Tag Archive for: Meridian

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal’s Corporate section warned about the stress of our workplace environments, citing “Burnout” or “frankly burned out” for some early retirements.  One of the articles says the stress and pressure has increased significantly due to globalization, stiffer competition, government regulation and the weak economy.  They say executive recruiters even measure a candidate’s ability to handle stress.

While these articles reference stress on the CEO’s of major corporations, we all face these same stressors to some degree.

Add to these daily stressors and  we have a potential for burn out at many levels, manifesting in anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, hopelessness, depression, sleeplessness and fatigue among other symptoms.  All of these negative emotions affect our immune system and our ability to fight off the winter flues, colds and viruses. And, our workplace productivity suffers.

What can we do about it? The article briefly mentions exercise as an important release for stress,  but offers no other suggestions short of removing oneself from the job.  Most of us are not in a position to retire.  We need a simple, daily routine to help reduce or eliminate the stress in our lives.

Dr. Roger Callahan developed a daily stress relief program using Thought Field Therapy (meridian tapping) that has given much relief to many over the last two decades.  It is a simple guide that only takes minutes to do.  Our users have given us feedback on the relief they are experiencing, better sleep, less anxiety, reduced anger and even better relationships.

See what others have already experienced:

“I am experiencing a serenity and greater sense of calm. I felt a soothing warmth flood throughout my body the first time I applied the techniques.”

“Helped me to relax”

“TFT is a good source for me to continue to practice daily. It’s helped me tremendously. Thank you so much!!! :)”

“…I am extremely sleep deprived and have been using TFT to help me calm down before exploding outwards at my family. I am sure my husband and children are as grateful for TFT as I am.”

“Almost immediately I felt a since of well-being. I am a massage therapist and I am excited about including this in my practice.”

“…after doing the technique the first time, I immediately felt more relaxed and focused.”

….”stress (clenching teeth to the point my whole back jaw was painful.)”

“2 days now and no pain,and no clenching plan on purchasing the self-help course in the near future.”

“…stress reduction, better sleep”


“I’m having some relationship issues. I found the tapping helpful with dealing with the anxiety. I’m eating too much of the wrong foods because of it.”

“these techniques center my soul and remove negative thought patterns so I am able to focus on the things I want in my life rather than the things I don’t”

These tapping procedures can help you gain emotional freedom, relief from stress and many other negative emotions.  They are free, on our web site, www.RogerCallahan.com.  Prevent stress burnout and get your copy of our free Daily Stress Busting Program.

Creative Commons License photo credit: stuartpilbrow

Tapping Away Stress

The holiday season is typically a stressful time for most of us.This year will be particularly stressful due to the increased financial strain many are facing. And for others it will also be emotionally painful due to the absence of loved ones, either currently away serving their country or lost in the many disasters both man-made and natural that have occurred throughout the world.

A season that historically is supposed to represent peace, love and joy, often turns out to be a nightmare from being stressed out, under-financed, and overwhelmed.

So when those old fashioned holiday tunes are playing, and the sadness starts rising, try tapping away those blues and then remember to smile.

Probably the single most stressful thing facing us this year is feeling the need to buy gifts for many but having limited resources.Another area of stress and concern is feeling the need for entertaining and pleasing others.These challenges can be faced with much more calm and mental clarity if you are tapping away your stress daily.

Our daily Stress Busting Guide is invaluable for relieving stress or anxiety as it comes up, keeping you calm and collected as each new difficulty arises.You can download this tapping guide for free from our web site. Use it morning and night during this busy season.

A Japanese study demonstrated that TFT meridian tapping normalizes cortisol, the stress hormone, levels in the body. Increased amounts of this stress hormone will leave you feeling tense and add to your feeling of being overwhelmed.It is well known that reduced stress contributes to a more robust immune system.

As we shop, interact in public, attend parties and travel, a healthy immune system is vital to maintaining our health. To learn how to use tapping for better health, just use the Stress Busting Guide regularly.

And then lastly, don’t allow your feelings of anger or guilt to linger and take up residence… try tapping them away as they surface.If you feel guilty that you can’t do or provide all that you would like to this season, or others have not met your expectations, tap away those harmful emotions.You can truly give and receive good feelings when your own negative emotions have been resolved. To find out where to tap for anger and guilt, go to the trauma relief blog, and the version for complex trauma with anger and guilt will help you to smile and reach out to others in the holiday spirit.

These are some simple ways that you can help turn your holidays into the peaceful and joyous time that we all wish for.As our gift, from Dr. Roger Callahan and Joanne Callahan, to all, we have provided these free tools to assist you, and wish you all a very blessed and joyous holiday season as we celebrate 30 years of healing with TFT.

Creative Commons License photo credit: MinimalistPhotography101.com


Does the movie 2012, the tabloids continual predictions of the end of the world, and the current news of the devastating earthquakes in Japan, Haiti and now Chile, cause you anxiety and stress or even terror at the thought of an earthquake near you? Do you have nightmares about disastrous events taking place around you?

If so, let world renowned phobia expert and author of The Five Minute Phobia Cure and Tapping the Healer Within, Dr. Roger Callahan, help you reduce this stress and eliminate your fears. (The links to both of these are to the right of this article.)

We all know chronic stress leads to comprised health, chronic disease states and poor immune function. But how do we get away from it, when fears and anxiety are all around us. It really can make our lives crazy. Can you relate to this young lady’s constrictive, fear ridden behavior?

