Tag Archive for: Toxin

The blocking of the healing process can be caused by simple things that we all have around the house.  Something as simple as laundry detergent or cleaning products.

I know this from personal experience.  In 2001 I was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL).  I have been cancer free since March of 2003, with no recurrence in that time.  I did no chemo or radiation or surgery.

One of the most important things Roger and I learned while treating me was the possible role of toxins and how their presence can not only block healing but aggravate the disease state.  We found that when the cancer tumors had a positive polarity (based on the work of Harold Saxton Burr, Blueprint for Immortality) the tumors would grow but when we could keep them in negative polarity they would shrink and die.  We could measure this polarity with a simple voltmeter, which confirmed what we could identify with TFT Voice Technology testing. Read more

An 11-year old girl was admitted to the local children’s hospital wing for acute pain, level 10, throughout her body.  Doctors told her parents that based on a CT scan, her cancer had returned and had spread through her entire body and that there was nothing for them to do but to give her a Dilaudid/morphine drip, get the pain stabilized and send her home.

By the time that I arrived she had been on the narcotic IV drip for 18 hours and her pain was still at a 10.  I knew she had to have Massive Reversal or the pain would have dropped.  The young girl didn’t want to tap nor to have anyone to tap her so we treated her reversals through her mother.  We used a combination of CB2, Rescue Remedy, tapping PR spots and a Toxin release over 45 minutes to correct the Massive PR.

Her pain dropped from a 10 to a 3.

I instructed the parents to treat for Reversals every 30 minutes around the clock in order to help her body stay receptive to healing and to allow the medications to work their best.  That evening she walked around the hospital floor two times.

I went again the next day and she smiled.  Her only discomfort, at a level 8, was horrible itchiness from the drugs.  I tested for PR, and she was PR free.  She felt  good enough to tap herself or let us tap her.  We began with CB2,  the toxin treatment, and put Rescue Remedy drops on her itchy legs, arms, chest.  The itch stopped.  She had a bruised feeling on her chest bone.  We put Rescue Remedy there and tapped it for reversal.  The soreness disappeared.

After the itch was gone she got up to use the bathroom, brushed her teeth and asked her daddy to film her getting back on the bed by herself, a big accomplishment.

The nurse asked her to rate her pain and the girl replied that she couldn’t find any even though the morphine had been removed from the drip.  We tested to continue tapping the Reversal spots every thirty minutes.


By Terri Perry, TFT-Dx

From time to time my partner has had attacks of extreme epigastric pain.

On two occasions he was admitted to Accident and Emergency and once was admitted with and overnight administration of morphine. X-rays were inconclusive and the doctors are unable to diagnose the cause of his pain.

His physicians indicated that exploratory surgery might be necessary.

Each time previously I have treated him with Reiki in the emergency department until the pain has resolved and we have walked away. Each time the pain comes on during the night but there is no trace of any discomfort the next day.

The previous attack started at 10.30 p.m. and went on until 4 a.m. while we were on a skiing holiday and staying in a hotel.

My partner has been a nail biter most of his life and has been treated for this with Robin Ellis, my TFT tutor. As a result, he stopped biting his nails. Wheat was found to be a toxin and we have avoided wheat for many months.

However, last Sunday we were invited to a party where virtually all the food was wheat-based. He had a sandwich and also some peanuts. I had suspected peanuts to be a toxin but he had already popped them into his mouth as I was about to warn him. He had only a couple of alcoholic drinks at the party.

He had not had an attack of this epigastric pain for two years. But on that Sunday night at 10.45 p.m. The pain awakened him from his sleep. It had started again.

This time, I had TFT as a tool in my tool box to help deal with this problem and suspected it was caused by toxins. Before the pain took hold, we got out of bed and started arm testing for everything he had consumed at the party.

We treated for wheat and the pain started to go down from a 9 to a 5. I treated for trauma of the last attack and the pain reduced again. I did diagnosis (probably not as well as I would when I was fully awake). I had been asleep for just an hour.

I directed him to tap his index finger, then under eyes and also eyebrows and the gamut for pain reduction.

After a few minutes of tapping the pain had lessened and the arm was strong – we did the 9 gamut to finish and he wanted to get back into bed to sleep. By this time, the pain disappeared!

It had only lasted less than an hour and had not progressed to the point where my partner was doubled up on the floor as before. He certainly won’t be having peanuts again! Next time we are invited to a party we will eat at home first just in case. Avoiding the toxin causing this pain will eliminate the need for an exploratory surgery.