Tag Archive for: Medical Professionals

URGENT Need For Volunteer Physician Staff at St. Joseph Hospital

Dear Members, Volunteers and Friends of A.H.D.H.,

Greetings to All From the Field

As you have no doubt heard in the news, Haiti is now dealing with an outbreak of cholera.

At St. Joseph Hospital in Ridore, La Vallee de Jacmel, we have admitted four patients with suspected cholera. All have come from outside of the La Vallee area, principally from Port au Prince, to be with family and seek help at St. Joseph Hospital.

Based on the experience in the rest of Haiti, we expect to see more cases in the next several weeks.

Just at this moment of crisis we will loose our young interns and nurses who have worked at the hospital this year fulfilling their public service commitment. Additionally, the volunteers of the 49th AHDH Mission have completed their work and returned home. In normal years this would not be a great problem while we wait for their replacements, but this year we fear will be exceptional.

Cholera patients arriving at the hospital are at great risk of death without a physician ready to apply aggressive rehydration and antibiotics and guide their care. The community at large is at risk as well for the spread of the disease if these patients go home without proper care.

So we are inviting all medical professionals to volunteer for a week or two at our hospital over the next several weeks. We will welcome all qualified volunteers. We will provide food, lodging and ground transportation during this period. If you have been considering a medical mission trip to Haiti, please consider doing so now. Your help is very much needed.

We are facing a crisis with staff here in La Vallee, as we still can’t afford a full time MD and RN. We just barely saved the 4th life, which makes me even wonder if I will have the courage (or lack of) to leave this place next weekend, as the potential for worsening is just frightening.

Share this message with your colleagues and see if any staffing or financial help is possible.

Please, let me know.

Charles Rene, MD, FACOG
Clinical Associate Professor of OB/Gyn
Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
Coordinator of Medical Missions for Haiti, AHDH
phone: 011-509-3-757-7264

Nicole Vincent Michael MD

Read more about the relief project here – to make a donation.

Band of focus

I am thrilled and honored to have learned about Thought Field Therapy. The TFT teleclass is one of the best training experiences and investments I have ever made.

The teleclass provided fantastic insight and guidance into the TFT algorithms and usage. I highly recommend everyone learn TFT and put it too good use. TFT can do wonders for you. Now, perhaps you are wondering why I am so excited about Thought Field Therapy. I hope that after reading about my situation and the help TFT has given me, you too will give it a try.

In January 2005 I went sledding down my street. Part way down the steep hill the snow become solid ice. I was unable to steer or stop and slid head first into the bumper of a parked mini-van. I suffered such a bad head injury that I barely made it to the hospital alive. If it took 20 minutes longer, it would have been too late. I was put into a medical coma for 10 days and have a two month period that I do not remember anything from.

With great medical care, support from my family, and post-hospital rehabilitation I finally returned to full time work after 8 months. I am nearly fully recovered other than I had lost 100% of my sense of smell. Medical professionals told me that the loss of smell is not an unusual occurrence after the type of brain injury I had. I was informed that I would never recover my sense of smell.

For five years, it was correct. I did not smell anything. However, in January 2010 I took the TFT teleclass and was given a customized Thought Field Therapy algorithm, from Dr. Roger Callahan, to regain my sense of smell. It is amazing the capability Roger has developed with TFT and Voice Technology. I have used the algorithm (((a, mf, tf, e, g50, eb) 9g) sq) at least 15 times a day for 40 consecutive days (20+ times for 35 of those 40 days).

After the 30th day, I was startled and pleasantly surprised to notice the air all of a sudden seemed different as walked down the indoor hallway near the building cafeteria. It took me a bit to realize I was actually smelling something again. After 5 years, I had sort of forgotten what that was like. In the days since then I have had other occasional instances of smelling things. My sense of smell is not yet 100% back, but I am thrilled to have what I was told could never happen actually occur. TFT has made this possible.

Roger originally explained I would need to follow this 15+ times a day regimen for many weeks. It only takes a minute to execute the algorithm and it can be anytime throughout the day. I gladly and enthusiastically continue applying TFT to further regain my sense of smell. This is much better than five years of thinking I would never smell again. Use TFT it really works. In addition to this more extensive usage, I have also used different TFT algorithms to alleviate other worries and anxieties.

David Burns
Portland, OR USA

Creative Commons License photo credit: travlinman43