Tag Archive for: Genocide

TFT Foundation

Dear TFT Community,

I am grateful to have the opportunity to share with you the last step in completing the TFT Foundation’s PBS quality documentary “From Trauma to Peace”. This work has been supported by four studies and the transformation of an entire region in Rwanda. A mayor in a Northern Provence of Rwanda commented that:

“People who I have never seen smile, are smiling. People who were not productive, are productive.”

We were blessed to have an Emmy Award Winning Documentarian (Bhutan) believe in our ability to create PEACE with our sharing of TFT. With his help, we have just launched our Indiegogo campaign to complete the documentation of this transformation and support further treatment of trauma victims.

Please click the link here – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – and see his video and read about how the healing of thousands, one person at a time, has transformed a whole community and its people, from the trauma of genocide to peace.

TFT Foundation

Thank you to all who have donated for these studies and humanitarian missions over the last 6 years. It is hard to imagine the many lives and hearts you have helped heal with your generosity.

As we head in to the holiday season, many of us have so much to be grateful for. Please help us complete this campaign and continue to treat thousands in Africa and other traumatized regions both at home and abroad. The TFT Foundation uses 93 cents of every dollar donated directly on its programs.

Activity on the campaign site is key to our success; visit the Indiegogo page, comment on what you see, tell others if you have had personal success with TFT, share the page with your lists, your family, your friends and your colleagues. The more people that visit, post and interact with the site, the higher our rankings and the greater awareness we can create for our trauma relief work and all of Energy Psychology.

Learn about the excellent Perks available for participating. Meet our documentary team.

Remember—it is activity that makes the campaign successful.

Please visit the site – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – share it with everyone you know and help us move closer to PEACE amidst a chaotic and traumatized world.

Thank you for joining our campaign,


Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, TFT Foundation



Listen to a recent KAOI Radio show in Hawaii, where Joanne Callahan, Bob Stone and Cindy Paulos discuss TFT and trauma relief:
[gplayer href=”http:///www.rogercallahan.com/pdf/KAOI-Radio-TFT.mp3″ ] KAOI Radio – Rwanda Trauma Relief [/gplayer]

International trauma expert Suzanne Connolly will be on Healing Talk Radio for a live demonstration of Thought Field Therapy in the treatment of PTSD, On Wednesday March 30th at 11AM MST.

Suzanne has healed trauma and trained trauma therapists throughout the world. She was invited to travel to Littleton Coloroado to train professionals who were treating the traumatized survivors of the Columbine High School shooting. Suzanne has also traveled to Kuwait, France and Rwanda to train community workers in trauma recovery and to directly treat victims of genocide.

Suzanne has participated in three different research studies, including the study “Treatment of PTSD in Rwandan Child Genocide Survivors Using Thought Field Therapy”, published in Winter 2010 edition of International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12(1), 41-50. Suzanne is also author of the book “Thought Field Therapy: Clinical Applications Integrating TFT in Psychotherapy. published in 2004.

A local client volunteer with disabling symptoms of PTSD will join the radio program and Suzanne Connolly will work live on the air with the client to resolve her problems, which include intense nightmares almost every night and severe, intrusive fears.

After over 20 years of practice and research, Thought Field Therapy continues to produce dramatic results in the resolution of brain-stem based emotional issues. Meridian-based tapping releases have been shown in studies to be the fastest of all release methods for phobias and fear issues, and can produce dramatic improvement for these problems one session.

With its precision, carefully developed algorithms and history of humanitarian use for trauma, Thought Field Therapy is the premier and original meridian-based release therapy.

For more information go to healingtalkradio.wordpress.com

This program will broadcast live on Healing Talk Radio at 11 am Mountain Time, Wednesday March 30 on KSTAR, 1400 am.

Healing Talk is also syndicated to three internet radio stations: wcww.com, planetarystreams.com, and shoutcast.com.

The program is streamed worldwide starting Saturday, April 2nd. It will replay daily for a week at 11 am and 2 am mountain time.

project-rwanda ATFT

Izere Center in Nyinawimana Parish, Byumba Diocese in Rwanda

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) was the answer to a mother who sought help for her son recently.

Her boy was unable to attend school because he had intense rages, threw and destroyed things, and went into tantrums and tirades.  He was physically robust, and his petite mother appeared overwhelmed and exhausted with his supervision and care.

These rages were triggered whenever he didn’t want to do something, or didn’t like something, or when he did not get his way.

The treatment algorithms for oppositionality (psychological reversal), anger, rage and trauma were demonstrated to the child and mother.

The child was not initially cooperative, but tolerated being tapped by mother after psychological reversal was treated.  Then mother was warned that a thought field that would induce the rage might be created right then and there, to check the effectiveness of this treatment.  Mother seemed apprehensive, and she, the Rwandan therapist and ATFT team support therapist first moved out of the immediate range of his kicking and hitting.  Mother was asked to instruct the young boy to give the water bottle he was playing with to his mother, so he could do the tapping sequences.  He started going into a tantrum, and the reversal was done by the Rwandan therapist and his mother.

Much to both their surprise, the boy’s tantrum abruptly stopped, he gave the bottle to his mother as requested, and he started tapping himself.  He calmed down and tapped on all the meridian points himself.  He was not grunting, whining, yelling, kicking, throwing things, or hitting—but smiling, and wanting to repeat the treatment.

Mother worked with TFT with the same algorithm for her own frustration, and reported feeling the calming response herself and the remitting of her own intense emotions.  She made an appointment for a TFT follow-up visit for herself, and for help with parenting support at the Izere Center.