Tag Archive for: Algorithm

Dr. Mary Cowley, TFT-VT, discusses trauma and demonstrates the TFT trauma relief tapping Algorithm.

Thought Field Therapy® has been used to overcome all sorts of traumas around the world.

The new book Stop The Nightmares Of Trauma provides the latest and most up-to-date procedures and theory for TFT… you can get more information here.

TFT and Horses

While visiting a friend’s farm recently, the farmer’s daughter shared with me the story of her 7-year-old mare, who was extremely fearful of people—and especially hostile to men. The horse had been mistreated by its previous male owner. By now, it needed veterinary treatment to trim its hooves—which were overgrown and causing the horse extreme discomfort.

Unfortunately, the local veterinarian is a man and couldn’t get near the horse, even to examine it. Not wishing her mare to be sedated, the farmer’s daughter shared with me her dilemma.

Could TFT help calm this anxious horse, I wondered?

I explained briefly about TFT, then asked the daughter to stroke the horse’s forehead, and tap gently under its eye. I then asked her to tap behind the horses foreleg (as close to where I imagined the arm point would be), then tap the horse’s chest—as close to the collarbone as she could get.

Since it was impossible for me—a man—to get near the horse initially, I asked the daughter to tap out the algorithm instead. As she tapped away to my instructions, I could see the horse calming down from a distance. I entered the field and slowly walked to the animal, repeating the algorithm where the daughter left off.

In just a few minutes, the mare was almost asleep.

I asked the farmer’s daughter to walk away and leave the field. By then, she was extremely surprised to find the horse calm, receptive and unaffected by her departure—particularly when the mare had not been bridled in any way, nor had I used any treats.

Later, as I walked about the field, the horse followed me, nudging me in the back—her fear of people (and men, in particular) completely resolved. Even another male visitor to the farm that afternoon couldn’t change the anxiety-free state of the mare.

Of course, the veterinarian was able to treat her hooves with ease. But getting her to hum a tune while tapping was a different matter entirely! —Brian Ewart as told to Ian Graham

TFT Tpping and dogs

I have been visiting an animal rescue center and recently had the opportunity to work with a dog that was traumatized. She was at the center for re-homing and was lying shivering in her basket. She would not move from it and braced her feet against the side so that it was almost impossible to move her.

As she lay trembling, I talked to her and tapped using the trauma algorithm. I next used algorithms for complex trauma, anger and rage. Gradually she became a little more interested and did not tense her body quite as much. I was able to lift her to a sitting position and then, after some more tapping, she stepped out of her bed and came with me for a walk. It had taken about 30 minutes. She was still very nervous, had her tail between her legs and pulled back when she saw another person or dog.

However, she seemed to enjoy the walk!

The next day, I found her—again—in her basket, trembling fearfully. But this time she picked up her head and looked at me, and even wagged her tail a little. It took 5 minutes to get her to step out of her bed and go outside with me. The next time I visited the center, I saw her running in and out of her outside pen and jumping up to greet people!

After that success, the staff asked me to work with another dog—only a few months old and already biting and snapping.

“He’s a challenge,” said the staffer. “Be careful of that one.”

After listening blithely to advice that I’d have to ‘lasso’ him by dropping a loop of lead around his neck, I found the dog cowering in the corner behind his bed.
I sat on the floor and focused my attention on him, using surrogate tapping to calm him. Eventually he got up and walked over to me and sniffed my hand. He went away and came back a few times, and I was gradually able to stroke his head and begin touching the tapping points on his head.

He didn’t make any attempt to growl or bite, and after a short while I was able to tap gently through the sequence and put a collar around his neck. I took him outside, although he was obviously not used to walking on a lead so I carried him some of the way and sat with him, continuing to tap whenever he seemed uneasy.  He yawned the way some people do after a TFT session.

Later, one of the staff tried her own puppy in the dog run with him. And 30 minutes later, she had both puppies on leads on the grass outside the building! —Jo Cooper

Tft and babies

Settling in for the 16-hour flight on my way home from presenting at the Pacific Rim Energy Conference, I had an amusing experience. The huge airliner was filled to capacity, and several families were traveling with infants on board.

When I requested a bulkhead seat so I could stretch out my legs, I had no idea that—during long flights—this section was also used to hang baby beds off the bulkhead.  As a result, I found myself surrounded by infants including an adorable baby boy and his family traveling next to me.

Before the flight, I had noticed the parents in the lobby—playing with their happy infant, while awaiting boarding instructions.  Unfortunately, by the time we boarded, it was 9:30 p.m. and the babies were already tired and stressed. Of course, when the airplane took off, the crying began.

I expected that.

Yet when the plane leveled off, the cries simply escalated. Mothers and fathers took turns walking their babies around. Nothing worked.

