How we feel is directly related to how much quality rest we get.
Based on the multiple web statistics for the USA or Canada or Great Britain, “Insufficient Sleep Is a Public Health Epidemic”.
The western world seems to have an increasing problem with sleep disorders. So much so, that recent studies in all three countries are calling it a Public Health Epidemic – saying it is “putting our health at risk”. Sleep insufficiency is linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters, and medical and other occupational errors.
A perfect example of this was a feature story on the evening NEWS – a bank employee fell asleep across his keyboard and instead of making an $83 transfer into a retiree’s bank account, he transferred over $2 million dollars. Luckily the bank caught the error and corrected it. But what if he had fallen asleep across the steering wheel of his car, he could have caused a fatal accident.
People who suffer from poor sleep are also more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity and even cancer.
Millions of us suffer the consequences of too little sleep. What are our options? We face the troublesome side-effects of the common OTC or prescription drugs offered to remedy insomnia. Read more