the fourth video, describing what the ‘9 gamut’ is and how it was developed over 30 years ago.

Watch for next week’s video where you will learn about the core of TFT, the causal diagnostic system.  It is the basis of all of the TFT protocols.

In this series, you will gain a deeper understanding of the development of these tools along with a glimpse into the broad clinical applications for their use. You will see how these tools can be used to dramatically improve the quality of life for those struggling with chronic problems, promote the body’s natural healing process and reduce suffering from trauma and other daily stresses.

Enjoy these videos and gain an understanding of where tapping came from and how it was developed.  Please feel free to share them with anyone interested in tapping and helping themselves or others.

Yours in well-being,

Joanne M Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

ACEP Lifetime Achievement Award

Joanne Callahan and Roger Callahan ACEP Lifetime Achievement   AwardIt was truly an honor to be recognized by colleagues from around the world, for my thirty years of building Thought Field Therapy (TFT).   There was so much excitement and warmth from so many of the over 500 people attending the annual ACEP conference.

People came up to me throughout the four days telling me how pleased they were to carry on my work into the world.  Others said, “you saved my life three years ago”.   Some I have met previously but had not seen for years, others I did not know but all showed the same warmth and appreciation with a passion for helping others.   It was inspiring to see all the various forms of Tapping, the research being done and the humanitarian relief work that is helping so many people throughout the world.

The source of tappingJoanne and I received a standing ovation from our workshop “Thirty Years of Healing With Thought Field Therapy” as we demonstrated the power tools of TFT and showed the many changes and improvements that have taken place in TFT over the last three decades.  They were so grateful and some even expressed surprise at how much TFT has evolved from it’s early days as the Callahan Techniques.

I was so proud when our ATFT Foundation team, Suzanne Connolly and Caroline Sakai, presented their humanitarian relief work and PTSD studies and announced the acceptance for publication of the first study.  They too received a standing ovation and a very strong endorsement from one of ACEP’s lead researchers, David Feinstein.

ACEP ConferenceThe entire conference was exciting with a wonderful positive community spirit. I am pleased to see that our practitioner base is growing and we welcome all who are working with tapping, at the algorithm level, to continue on with their skills and grow with our new training programs in TFT.

A special thanks to all of our clients, practitioners and “tappers”… you’ve helped to make TFT the success it is today,

Roger Callahan.