Hoping to help, I turned to my seat mates and told them I thought I could calm their infant.  Of course, they didn’t believe me. So I went on to explain I had just come from Singapore, where I was teaching energy therapy, and that I was pretty sure it would work on their son.

By this time, they were willing to try anything (and so, I imagine, were the passengers). Tapping on myself to illustrate, I showed them how to tap out the simple anxiety algorithm (eye, arm, collarbone). They did it twice and the baby calmed down immediately. In fact, he was asleep within minutes. Placed in his hanging bed, he slept almost 12 hours.  And when he awakened, he remained calm for the rest of the flight.

Another parent had been watching and asked me to show him the same tapping sequence. I treated yet another infant with the same result.  Mission accomplished.

Peace was restored —Susan Wright

The TFT Foundation’s teams, USA and UK, have just returned safely from a very rewarding and successful trip to Uganda.  They trained local Ugandans to heal trauma, fear, grief and other sufferings, as well as helped many Ugandans directly.

When you do these missions, it is heartwarming to receive a letter from our host, Fr. Peter, thanking us and sharing the many healings they are already experiencing.

Here is an excerpt of his letter.


Dear Joanne,

I greet you and Dr. Callahan so much in the name of Jesus. I am very grateful to you and the foundation for sending us such a wonderful team of five people. They were very excellent. They did not only have a Mastery of the content and matter of TFT, but they also showed us a lot of love, concern and care. They were able to integrate with us very well. It was very easy for people to ask them questions, and the responses were perfect and out of love.

Everything, the training of catechists and the PTSD study went on perfectly. You really sent us excellent people. Our prayer and request is that, they should be the very people to come to Uganda next time. We already miss them so much. I am really very grateful. We did not have a single problem with any of them at all. Thanks a lot.

The catechists who were trained mastered the TFT Algorithm level and have already started treating people with very good results.

Many people were healed during the stay of the team you sent us in Uganda. The catechists were getting amazed and surprised at the very many healings. I am so much impressed, and the bishop is so much impressed. I will promote TFT till I die, and I thank God for revealing TFT to you and Dr. Callahan. May God bless you abundantly.

We have plans that if possible on your part, there could be a follow up next year of the trained catechists and the PTSD study, and the same persons are followed up. We are planning a National training of TFT within two years if you and the bishop allow us.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Greetings to Dr. Callahan  I remain yours in Christ,

Fr.Peter Mubunga Basaliza

Also, notice he has invited us back next year for a follow up to the study and further training for local communities.  This work further validated our model for large scale trauma relief and has helped reduce the suffering of many Ugandans.

If you would like to help us continue this work, click here to donate.

Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

We wish to extend our concern and sadness to the people of Japan who have experienced a historic earthquake, as well as the resulting tsunami. In an effort to help those traumatized by the earthquake, we would like to share a trauma tapping sequence…

We have instructions to the complex trauma algorithm in Japanese below, as well as other languages on our TFT Trauma Relief Blog. Please feel free to share this article, or the link, www.TFTtraumarelief.wordpress.com, with anyone you know in Japan, or with anyone you know who knows someone affected in Japan.

If you have your own website or blog, you could also put an announcement and link to this tapping sequence on it. Please share this with as many people as possible who could pass it on!

Our affiliate organization Japanese Association for Thought Field Therapy is already presenting TFT for use in the disaster regions.

… From the Japan Association for Thought Field Therapy





Japan Earthquake TFT and EFT Trauma Relief


眉頭 眉間の近く、眉の始めの部分。
目の下 瞳からまっすぐ下の、ほお骨のすぐ上。
わきの下 わきの下からまっすぐ降りて、乳首と同じ高さ。
鎖骨下 鎖骨の間から約2.5cm下に約2.5cm横(右または左)にいったあたり。
圧痛領域 胸の上のほうの筋肉の盛り上がり。
人差し指 人差し指の爪の横、親指側。
小指 小指の爪の横、内側。
ガミュート 手の甲の小指と薬指の溝を1〜2センチほど手首の方にいったところ。
PR 空手チョップに使う手のひらの横部分、小指の付け根から手首までの中間ポイント。

Read more

When I tabulated the demonstration results from our new TFT teleclass series I was amazed.  The number of people and variety of problems we worked with and helped, in a brief period of time, following each class was truly a tribute to the healing power of TFT.

We offered a series of five teleclasses, beginning last January and ending in November.  Each class had a 55-60 minute presentation on TFT and how to use it on yourself at the algorithm level.  Then, we ended each call with live demonstrations with TFT Voice Technology (VT) from Dr. Callahan.  This allowed participants to experience our most successful level of TFT, Voice Technology.  The live demonstrations lasted 20-45 minutes with the average time per class about 30 minutes.

We had 79 volunteers for these demonstrations.  Based on 300 minutes of total demonstration time and 79 volunteers, the average treatment time was a mere 3.797 minutes. This is just truly astounding.

