Tag Archive for: Sadness

Tapping Away Stress

The holiday season is typically a stressful time for most of us.This year will be particularly stressful due to the increased financial strain many are facing. And for others it will also be emotionally painful due to the absence of loved ones, either currently away serving their country or lost in the many disasters both man-made and natural that have occurred throughout the world.

A season that historically is supposed to represent peace, love and joy, often turns out to be a nightmare from being stressed out, under-financed, and overwhelmed.

So when those old fashioned holiday tunes are playing, and the sadness starts rising, try tapping away those blues and then remember to smile.

Probably the single most stressful thing facing us this year is feeling the need to buy gifts for many but having limited resources.Another area of stress and concern is feeling the need for entertaining and pleasing others.These challenges can be faced with much more calm and mental clarity if you are tapping away your stress daily.

Our daily Stress Busting Guide is invaluable for relieving stress or anxiety as it comes up, keeping you calm and collected as each new difficulty arises.You can download this tapping guide for free from our web site. Use it morning and night during this busy season.

A Japanese study demonstrated that TFT meridian tapping normalizes cortisol, the stress hormone, levels in the body. Increased amounts of this stress hormone will leave you feeling tense and add to your feeling of being overwhelmed.It is well known that reduced stress contributes to a more robust immune system.

As we shop, interact in public, attend parties and travel, a healthy immune system is vital to maintaining our health. To learn how to use tapping for better health, just use the Stress Busting Guide regularly.

And then lastly, don’t allow your feelings of anger or guilt to linger and take up residence… try tapping them away as they surface.If you feel guilty that you can’t do or provide all that you would like to this season, or others have not met your expectations, tap away those harmful emotions.You can truly give and receive good feelings when your own negative emotions have been resolved. To find out where to tap for anger and guilt, go to the trauma relief blog, and the version for complex trauma with anger and guilt will help you to smile and reach out to others in the holiday spirit.

These are some simple ways that you can help turn your holidays into the peaceful and joyous time that we all wish for.As our gift, from Dr. Roger Callahan and Joanne Callahan, to all, we have provided these free tools to assist you, and wish you all a very blessed and joyous holiday season as we celebrate 30 years of healing with TFT.

Creative Commons License photo credit: MinimalistPhotography101.com


We wish to extend our concern and sadness to the people of Japan who have experienced a historic earthquake, as well as the resulting tsunami. In an effort to help those traumatized by the earthquake, we would like to share a trauma tapping sequence…

We have instructions to the complex trauma algorithm in Japanese below, as well as other languages on our TFT Trauma Relief Blog. Please feel free to share this article, or the link, www.TFTtraumarelief.wordpress.com, with anyone you know in Japan, or with anyone you know who knows someone affected in Japan.

If you have your own website or blog, you could also put an announcement and link to this tapping sequence on it. Please share this with as many people as possible who could pass it on!

Our affiliate organization Japanese Association for Thought Field Therapy is already presenting TFT for use in the disaster regions.

… From the Japan Association for Thought Field Therapy





Japan Earthquake TFT and EFT Trauma Relief


眉頭 眉間の近く、眉の始めの部分。
目の下 瞳からまっすぐ下の、ほお骨のすぐ上。
わきの下 わきの下からまっすぐ降りて、乳首と同じ高さ。
鎖骨下 鎖骨の間から約2.5cm下に約2.5cm横(右または左)にいったあたり。
圧痛領域 胸の上のほうの筋肉の盛り上がり。
人差し指 人差し指の爪の横、親指側。
小指 小指の爪の横、内側。
ガミュート 手の甲の小指と薬指の溝を1〜2センチほど手首の方にいったところ。
PR 空手チョップに使う手のひらの横部分、小指の付け根から手首までの中間ポイント。

Read more

The commune of La Vallee de Jacmel is situated in the Southeastern portion of Haiti and is comprised of 18 townships dispersed throughout the territory. The area was within the epicenter of the devastating earthquake of January 12 and its deadly aftershock on the 16th. There are about 4,500 homes that had an average of 3 to 5 members. The majority of these homes were badly damaged or completely destroyed.

