Tag Archive for: People


Our TFT Foundation board member, Suzanne Connolly and documentary crew Bob Stone and Diana Gross have returned safely from Rwanda, with 27 hours of amazing footage.  They will soon begin the arduous task of translating and editing 27 hours of amazing stories, testimonies, and current life, into a single hour that shares a heartwarming and spectacular story of the healing of a country and its people.

Bob posted a journal with pictures, video and notes to keep us all updated on their trip.  You can see this at:  http://www.trauma2peace.com , but I wanted to share the essence with you here:

“Diana and our interpreters work well together, and after the first two Interviews, I ask Diana if there might be some way to condense the interviews, as each one is taking about 30 minutes, which means it’ll take 15 hours to film everyone.

In the next interview, Diana asks the first question and the woman starts talking and doesn’t stop for a full 20 minutes. I see Prosper reaching his memory capacity – how does one retain the details of a story and then relate it back in another language?  Amazing!

This woman was born in 1957 and tragedy started in her life two years later when her village was burned down – then family was killed, her children killed – on and on.

Stories you can only imagine are told and interpreted – stories of what we might consider deep, dark secrets. I am amazed and deeply touched by these people and their willingness to share.

“Do you have photos?
“Are you willing to share them?”
“Can we come to your home and film you there?”

But each story included a statement like; “I never smiled in my life until I was treated with TFT.”

These people all use TFT in their lives on a daily or weekly basis and almost all have been trained as TFT therapists, so they have the tools to help their family, friends and neighbors. What a gift!”

On behalf of the TFT Foundation, I want to thank all of you who have helped make this possible, healing and changing so many lives.  Bob has created a brief video clip of the summary that Prosper Ishimwi gave – a heartfelt statement about his country, his people, and how TFT has changed their lives.  This new video clip is available on our US and UK Foundation web sites:   www.TFTFoundation.org  and www.atftfoundation.org.uk

Please go watch this touching account of a strong, and resilient country – healing themselves with TFT.  They need our help to continue to expand the healing to others in Rwanda and beyond.  Please click on the Donate link to help them share TFT with others.

Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, TFT Foundation

When people download our free TFT Tapping Therapy Stress-Busters Guide, we follow up with a quick TFT survey, to see just how well it works. Each day we get to hear just how well TFT helps people who are faced with overwhelming anxiety, stress, fears, addiction, past traumas… as well as a wide range problems that you can read of below. (If you’d like to provide us with your results, click here.)

Here’s what people that have tried Thought Field Therapy® – for the first time – have shared with us:

“I am a therapist and have been using TFT successfully with clients for the past year. This has worked well with most issues that they have been facing. I would recommend this method as a quick and easy way to resolve problems.  There are times when a trained therapist is needed to help resolve psychological reversal.” Sonia V.

Anxiety: “I used to be a skeptic but now I am a believer.  I have struggled with anxiety for years and even take medication for it I am now better able to control the symptoms of anxiety allowing for logic to take over my emotions rather than my emotions ruling me.  I am so thankful for this technique.” Katrina

“Almost immediate release of negative thoughts with replacement of positive ones” Sonya

“I read the book and used the therapy in the book and I noticed instant relief, I cant believe it was so easy. I have been going through a lot of stress and trauma lately and and going through the simple tapping techniques has brought me instant relief whenever I want it.” Mark H

“Thank-you, I seem to struggle with past trauma which has effected all areas of my life. I feel my main problem is trust in self and other people. I am a victim of abuse, sexually mentally and physically. Although I have had help in many ways I seem to still struggle with anxiety. My day will start great only to be triggered some how and I feel so I shutdown. This is driving me a little crazy as you can imagine. I have worked with a behavior book 3 an 1 concept and I am a practitioner in Bio-Kinesiology, which by the way I am not doing at this time in my life due to the fact my unconsciousness seems to have a hold on me. I am presently unemployed and would love to get back in the world.  I am a person with great care and concern with a great understanding of the Universal principles that govern our world. I believe I have a lot to offer and yet I feel immobilized and frightened with out just cause in the here and now. Read more

The commune of La Vallee de Jacmel is situated in the Southeastern portion of Haiti and is comprised of 18 townships dispersed throughout the territory. The area was within the epicenter of the devastating earthquake of January 12 and its deadly aftershock on the 16th. There are about 4,500 homes that had an average of 3 to 5 members. The majority of these homes were badly damaged or completely destroyed.

