Tag Archive for: Mayhew

Roger Callahan Founder Tapping

During the pre-conference Research day, Howard and Phyll Robson presented the TFT Foundation’s Uganda PTSD study. It was well received. They also met with other TFT researchers and some professionals involved in possible further studies and funding to continue their work in Uganda.

Suzanne Connoly

Suzanne Connolly received ACEP’s Harvey Baker Research Award

Also, a huge CONGRATULATIONS! to Suzanne Connolly as she received ACEP’s Harvey Baker Research Award for outstanding contribution to the field of Energy Psychology. The TFT Foundation, USA, is so proud to have her on their board and leading their Trauma Relief committee as well as leading their research in the field.

David Feinstein paid tribute to Roger in his excellent presentation (see photos). We all send our thoughts and blessings to him as he is healing from a recent surgery.

Suzanne Connolly reported, “Bob Pasahow did a stellar job presenting his workshop -Optimizing Psychotherapy Results: The Synergy of Integrating TFT and EFT. It was well attended and extremely well received.

Caroline Sakai also presented a training – EP with Trauma, Homelessness and Compassion Fatigue – that drew a concentration of EP practitioners concerned with delivering TFT or other EP techniques to the underserved.”

One of the other attendees, Christina Mayhew, TFT-Adv. says,

“I just came back from the ACEP conference in Reston, VA this weekend and I am so excited to see so many of the various modalities incorporating ‘TFT tapping’ into their work and the various outstanding speakers who gave credit to Roger for his pioneering work in energy psychology.

It is really hard to wrap my head around the awesomeness of this truly remarkable and miraculous technique which is so simplistic yet powerful beyond the belief sometimes. There are so many ways that TFT can be used to facilitate healing in the mind, body and spirit. I know that Roger’s work will continue to grow in its foundational roots around the world and with the scientific research being conducted, TFT will become a widely accepted practice in and outside our medical communities.

Yesterday afternoon we gathered as many TFT practitioners as we could find to meet so we could connect and talk about how we are utilizing our skills, what can we do to get TFT out in the communities more and into the military to work with our service men and women. We all had a sense of pride and joy knowing we are a blessed and elite group who have been taught an awesome technique to share with our family and the world.

I feel we are truly blessed to know Roger and Joanne and extremely grateful for continuing to give so much of themselves to humanity around the world. You have touched and transformed so many lives over the years. I’m so glad that the two of you are able to see how the seed of ‘TFT’, planted so many years ago, has sprouted roots across the globe and changing one life at a time.

Thank you and God Bless you! You are Angels on Earth!!”

Thank you to those who represented the rest of us there and in the field of Energy Psychology. Our growing TFT community is becoming, a stronger and more integrated part of the larger EP community.

The ACEP Conference will be held in Phoenix AZ next June at a Native American owned luxury Hotel. We encourage all TFT practitioners to come join in the camaraderie and fun enjoyed at the ACEP Conference this year.


TFT timeshare for Vets

Freedom R & R’s with Timeshares for Vets

ATFTF Foundation Provides R & R Retreats with Timeshares for Vets

In late 2008, the ATFT Foundation partnered with Timeshares for Vets to provide our returning veterans and families with an opportunity to enjoy a much earned vacation and have the benefit of TFT for the stress and trauma of their service.

While the process of establishing and building the Freedom R & R’s program has been slow, the result is now something we are proud to be a part of and I believe is providing a much needed service for our returning veterans.

I wish to thank those who have dedicated many long hours of hard work. Herb Ayers and the Columbia Basin Veteran’s Resource Center have served as the base for our volunteer coaches and mentors, and a resource for our veterans. Sheila Crouser, a vet herself, and our ATFT administrator has put in many long hours working with the vets to find a resort that fits their needs. Chrissy Mayhew has worked with our volunteer web designer, Mark Perry, to design the Timeshares for Vets web site. Roger Callahan, TFT’s founder, is donating his book, Tapping the Healer Within and Bob Bray is donating his book, No Open Wounds, to the veterans. They both are also volunteering with coaching help as have many of our other practitioners.

I have been working with legal, structure, press, and organizations to bring in additional media, and funding. We will be working with BuyATimeshare.com to be able to accept full timeshares, have the donations sold and the funds given to the foundation. This will help provide much needed revenue for the travel costs for the program.

I would like to thank our generous timeshare donors: Bob MacMahon, TFT Dx, JoAnn and Alan Kilpatrick, Lei-Lynne DooHorvick, and Randy and Lanet Johnson. They have provided the resort vacations that are making this project a reality.

It was so very gratifying to hear from our timeshare recipient just returning from his week in Glacier, Washington. He went with his girlfriend and said it was so relaxing, he felt he had a total reset. In fact, they were having such a wonderful time, they got married while at their Freedom R & R.

atft foundationWe have veterans and families scheduled to go to some great locations, coming up, Las Vegas, NV, Klamath Falls, OR, Glacier, WA, South Florida and South Lake Tahoe, CA. Applications for our program are increasing all the time. We need more timeshares, so if you have or know anyone who has an unused timeshare, please let them know they can help support and thank our troops and returning veterans with the ATFT Foundation’s Freedom R & R’s program with Timeshares for Vets. We could also use help with travel for the veterans. If you have airline miles you can contribute please let us know.

For program information and veteran applications, you can go to www.ATFTFoundation.org. Timeshare donors can also go to www.TimesharesforVets.com

Click Here for more information on how you can participate with the Freedom R & R’s for our veterans.