The Living Matrix Movie

I just returned from a spectacular live screening of the Living Matrix Movie in Hollywood.

It was a sold out event, with over 600 people filling the Egyptian Theatre.

I found it very exciting to watch and listen to so many forward thinking minds on the new science of healing, and, see that TFT is recognized as part of that new science, and was included in the Living Matrix Movie.

The director and producer, Greg and Susan Becker, along with the Executive Producer, Harry Massey were all there and it was a pleasure to meet with them.

We also had the opportunity to speak with the panel and hear their views for the future of healing and science and hear some amazing stories.

Lynne McTaggert, Eric Pearl, Marilyn Schlitz, Peter Fraser, and Deborah Rozman, all participants in the Living Matrix film, were all present and spoke on the panel.

I had a wonderful conversation with Lynne and thanked her for her hearty endorsement of TFT and our Trauma Relief work.

If you don’t have a copy of the Living Matrix yet, be sure and get one. It is excellent, gives support for and of TFT along with many other cutting edge healing modalities.

Click this link to get your copy…

I believe the next screening will be in San Francisco. If you are in that area be sure and attend.

Business Talk Radio’s Program “Your Practical Advisor” will be interviewing, Joanne Callahan, MBA, President of Callahan Techniques, Ltd. and co-developer of Thought Field Therapy with her husband Roger Callahan, PhD.

Your Practical Advisor offers practical advice to small businesses, families and individuals who call and write in with questions about the hottest topic in the world; their money.

Your Practical Advisor is an apt description of its host, financial strategist, real estate executive and “recovering C.P.A.” Vern Moter.

Vern and Joanne will be discussing the current stress around money from dwindling 401K’s to job loss and our roller coaster emotions.  Joanne will talk about how Thought Field Therapy can offer simple tools for daily stress relief as well as relief from social and performance anxiety as we face uncertainty in our business and financial worlds.

Join them on Saturday, September 26th at 2:00 pm ET on Business Talk Radio.

Click here to listen to the replay online.

Joanne Callahan London England TFT Boot Camp

A Report From Our London Boot Camp

The first thing I noticed when I arrived at The Royal Society of Medicine were the two beautifully entwined verdigris serpents outside the front entrance, the rod of Asclepius which of course is the ancient symbol for healing. How totally appropriate for a weekend where all the focus would be on learning how to heal and make people feel better.

The ancient combines with the modern at the Royal Society as their marketing name is One Wimpole Street and it appears on the complementary pens and note pads provided for conferences and courses. The room where the Boot Camp was held is beautifully furnished and importantly for the purposes of TFT there are no new carpets, paint or flourescent lighting which can all act as energy toxins capable of disrupting people’s well-being. The room was cosy and light with an antique cabinet display of old brass microscopes.

Gradually the trainees started arriving and their stories unfolded of how they came to be on the course. Several people had been introduced to TFT through Jack Black. He wrote a great article in the last Thought Field Magazine. A couple of trainees had come from a cancer clinic in Germany where they had found out about TFT during their treatment. There was a Business Coach, Kinesiologist, Reflexologist and several people were there because they wanted to learn Dr. Roger Callahan’s original therapy after having sampled the imitations.

“If you didn’t have a real powerful base therapy, the others would not work.”

Most of the trainees came with only a cursory knowledge of the Algorithm level of TFT and so the training rapidly covered the treatment protocol including correction of Psychological Reversal, which ensures an 80% success rate with all simple psychological problems.

Joanne Callahan backed up everything with real case studies and evidence of research. Lecture time was broken up with many opportunities to practice the TFT techniques together, so ensuring that the knowledge was put into muscle memory and trainees experienced how quickly they were able to eliminate negative emotions for each other.

There was a palpable feeling of excitement mixed with concentration and the rate of learning progressed at a rapid pace. A buffet lunch was provided by the Royal Society and from the conversations going on around the room it was obvious that people were getting a lot out of the training and could not wait to carry on. The afternoon was spent with moving on to learning the initial basics of causal diagnostics and why Heart Rate Variability is so important as a measure of health and progress of treatment. The day ended with a tired but happy bunch of people who had discovered things that were already changing their lives.