Dr. Callahan has developed a simple program that will help many reduce and eliminate daily stresses. It is available on our web site, for FREE. Our FREE TFT Tapping Guide shows you how to use Thought Field Therapy® Meridian Tapping to overcome anxiety and stress in minutes.

If you or someone you love is suffering from anxiety and fear about the potential of an earthquake, you need to try this out.

Go to the web site,  and download your Daily Stress Guide. Use this every day to get rid of the effects of daily and chronic stress.F ollow this sequence for any fear from a past earthquake or the worry about the next one.

Dr. Callahan realizes how crippling chronic fear and anxiety can be and would like to offer this to all who are suffering in today’s current fear ridden environment.

project-rwanda ATFT

Izere Center in Nyinawimana Parish, Byumba Diocese in Rwanda

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) was the answer to a mother who sought help for her son recently.

Her boy was unable to attend school because he had intense rages, threw and destroyed things, and went into tantrums and tirades.  He was physically robust, and his petite mother appeared overwhelmed and exhausted with his supervision and care.

These rages were triggered whenever he didn’t want to do something, or didn’t like something, or when he did not get his way.

The treatment algorithms for oppositionality (psychological reversal), anger, rage and trauma were demonstrated to the child and mother.

The child was not initially cooperative, but tolerated being tapped by mother after psychological reversal was treated.  Then mother was warned that a thought field that would induce the rage might be created right then and there, to check the effectiveness of this treatment.  Mother seemed apprehensive, and she, the Rwandan therapist and ATFT team support therapist first moved out of the immediate range of his kicking and hitting.  Mother was asked to instruct the young boy to give the water bottle he was playing with to his mother, so he could do the tapping sequences.  He started going into a tantrum, and the reversal was done by the Rwandan therapist and his mother.

Much to both their surprise, the boy’s tantrum abruptly stopped, he gave the bottle to his mother as requested, and he started tapping himself.  He calmed down and tapped on all the meridian points himself.  He was not grunting, whining, yelling, kicking, throwing things, or hitting—but smiling, and wanting to repeat the treatment.

Mother worked with TFT with the same algorithm for her own frustration, and reported feeling the calming response herself and the remitting of her own intense emotions.  She made an appointment for a TFT follow-up visit for herself, and for help with parenting support at the Izere Center.

Wisdom - Seeds of Light

Now that we’ve come to the 30 year mark of Thought Field Therapy, it’s rewarding to see how Dr. Roger Callhan’s tapping technique has evolved to become a major part of the alternative healing community. In fact, the word “tapping” is now synonymous with Dr Roger Callahan.

A quick search for  “energy tapping for trauma” on Amazon finds a wide selection of books written by Fred Gallo, Anthony Robbins, Gary Craig, Joseph Mercola and Ron Ball, among many others.

Search “tapping” and you’ll find books covering phobias, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions and more.

Although the technique has been adapted by many to become their own versions (EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, Meridian Tapping Techniques… to name a few of the more prominent ones) we take great pride in knowing that Roger’s discovery has led to a whole category in alternative healing… and that a wide range of alternative healing practitioners have incorporated it into their practice.

Here’s a short video introduction of the TFT tapping technique by Dr. Fränzi Ng that demonstrates the tapping technique..

Fir information on how to apply tapping to your specific problem, please visit our website to get a free guide.

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney tapping

TFT meridian energt, EFT, thought field Therapy, Rogeer Callahan

By Mark Steinberg, PhD.

How long does Thought Field Therapy treatment last? This seems to be an obsession among many people we talk to, skeptics and seekers alike.

Here is a good example:

Last February, I treated a 16-year old for OCD symptoms, using diagnostic face-to-face TFT. This adolescent had seriously disabling symptoms. He felt that there were good times to leave his house and bad times. If he missed the narrow window of good times, he could not leave his house. He was in grave distress.

Obviously, this condition seriously impacted his life. Ironically, he functioned very well outside of his obsessive compulsiveness. He was an excellent student and a first-string quarterback on his high school football team. His OCD included numerous restricting rituals, such as checking many things repeatedly and counting ritualistically.

After one TFT diagnostic treatment, his SUD went to a 1. He was giggling and flushed. I asked him to get upset about his problem, and, of course, he could not do it. Seeing how relaxed and jovial he had become, I needled him a bit to test the limits and validity of these results.

Oh, come on, I prodded. Isn’t it obvious that certain times are bad, and you should avoid leaving during those times?

That’s ridiculous, he laughed. I know I was like that, but not anymore. I can leave at any time.

We were both impressed by the dramatic and rapid results.

I didn’t see him for a year, and found myself thinking about him. Figuring that his problem was pretty severe, and that he might need more help, I called him to find out how he was doing, and to let him know that I could now treat him with Voice Technology.

To my amazement, he said he was doing fine, his problem of only leaving the house at certain times and checking things and counting had completely disappeared, and he did not need any treatment.

He said, I guess the treatment really worked. As an afterthought he added, Or maybe I just matured.

I was pleased, but dumfounded. (Nothing like an apex to end a conversation!)

Obsessing about how long this single treatment had lasted, I had to remind myself that keeping someone better was a better treat than treating someone longer.

Like the treatment, that is a thought that lasts.

TFT and Thought Field Therapy Meridian Tapping Energy has a lasting effect.

Creative Commons License photo credit: fauxto_digit