Tag Archive for: Languages

Dear Friends,

Please keep all the people being affected by this storm on the east coast in your thoughts and prayers.

The TFT Foundation’s FREE trauma relief web site provides the complex trauma and anger and guilt tapping sequences, in 11 languages in video and print. Please use this for yourselves and share with all you know who may be feeling the far reaching affects of this disaster.

If any of you know any media that can help share the web site, please, please, share it with them as well. The site is: www.TFTTraumaRelief.wordpress.com .

Thank you,

Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.
Get the stress and anxiety relief guide at www.RogerCallahan.com

We wish to extend our concern and sadness to the people of Japan who have experienced a historic earthquake, as well as the resulting tsunami. In an effort to help those traumatized by the earthquake, we would like to share a trauma tapping sequence…

We have instructions to the complex trauma algorithm in Japanese below, as well as other languages on our TFT Trauma Relief Blog. Please feel free to share this article, or the link, www.TFTtraumarelief.wordpress.com, with anyone you know in Japan, or with anyone you know who knows someone affected in Japan.

If you have your own website or blog, you could also put an announcement and link to this tapping sequence on it. Please share this with as many people as possible who could pass it on!

Our affiliate organization Japanese Association for Thought Field Therapy is already presenting TFT for use in the disaster regions.

… From the Japan Association for Thought Field Therapy





Japan Earthquake TFT and EFT Trauma Relief


眉頭 眉間の近く、眉の始めの部分。
目の下 瞳からまっすぐ下の、ほお骨のすぐ上。
わきの下 わきの下からまっすぐ降りて、乳首と同じ高さ。
鎖骨下 鎖骨の間から約2.5cm下に約2.5cm横(右または左)にいったあたり。
圧痛領域 胸の上のほうの筋肉の盛り上がり。
人差し指 人差し指の爪の横、親指側。
小指 小指の爪の横、内側。
ガミュート 手の甲の小指と薬指の溝を1〜2センチほど手首の方にいったところ。
PR 空手チョップに使う手のひらの横部分、小指の付け根から手首までの中間ポイント。

Read more

The principles and brief history behind Thought Field Therapy – TFT.

Narrated in American Sign Language. Narrated by Doris Millios.

In our effort to provide free trauma relief throughout the world, we now have our trauma algorithm available in sign language.  It will be posted on our trauma relief blog, along with the videos and print instructions in many languages.  It is Dr. Callahan’s goal, along with the ATFT Foundation, to provide free trauma relief to as many as possible in the world.

Collarbone Breathing Technique with Thought Field Therapy.

How to Overcome Pain and Depression With Thought Field Therapy.

Trauma and Advanced Trauma Techniques in Thought Field Therapy.