The stress of job loss, retirement account devastation, anxiety about the economy, uncertainty about the future and the ever changing world politics leaves most people constantly on edge, emotionally drained and our health at risk.
These problems weigh most heavily on our elderly. We need some simple, drug-free techniques for this at risk population to aid their emotional health and well-being.
Thought Field Therapy (TFT), discovered by Dr. Roger Callahan, provides those simple techniques.
The brief story below, illustrates what a profound and rapid improvement TFT can make to a distressed elderly person.
Mary Lou Dobbs reports:
“I have a story about TFT, that blows me away, my eight-five year old mother was scammed by a financial predator telling her she won six million dollars, just three weeks ago . The scammers got a check for $11,000 plus her local bank stopped another check from going out in the amount of $20,000. My folks live on a fixed income, and this devastated my mom, who was traumatized, couldn’t sleep, cried and felt worthless and shamed.
I flew home to Indiana the following week and did TFT, asking her what distress level she was from 1 to 10… of course she replied ten. We did the tapping for distress, shame and guilt. It went down to a one, and the next day she made a comment that I can’t even conger up, about her feelings about the scam…
I was feeling grateful and appreciative to have this tool available, and I have written about this experience in my new book – in chapter eight.”
Mary Lou Dobbs is the author of the soon to be released book, “Repotting Yourself”- Financial – Emotional –Spiritual-Flow (O-Books, March 2010) and The Cinderella Salesman (Farnsworth, 1982), endorsed by Og Mandino, with a forward by the then president of Lincoln Financial, Ean M. Rowland, who was an innovative guide to building a career in sales.
For more information click here to visit Mary’s website.
For more information on Dr. Roger Callahan and TFT, and to receive a free Daily Stress Busting Program, visit .