
Toxins Can Block the Flow of Healing Energy

The blocking of the healing process can be caused by simple things that we all have around the house.  Something as simple as laundry detergent or cleaning products.

I know this from personal experience.  In 2001 I was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL).  I have been cancer free since March of 2003, with no recurrence in that time.  I did no chemo or radiation or surgery.

One of the most important things Roger and I learned while treating me was the possible role of toxins and how their presence can not only block healing but aggravate the disease state.  We found that when the cancer tumors had a positive polarity (based on the work of Harold Saxton Burr, Blueprint for Immortality) the tumors would grow but when we could keep them in negative polarity they would shrink and die.  We could measure this polarity with a simple voltmeter, which confirmed what we could identify with TFT Voice Technology testing.

What we found was the single toxin that most often caused the cancer tumors to go into negative polarity was the laundry detergent in my clothing and bedding.  During the course of my treatment, we found a couple of organic, unscented products and rotated them, thereby keeping the tumors in positive polarity.  I am confident that if we had not been able to do this, I would not have healed so quickly and successfully.  Mainstream medicine offered no cure for Stage IV NHL at that time.  Yet, I was healed.

Whenever one has a chronic condition that is not healing, there are often toxins blocking the healing process, and they can be simple, everyday products.  It doesn’t always have to be big things in our environment that we can’t change.

The ability to specifically identify the toxins that are affecting our health is an invaluable tool.  We have seen examples of this for over 20 years now, for many chronic conditions from incurable neurological diseases to physical pain and emotional disorders.

While we teach specific identification and neutralization of toxins in our Diagnostic and Voice Technology levels, we also teach our Algorithm level students to be aware of the effect and some simple ways to help their client identify things that may be blocking their healing processes.

I received this brief note from a recent new student when she turned in her case studies.  She had successfully treated anxiety, depression, trauma, loneliness, and self-assertiveness in her cases but added this brief note.

Hello Joanne:

Attached are my three case studies to complete certification for the Algorithm course. This is really amazing. In one case that I did not include I tapped with a client on the pain and neuropathy in her feet and legs. She was stunned when it went away. A few weeks later she returned and we tapped again. Again she got relief and said that she wished it would last longer. Up until this point I had no reason to ask my clients about toxins because the tapping had been so successful. Just for the heck of it, and thinking she would think I was a bit strange, I asked her, “What laundry soap do you use?”  You guessed it. Tide. We agreed that she would stop using it for a few weeks and wear just a few outfits so that she could wash them in something different and not have to wash her entire wardrobe right off the bat. She has not returned yet but I am to see her next week.

Diane Ruby

NOTE:  The single laundry detergent we find as a toxin most often is Tide and I share this in our algorithm course. We have seen 20 years of panic attacks and 11 years of asthma disappear along with massive shifts in autism by changing Tide for an unscented, organic product.  Don’t overlook these simple toxins as you strive for better health and well-being.

1 reply
  1. Terri Perry
    Terri Perry says:

    Joanne is absolutely right. I have seen this in most of my clients. Usually panic attacks and anxiety are caused or made worse by the laundry detergent but also perfumes, and household cleaning products. A particular problem appears to be the “fragranced candles” that people burn in their homes. My husband and I went to dinner at a friend’s house and she was burning these in the dining room. The next morning I could hardly walk from being lightheaded. My blood pressure was also way down but as soon as we did Roger’s 7 second treatment for the toxic candle, my blood pressure returned to normal and I no longer was dizzy (also the same for my husband). The pungent “pot pouris” and the “plug in” airfresheners in homes and cars are also problematic. The major difference to my clients has been getting rid of these things.


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