Tag Archive for: Trauma Relief

Thought Field Therapy Rwanda

The ATFT Foundation funded 2008 PTSD study “Brief trauma intervention with Rwanda genocide survivors using Thought Field Therapy” has just come out in peer reviewed International Journal of Emergency Mental Health. The study’s two-year follow-up will be submitted for publication at a later date.

This study was the first of the ATFT Foundation’s PTSD studies, demonstrating an effective model for large-scale trauma relief. In 2009 a second study with this same model was completed and will be submitted for publication soon. It included a one-year follow-up and will also be submitted for publication.

The TFT (formerly ATFT) Foundation will be purchasing reprints. These reprints will be available from the foundation through Joanne@TFTFoundation.org .

The full citation is:

Connolly, S., & Sakai, C. (2012). Brief trauma intervention with
Rwandan genocide survivors, using Thought Field Therapy.
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 13 (3), 161-172.

The third study, demonstrating this same model for large-scale trauma relief will be completed in Uganda in June of this year. Suzanne Connolly received a grant from ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) as seed money for this year’s study. The remaining funding will be provided from the three organizations providing the team: TFT Foundation, (USA), ATFT Foundation UK, and the Mats Uldal Humanitarian Foundation (Norway).

Our join objectives for these studies are:

1. To continue developing and scientifically validating a model in which local community leaders can be trained to treat community members in the aftermath of large- scale disasters, especially in regions where trained professionals are scarce.

2. To relieve the distress of those suffering from trauma and promote Post Traumatic Growth (PTG).

The TFT Foundation is in need of support to continue these studies and provide much needed trauma relief. To see further details about the previous studies and projects or to contribute to our efforts, go to www.TFTFoundation.org

TFT in Brazil

The need for simple, effective self-help ways to heal is growing every day. Disasters, wars, uprisings, and turbulent economies around the world all contribute to our levels of anxiety, stress and poor health. TFT, the original source of tapping, continues to meet the healing needs of many people, through our expanding trainings, self-help products and humanitarian relief.

A clear example of this need was seen in Cairo, Egypt in the last few months. The chair and secretary of our UK ATFT Foundation, Dr. Howard Robson and his wife Phyll were in Cairo as Dr. Robson was doing some consulting work for the Royal College. Phyll told me she was using TFT daily as they heard gun shots and witnessed the horrors of the events unfolding outside their hotel room. We are so glad they have now returned home to the UK safely. They will be leading our TFT Foundations’ trauma relief mission to Uganda later this year.

We are very excited as we provide TFT to more people, in additional languages and countries in 2012. Early this year we launched our Spanish web site. And now, our TFT Boot Camp Self-Study package is being translated into Spanish and will be available by the end of March.

We are cooperating with local, established organizations in other countries to make TFT available to their countries.

As we expand TFT in the Spanish language, Fr. Luis Jorge Gonzalez will be giving the first TFT Boot Camp in Mexico City in June. TFT can be a wonderful tool for the people of Mexico to help with the trauma and fear from the widespread violence that is occurring.

This summer we will be expanding further into Canada, working with our one of our new Boot Camp trainers, John Steuernol, to provide TFT in the greater Toronto area. Dr. Bob Bray will be working with him to offer an algorithm level training, and then we will provide a Boot Camp and Optimal Health training for those wanting to learn Voice Technology.

Then, we are off to Sao Paolo, Brazil. We are working with an excited TFT practitioner and local institutions to bring a TFT Boot Camp and an Optimal Health training to Brazil. It will be our first time to visit this country and we are delighted for the opportunity…

On the home front, please join us, and many other TFT practitioners, at the annual ACEP conference this June in San Diego, CA. I will be speaking, and we will have many family members, grandchildren and one beautiful great-grandchild sharing the beautiful weather with us. Click here to take register.

Joanne Callahan

This year starts off with continued change for the world, and also for Thought Field Therapy. The need for alternative therapy has never been greater, and we continue to see thousands of new people each month coming to our website to get help with stress, anxiety, fear and trauma.

In 2011, we focused on expansion of our live training programs throughout the world, for both the personal use of TFT as well as the use of TFT in helping others. This year, we are expanding to the Spanish language in Mexico, Spain and South America.

We’ve also created new products and training for all levels of TFT. The ATFT Foundation, continues to provide humanitarian relief, research and education around the world. We’ll also be releasing the ATFT foundation documentary demonstrating the model for large-scale trauma relief using TFT.