Following the earthquake, they have become overloaded with relatives – young and old, who had emigrated to Port-au-Prince or Jacmel, survived the earthquake… but have lost everything. The average household is now 15 to 20.

Many who survived the earthquake are now dying of sadness, heart attacks, or just “going crazy.” I guess that it is a way for them to “check out” because there is no hope.

We are elated about the idea of offering a 2-day training that will help alleviate the suffering of our people. Little help have reach them since the earthquake last January the majority of the population is living under tarps and few tents with no hope in site.

Godfroy (Gody) Boursiquot , is the leader of a NGO CODEHA – Corde Enfant Haitiens a member of the Angels For Haiti . CODEHA’s headquarters is in area called Au-Tuff, not too far from the main town of Ridore, where the hospital where I usually provided free medical care is located.

Gody will be the one coordinating the training and will gladly keep tract of whatever information that you need regarding the effect of TFT on the population of La Vallee de Jacmel and its surrounding areas. I am sure that with time, trainees will eventually return to other areas of Haiti armed with an excellent tool for healing. This is truly a great – win-win opportunity for all involved. TFT could not have a better opportunity to be introduced in a country and be recognized for its healing values.

We are contemplating offering the two-day training to people in position to affect many others such as teachers, nurses, community leaders, medical and nursing students (the only medical school in Haiti was destroyed killing most of the doctors, patients and medical students), etc. Imagine all these people living under tents or tarps themselves. I would also be a great opportunity FOR THEM TO HEAL WHILE LEARNING!

We plan to give a certificate of completion to each participant. We will extend the training to those in the county of La Vallee as well as those who can make it from Port-au-Prince and other areas devastated by the earthquake.

We feel that training 60 people would be a good number. It will cost us $100 per person. This would include providing food, lodging and arranging for transportation from the remote villages, for a total of $6,000. This may also include having them stay an extra day and arrange for people to come for treatment – this of course would increase the cost.

In view of the threat and the acuity of the mental health deterioration, I have already told my medical team that I would not spend time delivering medical care, but be with Guy, for whatever time it takes during our stay to make this a success.

Thank you so much for offering this opportunity to the earthquake victims. I am confident that it will create a lasting impact in their lives, as well as given them a tool for healing others as well.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Carolle

If you would like to contribute to this very worthwhile cause, please email us and we’ll provide you with more details.

The Living Matrix Movie

I just returned from a spectacular live screening of the Living Matrix Movie in Hollywood.

It was a sold out event, with over 600 people filling the Egyptian Theatre.

I found it very exciting to watch and listen to so many forward thinking minds on the new science of healing, and, see that TFT is recognized as part of that new science, and was included in the Living Matrix Movie.

The director and producer, Greg and Susan Becker, along with the Executive Producer, Harry Massey were all there and it was a pleasure to meet with them.

We also had the opportunity to speak with the panel and hear their views for the future of healing and science and hear some amazing stories.

Lynne McTaggert, Eric Pearl, Marilyn Schlitz, Peter Fraser, and Deborah Rozman, all participants in the Living Matrix film, were all present and spoke on the panel.

I had a wonderful conversation with Lynne and thanked her for her hearty endorsement of TFT and our Trauma Relief work.

If you don’t have a copy of the Living Matrix yet, be sure and get one. It is excellent, gives support for and of TFT along with many other cutting edge healing modalities.

Click this link to get your copy…

I believe the next screening will be in San Francisco. If you are in that area be sure and attend.