Tag Archive for: Trauma Victims

for the burning heart

Thought Field Therapy is well established as breakthrough process that Dr. Roger Callahan discovered 30 years ago, helping to put individuals back in charge of their own healing process.

With rising health care costs, more people than ever are looking for alternative health solutions that will save them a visit to the doctor’s office. In fact, a recent report on Complementary and Alternative Medicine by the American Institute of Medicine states finds over 1/3 of Americans have pursued some form of alternative health treatment.

Thought Field Therapy has many followers who have adapted Dr. Roger Callahan’s techniques and position it as an offshoot.  Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, is one example. Although the “offshoots” are marketed well on the Internet, few have the rich history and the success of TFT. In fact, TFT is now used to treat trauma victims of genocide, natural disasters and war through the ATFT Foundation.

TFT also helps soldiers returning from combat.

“For 25 years I have treated American war veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have witnessed gallant efforts to keep a job, be members of a family, overcome homelessness and resist the temptation of suicide.

I am very grateful to Dr. Callahan for his discovery of Thought Field Therapy. For too long a time, my patients and I have yearned for something like this. In my opinion, this gentle action technique is easily the best approach to thorough and enduring relief from this crippling psychological disorder.”

Carl Johnson, PhD, Diplomat in Clinical
Psychology, American Board of Professional
Psychology, Program for Homeless
Veterans, Martinsburg, West Virginia

With TFT successfully being used by medical professionals, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, life and business coaches, energy healers, and other caring individuals all around the world to address everything from relationship issues to chronic physical pain, isn’t it worth putting TFT to the test for yourself?

Click here to listen to Dr. Roger Callahan and Joanne Callahan where they discuss TFT and also an upcoming tele-class program.

Get the Free Stess Busting Guide Here

Our body’s inner intuitive harmony and wisdom is the best healing wellspring available, so putting your body, mind and spirit back into harmony by allowing its healing wisdom to become available might just be the best gift that you’ll ever give yourself.

TFT Foundation

Dear TFT Community,

I am grateful to have the opportunity to share with you the last step in completing the TFT Foundation’s PBS quality documentary “From Trauma to Peace”. This work has been supported by four studies and the transformation of an entire region in Rwanda. A mayor in a Northern Provence of Rwanda commented that:

“People who I have never seen smile, are smiling. People who were not productive, are productive.”

We were blessed to have an Emmy Award Winning Documentarian (Bhutan) believe in our ability to create PEACE with our sharing of TFT. With his help, we have just launched our Indiegogo campaign to complete the documentation of this transformation and support further treatment of trauma victims.

Please click the link here – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – and see his video and read about how the healing of thousands, one person at a time, has transformed a whole community and its people, from the trauma of genocide to peace.

TFT Foundation

Thank you to all who have donated for these studies and humanitarian missions over the last 6 years. It is hard to imagine the many lives and hearts you have helped heal with your generosity.

As we head in to the holiday season, many of us have so much to be grateful for. Please help us complete this campaign and continue to treat thousands in Africa and other traumatized regions both at home and abroad. The TFT Foundation uses 93 cents of every dollar donated directly on its programs.

Activity on the campaign site is key to our success; visit the Indiegogo page, comment on what you see, tell others if you have had personal success with TFT, share the page with your lists, your family, your friends and your colleagues. The more people that visit, post and interact with the site, the higher our rankings and the greater awareness we can create for our trauma relief work and all of Energy Psychology.

Learn about the excellent Perks available for participating. Meet our documentary team.

Remember—it is activity that makes the campaign successful.

Please visit the site – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – share it with everyone you know and help us move closer to PEACE amidst a chaotic and traumatized world.

Thank you for joining our campaign,


Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, TFT Foundation



Listen to a recent KAOI Radio show in Hawaii, where Joanne Callahan, Bob Stone and Cindy Paulos discuss TFT and trauma relief:
[gplayer href=”http:///www.rogercallahan.com/pdf/KAOI-Radio-TFT.mp3″ ] KAOI Radio – Rwanda Trauma Relief [/gplayer]

Henry Markram: Brain research & ICT futures

Johns Hopkins researchers who last week announced they are laying the groundwork for a drug that erases traumatic memories have created a storm of controversy over whether the drug will involuntarily erase other useful memories or even alter a person’s life experience. Rather than wait for a controversial drug in the future, today’s trauma victims will find a simpler solution to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in “tapping”—a therapeutic treatment developed 30 years ago by Dr. Roger Callahan.

With Thought Field Therapy, tapping removes the negative emotions tied to the memory—but not the memory itself.

By tapping on various body touch-points in a specific sequence—under the eye and on the collarbone, for instance—TFT stimulates the body’s energy pathways similar to acupuncture, releasing stress, anxiety and emotions that are “stored” in the brain’s “thought field.”

Thousands of years ago, the Chinese mapped the body’s energy pathways and developed ways to eliminate pain and promote physical healing by using acupuncture to manipulate energy flows along these meridians. In the same way, TFT shows that these pathways can be accessed in order to heal emotional distress.

When using TFT for post-traumatic stress disorder, patients really don’t know how they have changed. They only know they are no longer bothered by the memory.

In other words, a patient’s life experience remains intact—but gone is the emotional wound, sometimes undetected, that causes lasting psychological and physical aftereffects such as anxiety, depression, a continual feeling of illness, even nightmares and hallucinations. In layman’s terms, TFT affects how the brain compiles information about the traumatic event by changing the coding system the brain uses to store the negative emotions.

Most importantly, TFT does no harm—while the idea of a “memory erasing drug” gave mental health professionals and ethics specialists pause. Quoted on their opinion of the Johns Hopkins research in The Baltimore Sun, some said loss of other memories—which can be called dementia when someone loses too much of their past—could occur if scientists produce a drug designed to selectively eliminate a single traumatic memory.

“Pills aren’t necessary to remove the negative effects of trauma,” says Dr. Roger Callahan, “and could even be dangerous if they accidentally erase other memories that are needed to function.”

Rape victims, war refugees, victims of traumatic surgeries, Haitian earthquake survivors—even soldiers returning from Afghanistan—have used TFT to get relief after all other methods have failed.

The International Journal of Emergency Mental Health reported on a 2006 study by PhD psychologist Caroline Sakai who used the tapping treatment with orphans of the 1994 Rwanda genocide. The outcomes of Sakai’s study, summarized in the Journal, exceed those of any previous peer-reviewed study of PTSD treatment in terms of speed, degree of effectiveness, and percentage of subjects who were helped.

And Guy Marriott, who trains British Special Forces in the Congo and provides security for international aid organizations in places like the Sudan, Zimbabwe and Haiti, trains his entire force in TFT as a fast, effective, cross-cultural technique for hostile environments.

The technique is also used by professional practitioners around the world who recognize it as an ethically sound, long-term solution to PTSD. Not only that but the technique is inexpensive and does not require patients to spend weeks in a therapist’s office.

If you would like to explore how TFT can help you please visit our home page and start with our free guide on beating stress and anxiety.

Creative Commons License photo credit: centralasian