Day 2 – Joanne Callahan had put a challenge to the trainees the day before,what will it take to convince you of the power of TFT?

Those doing the Boot Camp had already spent the previous day eliminating fears, anxiety, long held trauma, grief and found that they did not need any more convincing than what their eyes and bodies had already witnessed. Everyone wanted to get on with learning the next level of extraordinary techniques in helping people heal and feel better.

Many more practice sessions ensued achieving rapid elimination of an addictive urge for cigarettes, a couple of cases of physical pain including an ankle that had been swollen for several years. The pain level dropped quickly from 10 to 0.

Joanne introduced the trainees to energy toxins, showing a video of Dr. Doris Rapp working with normally well-behaved children who go beserk after being exposed to an allergen. Dr. Callahan found her work to be useful in discovering how to temporarily neutralise substances that negatively affect our energy systems. A case of fatigue soon showed how energy toxins can compromise the body when the trainee found herself having to remove a bracelet, amber ring and earrings, her belt and even her cardigan! After this her energy levels felt much better.

‘Great, really interesting. So many useful tools to enrich ones well-being. I will use TFT for myself, my family and in my Pharmacy business.’             Rod James

TFT can be done as a surrogate treatment, meaning that unlike other therapies it is possible to treat babies, members of a different species and people who are paralyzed or unable to tap on themselves and even unconscious. I think that this was one of the aspects that really brought home how incredible, accessible and different TFT is.

Joanne told several wonderful and uplifting stories of the work done in Rwanda with the orphans of the genocide and in Uganda where sometimes there were no interpreters but nevertheless this did not prevent people from being treated. The result that emerges more and more clearly is the total change in people’s attitudes to their experiences. After treatment, all the orphans wanted to do is get on with their lives and the priests in Uganda found the ‘grace that we have been waiting for after 12 years’ to forgive atrocities that are incomprehensible to us.

If by treating trauma you allow compassion and forgiveness to replace anger and the wish for revenge, then world peace is a real possibility with TFT.

The Boot Camp is a new, fast track course for learning the best of the best of Thought Field Therapy and from the feedback of the trainees who attended the London training last weekend, the evidence seems to be that this is a great way of gaining those skills.

London England ETF TFT Bootcamp

‘very good. The first day was tough but now I can see where TFT fits in and will work in my life. Now I can get even more out of TFT. I read the book Tapping The Healer Within, but now I know that the power is tremendous.’ Lynda Reddington

So if you are a coach, trainer, therapist, energy worker and you want to be a cut above the rest, the Boot Camp is an indispensable course for you. Look out for further Boot Camp dates on or Dr. Callahan’s site,

by Ildiko Scurr, TFT Dx, Chair,
Please visit her on The Lounge, a site she has developed to support TFT Practitioners in the UK.

The View - Fear of Flying WhoopiVirgin Atlantic Airline’s Fear of Flying program incorporates the use of Thought Field Therapy.

We were honored to be given the opportunity to work with Whoopi Goldberg as part of our participation in the Virgin Atlantic Airways “Flying Without Fear” program… helping her overcome her intense fear of flying.

The aviophobic actress hasn’t flown for a decade, but an upcoming business commitment in London means she has to step on a plane once again.

Whoopi Goldberg will undergo a special course on her talk show The View on Wednesday April 1, courtesy of Virgin Atlantic boss Sir Richard Branson.

Part of the therapy is undergoing our Thought Field Therapy process and then a ride in a flight simulator to help Whoopi conquer her fears – and Goldberg is dreading the experience.

WhoopiShe says, “I am sweating a lot. My mind is doing bad stuff to me. I am not a good flyer. I don’t like it. I don’t wanna do it.”

Our Advanced Practitioner in the UK, Gillian Harvey-Bush, is one of the trainers for Virgin Atlantic’s Fear of Flying program, and Dr. Roger Callahan’s will also work with Whoopi using TFT.

Watch The View on April 1 to see the results.

And, if you suffer from a fear of flying, or any phobia, be sure to get your FREE guide to beating your fears!

Get The Free Guide to Beating Your Fears Here…

And make sure to let us know how you make out.