During the classes, we worked on many types of problems.  We eliminated fears for things like driving, freeways, flying, bridges, tunnels, public speaking and even death.  We helped many get rid of cravings or addictive behaviors.  Some eliminated a desire for alcohol, others cigarettes and food, and we helped still others stop biting their nails, pulling hair or picking.

Others learned how to easily and quickly control their anger or rage and improve their relationships. Read more

Nearly 80 people volunteered and were treated in our tapping tele-classes…

When I tabulated the demonstration results from our new TFT tele-class series I was amazed. The number of people and variety of problems we worked with and helped, in a brief period of time following each class, was truly a tribute to the healing power of TFT.

We offered a series of five tele-classes, beginning last January and ending in November. Over 1,000 people attended the classes. Each class had a 55-60 minute presentation on TFT and how to use it on yourself at the algorithm level. Then, we ended each call with live demonstrations with TFT Voice Technology (VT) from Dr. Callahan. This allowed participants to experience our most successful level of TFT, Voice Technology. The live demonstrations lasted 20-45 minutes with the average time per class about 30 minutes.

We had 79 volunteers for these demonstrations. Based on 300 minutes of total demonstration time and 79 volunteers, the average treatment time was a mere 3,797 minutes. This is just truly astounding.

During the classes, we worked on many types of problems. We eliminated fears for things like driving, freeways, flying, bridges, tunnels, public speaking and even death. We helped many get rid of cravings or addictive behaviors. Some eliminated a desire for alcohol, others cigarettes and food, and we helped still others stop biting their nails, pulling hair or picking.

Others learned how to easily and quickly control their anger or rage and improve their relationships. Read more

The principles and brief history behind Thought Field Therapy – TFT.

Narrated in American Sign Language. Narrated by Doris Millios.

In our effort to provide free trauma relief throughout the world, we now have our trauma algorithm available in sign language.  It will be posted on our trauma relief blog, along with the videos and print instructions in many languages.  It is Dr. Callahan’s goal, along with the ATFT Foundation, to provide free trauma relief to as many as possible in the world.

Collarbone Breathing Technique with Thought Field Therapy.

How to Overcome Pain and Depression With Thought Field Therapy.

Trauma and Advanced Trauma Techniques in Thought Field Therapy.


TFT is very effective at helping people to quit smoking, along with many other addictions. If you want to quit smoking, we hope that Michael’s story will inspire you

In the spring of 08, for the third time, I contacted a local hypnotherapist for help with smoking. This woman said she uses EFT. We did a few sessions over the phone. I was and am a skeptic by nature. I kind of laughed it off and stopped doing the sessions.

Sometime after, I was in the local book store and saw Roger’s book Tapping the Healer Within. I bought it went home and read it cover to cover in one sitting.

I did the algorithm for addiction. I felt happy and had an unexplainable smile after doing it and my desire for a cigarette was reduced. I guess the skeptic in me took over because I didn’t do it again and continued to smoke.

Now I am not sure why, but in July of 08 I did the algorithm on three different occassions, all with a couple days of each other.

It wasn’t until the third week of September that I realized, during the month of August, I only smoked on the weekends… and not all of them. I didn’t think about or really crave a cigarette, and from the beginning of September till the third week I hadn’t smoked at all.

I never made a decision that that was it, it just seemed to happen. I should mention I am one who doesn’t seem to be able to rate myself on the sud scale, but I got results !

The last day of September I bummed a cigarette from my brother, I didn’t even smoke half of it, I got so sick, sweats, hot, vomiting, my whole body felt ill. All I could do was lay on the couch the rest of the day. I have now been smoke free for 8 months. I have no desire what so ever to smoke and I have this uncanny feeling inside that I know I will never smoke again. For this Roger and Joanne I thank you both.

The lung association says the 6th month is the hardest, most people fall off the wagon in the 6th month. When I use to go drinking, I would smoke a lot more than usual. So for my 6-month test I went to a smokey bar and drank while sitting between two smokers, it didn’t bother me other than I hate the smell of cigarettes now (LOL) I never wanted a cigarette at all.

I am 47 years old and have smoked for 32 years. I have over the years tried many things and many times to quit. I tried the patch, gum, Dr. prescribed pills, group hypnosis, 1-on-1 hypnosis as well as other unconventional methods. All with little or not success.

At the time I quit using TFT, I was smoking 2 to 2 1/2 packs a day. Now 8 months being smoke free, I have no desire to smoke at all. Since I have used the TFT algorithm to cut down on my coffee/caffeine intake, I was drinking 10 to 15 cups a day… no lie ! ! ! I now I have 2 – 4 cups a day.

Again, thank you Roger and Joanne.

Sincerely ,
Michael J Bernard
(New Hampshire)

If you are ready to quit smoking, please click here.