Now that I am confident in the future success of TFT, I’ve decided that it’s a good time to make one last change.

After sharing TFT with the world for over 32 years, I’ll will be stepping back from the day-to-day operations to enjoy spending more time with my 8 grandchildren, and pursuing my hobbies of reading and enjoying the outdoors.

I’ll continue on as Chairman of The Board for Callahan Techniques, and will no longer be involved in the day-to-day operations of the company. My wife and partner, Joanne, who has worked with me the past 23 years, will continue to keep TFT growing. I am fully confident that Joanne, and our the team of exceptional TFT trainers and advisors,  will continue to make Thought Field Therapy the leading tapping therapy.

As a retirement gift, the TFT staff gave me a booklet called “The Past & Future of TFT” that was touching, to say the least. I thank all of the practitioner and trainers who submitted stories in the booklet.

I would like to share it with you.

You can download the PDF version here:


If you’d like to share your thoughts with me, please comment below.

I’ll be reading the comments as they come in.

Thanks for all of your support over the years,

Roger Callahan

I am happy to announce the first of our team of Rwandans from the IZERE Center in Rwanda are arriving in Honolulu tonight.  The others will arrive later this week.

We are so very excited about this project as not only will four Rwandan TFT practitioners become trainers, spreading TFT far and wide in Africa, but many underprivileged in Hawaii as well as the clinics that serve them will benefit from TFT training and treatment during the month of September.

Using TFT to relieve the effects of trauma can open people to peace, compassion and community. It is the intention of the ATFT Foundation–to make trauma relief available on a global scale! You can learn more about the Foundation’s work by clicking here,

We would like to ask for your help to cover some of the expenses in this far reaching project. As the air tickets were more costly than expected, and we have over run our budget.

We are seeking donations toward their food and incidentals while in Hawaii. If anyone can assist us with this, we can accept donations of any size. If you would even assist with one meal, it would make a huge difference for our guests from Rwanda. Donation form is found here.

Thank you all for your help with this sharing of TFT with those who need it. Please visit the The Izere Center (Hope Center) Byumba, Rwanda website for more information.

Caroline Sakai, PhD., a psychologist and TFT practitioner, based in Hawaii, headed a team of therapists who worked with children in an orphanage in Kigali, Rwanda. The children survived the Rwandan genocide in 1994, in which 800,000 to 1 million people were slaughtered during the course of 100 days. Dr Sakai was interviewed by Michiko Ishikawa for Share International.

Share International: How did you come to work with the genocide survivors in Rwanda?

Caroline Sakai: The idea came up when I was in New Orleans as part of an ATFT Foundation Trauma Relief Team working with Hurricane Katrina survivors and first responders – doctors, nurses and security people who were working with the survivors. One of the team members, Paul Oas, a psychotherapist and minister, asked me if I could work with the genocide survivors of Rwanda. His church has been helping to support the El Shaddai orphanage in Kigali, Rwanda, by providing necessities like food and shelter. He was seeing the effects of the genocide trauma among the children in terms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – nightmares, flashbacks, insomnia, bedwetting, depression, withdrawal and rage. Reverend Oas wanted to take a TFT team there and work with the genocide survivors. Since I had headed the clinical team in New Orleans, he asked if I could do that in Rwanda.

The complete TFT treatment for trauma would be essentially following up with what else comes up for the client after successfully processing through the targeted trauma.

Targeting any residual body sensations often brings up further information to process through, more perturbations. This would be continued until no more perturbations can be found, and client now thinks about the trauma or phobia with clearly changed perspectives, affect, thoughts, intensity, vividness, body sensations, perceptions in all sensory modalities, etc.

Using the Peak Performance protocol to enhance and improve confidence in coping effectively in dealing with the problem is an important component that parallels the future template. The usual instructions for the client to call if there are any recurrence of symptoms would also be in effect, as well as follow-up session(s) to work on residuals or other material that emerges subsequently in awake or dream states.

SI: What is unique about your method of working with trauma?

CS: Thought Field Therapy is the most rapidly effective, and most gentle, treatment of trauma I have come across. Read more

We wish to extend our concern and sadness to the people of Japan who have experienced a historic earthquake, as well as the resulting tsunami. In an effort to help those traumatized by the earthquake, we would like to share a trauma tapping sequence…

We have instructions to the complex trauma algorithm in Japanese below, as well as other languages on our TFT Trauma Relief Blog. Please feel free to share this article, or the link, www.TFTtraumarelief.wordpress.com, with anyone you know in Japan, or with anyone you know who knows someone affected in Japan.