Following the earthquake, they have become overloaded with relatives – young and old, who had emigrated to Port-au-Prince or Jacmel, survived the earthquake… but have lost everything. The average household is now 15 to 20.

Many who survived the earthquake are now dying of sadness, heart attacks, or just “going crazy.” I guess that it is a way for them to “check out” because there is no hope.

We are elated about the idea of offering a 2-day training that will help alleviate the suffering of our people. Little help have reach them since the earthquake last January the majority of the population is living under tarps and few tents with no hope in site.

Godfroy (Gody) Boursiquot , is the leader of a NGO CODEHA – Corde Enfant Haitiens a member of the Angels For Haiti . CODEHA’s headquarters is in area called Au-Tuff, not too far from the main town of Ridore, where the hospital where I usually provided free medical care is located.

Gody will be the one coordinating the training and will gladly keep tract of whatever information that you need regarding the effect of TFT on the population of La Vallee de Jacmel and its surrounding areas. I am sure that with time, trainees will eventually return to other areas of Haiti armed with an excellent tool for healing. This is truly a great – win-win opportunity for all involved. TFT could not have a better opportunity to be introduced in a country and be recognized for its healing values.

We are contemplating offering the two-day training to people in position to affect many others such as teachers, nurses, community leaders, medical and nursing students (the only medical school in Haiti was destroyed killing most of the doctors, patients and medical students), etc. Imagine all these people living under tents or tarps themselves. I would also be a great opportunity FOR THEM TO HEAL WHILE LEARNING!

We plan to give a certificate of completion to each participant. We will extend the training to those in the county of La Vallee as well as those who can make it from Port-au-Prince and other areas devastated by the earthquake.

We feel that training 60 people would be a good number. It will cost us $100 per person. This would include providing food, lodging and arranging for transportation from the remote villages, for a total of $6,000. This may also include having them stay an extra day and arrange for people to come for treatment – this of course would increase the cost.

In view of the threat and the acuity of the mental health deterioration, I have already told my medical team that I would not spend time delivering medical care, but be with Guy, for whatever time it takes during our stay to make this a success.

Thank you so much for offering this opportunity to the earthquake victims. I am confident that it will create a lasting impact in their lives, as well as given them a tool for healing others as well.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Carolle

If you would like to contribute to this very worthwhile cause, please email us and we’ll provide you with more details.

broken hearted
Love Pain put to the test.. here’s one of our customer’s story:

I bought the Love Pain DVD as my 20 year old son was absolutely distraught after his girlfriend broke it off the other day.

He was miserable and sobbing and even said he felt like he was ill.

I have been using EFT a lot and all my children know it but I thought there might be something a little less cumbersome, so I decided to purchase the TFT Love Pain DVD.

While the DVD was downloading I opened the e-book that came with it and had him sit with me while I instructed him with the tapping points.

He started out at a 10 and by the time he had gotten to the under arm point he had already felt the intensity of his grief fade.  When we were done with the protocol he was quite amazed and said “How does this stuff work?”

It had gone down to a 5.  The next round we did included the gamut and it went to a 3, and the next round with the gamut and ending with the eye roll and it went to a 1 or 2.

He felt like he was cheating so I explained that it was not cheating, what it was doing was actually clearing the intense emotions to enable him to think and operate from a more rational perspective.

Once the DVD had downloaded and he made it bigger we watched it together.  At the end he was still feeling some of the pain – I guess different aspects were coming up – so we did the protocol a few more times which bought his pain down to about a 2, having started at about a 10 – it was to do with just wanting to be with her.  He was still a bit weepy when he went to bed and I went off to bed and found that I was feeling very tearful and sad for him, so I did the protocol a few times and it just melted away.

He has continued to use the tapping and I am really pleased and relieved to say that he is feeling enormous relief.  He still feels the sadness  a bit but it is not the gut/heart wrenching sadness that he was experiencing on Sunday, which is when she broke it off.

So, a great big hug and a thank you to Roger Callahan and I guess one cannot forget accolades to ‘God’, ‘The Universe’, whatever it is that makes the sun shine and the trees grow.


Sue Basler

If your suffering from a loss or trauma, try “Love Pain and Other Traumas” now.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Carlos Varela