Tag Archive for: Nightmares

Nightmare of TraumaThought Field Therapy has been used to overcome traumas around the world.

The new book on Though Field Therapy and Trauma provides the latest and most up-to-date procedures and theory for TFT.

Roger J. Callahan, PhD, founder and developer of Thought Field Therapy, includes information on Heart Rate Variability (HRV), the important role of toxins, the healing system and much more. He gives the reader step-by-step instructions on how to Stop the Nightmares of Trauma.

You can get the book here, or if you would like a sampler from the book, click here.

You can also listen to Joanne Callahan’s Interview on WAMS Talk radio here:

Joanne Callahan Radio

Dr. Mary Cowley, TFT-VT, discusses trauma and demonstrates the TFT trauma relief tapping Algorithm.

Thought Field Therapy® has been used to overcome all sorts of traumas around the world.

The new book Stop The Nightmares Of Trauma provides the latest and most up-to-date procedures and theory for TFT… you can get more information here.

International trauma expert Suzanne Connolly will be on Healing Talk Radio for a live demonstration of Thought Field Therapy in the treatment of PTSD, On Wednesday March 30th at 11AM MST.

Suzanne has healed trauma and trained trauma therapists throughout the world. She was invited to travel to Littleton Coloroado to train professionals who were treating the traumatized survivors of the Columbine High School shooting. Suzanne has also traveled to Kuwait, France and Rwanda to train community workers in trauma recovery and to directly treat victims of genocide.

Suzanne has participated in three different research studies, including the study “Treatment of PTSD in Rwandan Child Genocide Survivors Using Thought Field Therapy”, published in Winter 2010 edition of International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12(1), 41-50. Suzanne is also author of the book “Thought Field Therapy: Clinical Applications Integrating TFT in Psychotherapy. published in 2004.

A local client volunteer with disabling symptoms of PTSD will join the radio program and Suzanne Connolly will work live on the air with the client to resolve her problems, which include intense nightmares almost every night and severe, intrusive fears.

After over 20 years of practice and research, Thought Field Therapy continues to produce dramatic results in the resolution of brain-stem based emotional issues. Meridian-based tapping releases have been shown in studies to be the fastest of all release methods for phobias and fear issues, and can produce dramatic improvement for these problems one session.

With its precision, carefully developed algorithms and history of humanitarian use for trauma, Thought Field Therapy is the premier and original meridian-based release therapy.

For more information go to healingtalkradio.wordpress.com

This program will broadcast live on Healing Talk Radio at 11 am Mountain Time, Wednesday March 30 on KSTAR, 1400 am.

Healing Talk is also syndicated to three internet radio stations: wcww.com, planetarystreams.com, and shoutcast.com.

The program is streamed worldwide starting Saturday, April 2nd. It will replay daily for a week at 11 am and 2 am mountain time.

Does the movie 2012, the tabloids continual predictions of the end of the world, and the current news of the devastating earthquakes in Japan, Haiti and now Chile, cause you anxiety and stress or even terror at the thought of an earthquake near you? Do you have nightmares about disastrous events taking place around you?

If so, let world renowned phobia expert and author of The Five Minute Phobia Cure and Tapping the Healer Within, Dr. Roger Callahan, help you reduce this stress and eliminate your fears. (The links to both of these are to the right of this article.)

We all know chronic stress leads to comprised health, chronic disease states and poor immune function. But how do we get away from it, when fears and anxiety are all around us. It really can make our lives crazy. Can you relate to this young lady’s constrictive, fear ridden behavior?

Dr. Callahan has developed a simple program that will help many reduce and eliminate daily stresses. It is available on our web site, for FREE. Our FREE TFT Tapping Guide shows you how to use Thought Field Therapy® Meridian Tapping to overcome anxiety and stress in minutes.

If you or someone you love is suffering from anxiety and fear about the potential of an earthquake, you need to try this out.

Go to the web site,  and download your Daily Stress Guide. Use this every day to get rid of the effects of daily and chronic stress.F ollow this sequence for any fear from a past earthquake or the worry about the next one.

Dr. Callahan realizes how crippling chronic fear and anxiety can be and would like to offer this to all who are suffering in today’s current fear ridden environment.


This year we celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the discovery of a revolutionary form of healing, originally called Callahan Techniques and now commonly known as Thought Field Therapy (TFT). TFT was discovered and developed by California clinical psychologist, Dr. Roger Callahan.

The first person Dr. Roger Callahan treated with this method was Mary, a woman in her 40s who had a severe phobia of water. According to Mary and her relatives, she had had this phobia ever since she was an infant.

Water was so terrifying to Mary that she could not take baths in a full tub of water and was terrified every time it rained. She often had nightmares of water getting her. And, although she lived in California, she could not go to the beach, because the very sight of water caused her unbearable anxiety.

Dr. Callahan had been working with Mary using a wide variety of conventional psychotherapy techniques for a year and a half with very little progress. Even though he had tried every technique available at the time, all he had been able to do for her was get her to the point where she could sit on the edge of his swimming pool and reluctantly dangle her legs in the water. Even this filled her with anxiety. Read more