If you have your own website or blog, you could also put an announcement and link to this tapping sequence on it. Please share this with as many people as possible who could pass it on!

Our affiliate organization Japanese Association for Thought Field Therapy is already presenting TFT for use in the disaster regions.

… From the Japan Association for Thought Field Therapy





Japan Earthquake TFT and EFT Trauma Relief


眉頭 眉間の近く、眉の始めの部分。
目の下 瞳からまっすぐ下の、ほお骨のすぐ上。
わきの下 わきの下からまっすぐ降りて、乳首と同じ高さ。
鎖骨下 鎖骨の間から約2.5cm下に約2.5cm横(右または左)にいったあたり。
圧痛領域 胸の上のほうの筋肉の盛り上がり。
人差し指 人差し指の爪の横、親指側。
小指 小指の爪の横、内側。
ガミュート 手の甲の小指と薬指の溝を1〜2センチほど手首の方にいったところ。
PR 空手チョップに使う手のひらの横部分、小指の付け根から手首までの中間ポイント。

Read more

The principles and brief history behind Thought Field Therapy – TFT.

Narrated in American Sign Language. Narrated by Doris Millios.

In our effort to provide free trauma relief throughout the world, we now have our trauma algorithm available in sign language.  It will be posted on our trauma relief blog, along with the videos and print instructions in many languages.  It is Dr. Callahan’s goal, along with the ATFT Foundation, to provide free trauma relief to as many as possible in the world.

Collarbone Breathing Technique with Thought Field Therapy.

How to Overcome Pain and Depression With Thought Field Therapy.

Trauma and Advanced Trauma Techniques in Thought Field Therapy.

Once again, please receive my heartfelt thanks from me as well as those who were trained in the TFT techniques, those who have received and continue to receive such invaluable tool to help them mitigate their suffering following the earthquake.

I finally had a chance to post something on the Angels for Haiti blog. Here is the link Haiti Trip .

The ATFT Foundation (charitable arm of the Association for Thought Field Therapy) provided a generous grant and the gracious help of a husband and wife team Dr. Howard and Nurse Phyll Robson, both TFT trainers from England, we provided a 3-day training involving 30 Haitian teachers, nurses, community leaders, medical and nursing students, from as far as Port-au-Prince.

The training not only helped them personally but also gave them the opportunity to help relieve the trauma of as many earthquake survivors as possible. Even more importantly, trainees learned techniques on how to relieve pain, which would be beneficial in an area when medical personal and pain relief medications are scarcely available.

I have talked to some of the attendees in Haiti for these past few days. Here is what they had to say:

“In a culture where a mental illness is frowned upon, the TFT training gave us a new perspective on how we human work. This tool is a lifetime gift. Many of us now see our fellow human being in a different light.”

“After taking the training, it has helped me improve my communication with those I serve.”

“After losing everything including my home, family members, and everything I worked for, participating in the TFT training gave me a new lease on life. I am now a healthy citizen who is using the tools I have learned to help those who were suffering just like me.”

“As a teacher, I use these techniques with my students; their attention span in the classroom has greatly improved.”

“It was such a great gift that we received from the Robsons – who taught from the heart”

Many community leaders also asked me to convey their heartfelt thank to the TFT team.

With love and gratitude,

Dr. Carolle

Carolle Jean-Murat, MD

Dr. Carolle’s Wellness & Retreat Center of San Diego offers:
· Intuitive Medical, Gynecological, Surgical Second Opinions (by Telephone & In Person)
· “Life Transition Decisions with Clarity” Consultations (by Telephone & In Person)
· Healing Seminars & Customized Retreats for Women
“I work with women who are ready to heal and want a healthy path for a quality life.”
Visit www.DrCarolle.com or call 619-741-7261.

boston-Roger and Joanne Callahan

Roger and I have just returned from the UK and a great Optimal Health course where some of our long time practitioners of TFT, as well as a few new ones, have added the Voice Technology level to their skills.  They came from numerous health care fields to add the convenience and effectiveness of TFT VT to support the emotional health of their clients and training base.  It was a very diverse group and we all shared information on tapping within the fields of nursing, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, Reiki, hypnosis, trauma specialists and counseling, and, even a little EMDR.

Roger also taped a brief interview with Tom Greenhalgh, Executive Director of National Public Safety Solutions,  for his training programs.  I taped a brief segment on our trauma relief work and our Freedom R & R program for our returning veterans, for the ATFT Foundation,  and our Trauma Relief Blog.

