
The Power Tools of TFT – The Source of Tapping

As TFT has grown and developed over the last 40 years, there have been numerous offshoots and versions of ‘tapping’. Due to the degree of testing and critical development of the original tapping modality, the many spinoffs have also been very effective as well. However, some of the early “power tools” of TFT have been left by the wayside.

Many who use or have tried one of the various methods of tapping aren’t even aware of these power tools which were very useful in facilitating healing 30-40 years ago and now are even more useful in our pandemic challenged society.

Since they can be easily integrated into or added to any current energy modality or healing practice, I am sharing a new video series, “The Power Tools of TFT”. Each one will be free, brief and give an explanation with detailed instructions for use, whether you are a practitioner or an individual who just wants to help themselves.

Watch the first video below, describing what the power tools are, then watch for a new video each week, demonstrating one of the “Power Tools” and how you can use it yourself.

Some were initially discovered during TFT’s infancy, as the Callahan Techniques®, and others more recently. Their application and development has been a continual process over the last 40 years. TFT is now helping not only emotional issues but many chronic health issues. BioField and HRV measures and even a simple voltmeter provide standard measures of efficacy. New research and thousands of cases worldwide provide evidence for the power of these remarkable tools.

You will gain a deeper understanding of the development of these tools along with a glimpse into the broad clinical applications for their use. You will see how these tools can be used to dramatically improve the quality of life for those struggling with chronic problems, promote the body’s natural healing process and reduce suffering from trauma and other daily stresses. Sign up for our free stress busters guide, and we’ll email you the series as we go live.

Joanne Callahan
President and Co-developer of Thought Field Therapy®

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