Tag Archive for: Colleagues

TFT Foundation

Dear TFT Community,

I am grateful to have the opportunity to share with you the last step in completing the TFT Foundation’s PBS quality documentary “From Trauma to Peace”. This work has been supported by four studies and the transformation of an entire region in Rwanda. A mayor in a Northern Provence of Rwanda commented that:

“People who I have never seen smile, are smiling. People who were not productive, are productive.”

We were blessed to have an Emmy Award Winning Documentarian (Bhutan) believe in our ability to create PEACE with our sharing of TFT. With his help, we have just launched our Indiegogo campaign to complete the documentation of this transformation and support further treatment of trauma victims.

Please click the link here – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – and see his video and read about how the healing of thousands, one person at a time, has transformed a whole community and its people, from the trauma of genocide to peace.

TFT Foundation

Thank you to all who have donated for these studies and humanitarian missions over the last 6 years. It is hard to imagine the many lives and hearts you have helped heal with your generosity.

As we head in to the holiday season, many of us have so much to be grateful for. Please help us complete this campaign and continue to treat thousands in Africa and other traumatized regions both at home and abroad. The TFT Foundation uses 93 cents of every dollar donated directly on its programs.

Activity on the campaign site is key to our success; visit the Indiegogo page, comment on what you see, tell others if you have had personal success with TFT, share the page with your lists, your family, your friends and your colleagues. The more people that visit, post and interact with the site, the higher our rankings and the greater awareness we can create for our trauma relief work and all of Energy Psychology.

Learn about the excellent Perks available for participating. Meet our documentary team.

Remember—it is activity that makes the campaign successful.

Please visit the site – http://www.indiegogo.com/trauma-to-peace – share it with everyone you know and help us move closer to PEACE amidst a chaotic and traumatized world.

Thank you for joining our campaign,


Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, TFT Foundation



Listen to a recent KAOI Radio show in Hawaii, where Joanne Callahan, Bob Stone and Cindy Paulos discuss TFT and trauma relief:
[gplayer href=”http:///www.rogercallahan.com/pdf/KAOI-Radio-TFT.mp3″ ] KAOI Radio – Rwanda Trauma Relief [/gplayer]

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Roger Callahan Founder Of EFTI want to give a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your wonderful greetings on my 87’th birthday. It is wonderful to know there are so many helping to share the healing power of TFT with those in need.

I had a lovely birthday celebration with my family. I am so proud of all of my children and grandchildren, Katie, here with me in the photo, is helping to carry forward the work of TFT in the world.

Warm Regards,
Roger Callahan

ACEP Lifetime Achievement Award

Joanne Callahan and Roger Callahan ACEP Lifetime Achievement   AwardIt was truly an honor to be recognized by colleagues from around the world, for my thirty years of building Thought Field Therapy (TFT).   There was so much excitement and warmth from so many of the over 500 people attending the annual ACEP conference.

People came up to me throughout the four days telling me how pleased they were to carry on my work into the world.  Others said, “you saved my life three years ago”.   Some I have met previously but had not seen for years, others I did not know but all showed the same warmth and appreciation with a passion for helping others.   It was inspiring to see all the various forms of Tapping, the research being done and the humanitarian relief work that is helping so many people throughout the world.

The source of tappingJoanne and I received a standing ovation from our workshop “Thirty Years of Healing With Thought Field Therapy” as we demonstrated the power tools of TFT and showed the many changes and improvements that have taken place in TFT over the last three decades.  They were so grateful and some even expressed surprise at how much TFT has evolved from it’s early days as the Callahan Techniques.

I was so proud when our ATFT Foundation team, Suzanne Connolly and Caroline Sakai, presented their humanitarian relief work and PTSD studies and announced the acceptance for publication of the first study.  They too received a standing ovation and a very strong endorsement from one of ACEP’s lead researchers, David Feinstein.

ACEP ConferenceThe entire conference was exciting with a wonderful positive community spirit. I am pleased to see that our practitioner base is growing and we welcome all who are working with tapping, at the algorithm level, to continue on with their skills and grow with our new training programs in TFT.

A special thanks to all of our clients, practitioners and “tappers”… you’ve helped to make TFT the success it is today,

Roger Callahan.