Tom has an excellent production crew and facility and our hope is to have these tapes available to all our trainers for use in their trainings as well.  I will keep our trainers posted on their availability (on the trainer’s list serve).  Thank you Tom!

During the course we saw some excellent improvements in HRV’s as we worked on everyone’s personal issues throughout the weekend.  The objective self-testing and self-treatment methods allowed everyone to help themselves in many areas, as well as improve their clients, especially those who they had found difficult to help in the past.

One attendee helped a client with the recent death of a parent, another helped a sibling with PTSD from war, and several helped family members with various physical pain issues.  We had a variety of problems to practice on and they were enlightening learning experiences for everyone.

Also, we’ll be hosting another “Learn to Tap” Teleclass.

It has been a great experience for both Roger and I, and our class attendees.  They are doing an amazing job of applying tapping to themselves for  all kinds of life stresses, past traumas, over eating, claustrophobia and much more.

The teleclass format has proven to be a very effective way to help many people and provide them with one-on-one interaction with Roger and I, at a very reasonable cost.

Our country’s current economic state and the increased daily stress for most people make a low cost, easy to attend tele-class an effective way to solve problems.

As many are facing job interviews, employee reviews, new social or peer groups as your situations change, we find many of our customers are experiencing some degree of discomfort with these events.  The class starts at the end of the month .

Click here to register for the 2-part tele-class.

tft-articleEnergetic Medicine Research recently featured Thought Field Therapy in their Quantum Health magazine.

Dr. Callahan’s life-long quest for more effective ways to help clients–without the need for them to suffer during the healing process—has resulted in a simple yet highly effective method of healing negative emotions, including the debilitating effects of trauma.

TFT works across all age groups, genders and cultures – even other species (dogs, cats, horses, etc.)

One of the aspects of TFT of which we’re most proud is that it is perfectly safe. We’re aware of no cases of harm over 30 years of healing. This degree of safety is rare in today’s health care systems.

TFT can have the most profound and immediate impact on the life of an individual, indeed of the world, by healing the effects of trauma. The world is filled with the agony of trauma from natural disasters to the man-made violence of war, genocide and terrorism. When people become stuck in trauma’s vice-like grip, we see a continued cycle of violence.

Victims become perpetrators. Their lives are filled with anger, hatred, revenge and violence, unable to feel hope or joy. The need to open their hearts to peace, compassion and hope for the future–and break this cycle of violence–is vital to our existence as a species and our planet as a whole.

The ATFT Foundation is deeply committed to its mission of providing TFT trauma relief to those who need it, wherever that may be in the world. Effective TFT trauma relief can be done quickly and at no cost to needy communities. Additionally, it can be taught to local leaders in a couple of days, enabling them to capably continue the healing long after the foundation team has left.

These humanitarian and educational efforts are refined and improved with the aid of research. After several missions to traumatized areas throughout the world, the ATFT Foundation has developed a dynamic model for volunteer response to large-scale trauma anywhere in the world.

Our first indication of how truly effective TFT can be in the face of horrific large-scale trauma was in Kosovo. Dr. Carl Johnson led several teams of TFT practitioners to this war-torn country, where they found that using TFT to treat victims of the war produced a very high success rate that has held up over time. (Johnson, C., Shala, M., Sejdijaj, X., Odell, R., & Dabishevci, D. (2001). Thought Field Therapy: Soothing the bad moments of Kosovo. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(10), 1237- 1240).

Since that time, the ATFT Foundation has sponsored many TFT trauma relief missions throughout the world. The research that has been conducted during some of these missions clearly demonstrates TFT’s high level of effectiveness with severely traumatized populations. During more recent efforts, in Rwanda and Uganda, the teams left in place an infrastructure of trained TFT therapists to support their local communities with trauma relief and healing.

quantum-magazineIf you are interested in learning more about how TFT is helping others, you can download a PDF of the magazine here.

The ATFT Foundation has sponsored TFT trauma relief work throughout the world. The extraordinary results have been consistent and stood the test of time. It would be both economically and logistically difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish this kind of large-scale trauma relief with more traditional, long term therapies. TFT allows us to help those populations and regions that are often underserved and neglected.

The ATFT Foundation’s trauma relief blog is a resource for all to learn TFT trauma relief procedures. It is free of charge and in many languages. Share this site with anyone who needs help.

If you wish to help support any of these programs or learn more about them, visit the ATFT Foundation at www.ATFTFoundation.org.