Tag Archive for: Stress

happy-new-year EFT TFT

Class Starts January 12th! Register Now!

Many people have asked me over the years whether TFT can help them  achieve a particular health goal, career goal, financial goal or relationship goal.

Unequivocally, the answer is “Yes”!

By working directly on the emotional stress points that keep us from achieving what we want in life — TFT can help allow abundance, health, love and other achievement into our lives.

To help YOU get what you want in 2013, I’ll work directly with you and others who want to reach their goals.

In an exciting, informative and results-oriented teleconference — I’ll personally lead you through the tapping sequences and follow-up exercises you need to achieve your loftiest goals.

We’ll start with an introduction to using TFT and the tapping technique for achieving goals — I’ll lead you through the same processes my private VIP consultation clients enjoy!

We’ve kept the price super-economical to insure that everyone can afford to work with me.

Registering for this group-format series is easy by clicking the link below.



register for tapping in the new year

When you join us January 12th with your list of New Year’s resolutions, you’ll discover that achieving any goal is possible with TFT — even though, today, the world seems to be spinning out of control.  Goals that seemed so much closer during the “boom years” now appear further away than ever.

Many people are questioning how they can get what they want when — every day — they’re feeling more and more lost, helpless and stressed.  Daily news stories keep us focused on negative, stressful events — rather than on pursuing our goals, dreams and desires.

If you’ve found yourself falling further into this “mental mind-trap,” TFT can help you stay focused, optimistic, calm and resourceful.  It can help you maintain an action-oriented posture versus numbly reacting to whatever comes your way.

And in this state of calm and focus, your own personal super-computer — the brain — can do its job of scanning your environment, looking for connections, allowing opportunity to filter into your consciousness… and giving you the motivation and desire to act.

  • If you’ve been recently unemployed… and want to find new work in 2013, TFT can help activate your job-seeking abilities by allowing your stress-free mind to act upon chance encounters, forgotten connections and odd conversations.
  • If financial success is your goal, TFT can help you find — and act — upon opportunities to make more money than you ever dreamed were possible in this economy.  Significant riches ARE being made in this financial climate by people who can identify them and move forward with confidence.
  • If you want to meet your soulmate in 2013, TFT can help you finally release the emotional hurts and deep-seated “baggage” of past relationships — allowing you to be open to new love and happiness again.
  • If superb health and relief from annoying or cumbersome disease and disorders is your goal for next year, TFT can immediately reduce the stress that causes these ailments — and reduce the further stress they cause YOU in living with them.  The American Institute of Stress found that over 90% of disease is caused or complicated by stress.  In fact, stress has been linked to ALL leading causes of death including heart disease, cancer, accidents and suicide.

Don’t let 2013 go by — living with illness, loneliness, financial lack or simply wondering what your life could be like.

Join us on January 12th.  I want to help you get what you want in the new year.

Click here to register now.


I look forward to working with you,

Joanne Callahan

As you may know, we give away a free TFT Stress Guidein fact the guide is downloaded over 50 times per day.

Everyone that gets the guide is asked to let us know how tapping therapy has worked for them. We do this for a few reasons. First is to make sure that we are providing instructions that are easy to follow, as second is that we like to hear from all of the TFT family.

Over the course of this year we have received over 1,000 surveys from our TFT readers, and we’d like to share some of the surprising results.

Here is a sampling of the results people are getting with Thought Field Therapy®… from just the past 2 weeks.

Feel better about myself. Didn’t realize that the trauma of my mothers sudden death in front of me when I was 3 yrs old had affected me for the next 55 years.


Instant relief, and calm. Simply amazing!

After I performed the tapping technique i absolutely forgot about the stress I was dealing with. I just couldn’t stop laughing!

I applied just the bare beginning meaning finding out what to tap and in what sequence and I right away experienced a positive turn – especially the Reversal taps!  Amazing!

Before I went to work I glanced at the website and implemented the steps and it became a very useful tool.  I started implementing the steps when I found myself in lots of traffic on my way to work. I am so glad that I knew what to do. Thank you.

I feel calmer, I have been tapping everyday for the past three days, everytime I think of it. Helps to put myself in better space, would like to have it specific to my personal needs, think the results will be phenomenal.

Felt better after tapping. Routine a bit different to the EFT I’m accustomed to, but I find TFT more credible. Probably because this is the foundation of tapping. Read more

Join us for the TFT self-help workshop and learn How to Apply the Power of Tapping to Eliminate Stress, Fear, Anxieties, and Identify and Overcome Your Blocks to Achieving Better Health.

Tapping Therapy for Health Workshop

In response to the large number of requests from people around the world who ask us how they can put the full power of Thought Field Therapy® into effect in their daily lives, we have created a new 2-day live workshop.

Our new live event–Tapping Into Health–will teach you how to combine the TFT tapping algorithms, or tapping sequences, for optimum results in you life.

The workshop will be throughout the year, where you’ll learn:

  • 30+ years of powerful TFT algorithms
  • 35+ of our proven powerful tapping sequences for improving your quality of life.
  • How to combine sequences for optimum results in your own life
  • Objective self-testing of self-sabotage and blocks to healing and success
    – where you’ll learn to identify and correct all of your blocks to well-being.

You’ll also get a Tapping Into Health Guide that you’ll be able to keep as a reference the techniques and tapping sequences for almost any challenge you’ll face.

In this special workshop for anyone wanting to learn TFT in-depth, we’ll even be sharing the self-testing and identification of toxins, as well as the neutralization protocols –previously only available to our advanced level TFT practitioners.

Tapping Into Health Create a Better Lifestyle Through TFT

Click here for details on attending this new tapping self-help workshop

Don't worry be happy - stress squeeze ball

A recent study done by the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, with 506 seniors (median age 82), found that those who were calm and easygoing were 50% less likely to develop dementia than those who were prone to anxiety and stress. (Hui-Xin Wang, PhD, research scientist, Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden).

Daily use of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) can reduce anxiety, fears and stress whether related to trauma, economic fears or other life stressors.  TFT also can improve heart rate variability (HRV).

Not only does reducing phobic anxiety increase HRV  but it can also reduce the risk of dementia. (Kawachi, I. et al., 1995.  Decreased heart rate variability in men with phobic anxiety:  data from the Normative Aging Study.  American Journal of Cardiology, 75(14):882-885)

To learn more information and receive a free daily stress busting program, go to www.TFTRX.com

Creative Commons License photo credit: alonso_inostrosa