Tapping into the Soul is at the leading edge of self-healing and personal development and growth. If this is important to you, whether your interest is personal or professional, this two-day workshop will significantly empower your mastery in these areas.
This forum is not academic…it’s practical, giving you revolutionary tools that actually expand consciousness and facilitate the creation of the life you want and were meant to live. It doesn’t give answers…rather it teaches remarkable techniques you will use yourself to discover the answers that are precisely right for you and for your highest good.
You will learn two primary and powerfully transformative tools:
• Basic TFT (Thought Field Therapy®)–an extraordinarily effective self-help technique that spawned the area of healing now called ‘Energy Psychology’. The original ‘tapping’ technique, TFT safely and rapidly relieves negative feelings such as trauma, fear, guilt and anger. You’ll learn how to easily and radically change how you feel…clearing the way for intentional creation and the full expression of life.
• Resonance Testing—a combination of an objective self-testing technique discovered by Dr. Roger Callahan, developer of TFT–and the process of testing whether or not something resonates with your own life force, enabling you to make choices that support and empower your life and deepest desires. Based on Dr. David Hawkins’ discoveries, we’ll explore and practice resonance testing and calibrating issues that are relevant to your own life. These can include ideas, books, music, people, foods, courses, philosophies, and more.
–The synergy of these techniques allows life to flow
with greatly enhanced ease, grace and synchronicity–
Tapping into the Soul is an experiential workshop. You will walk out a different person than when you walked in. And you will be able to take home these essential tools to use for yourself and those you love for the rest of your life!
- Do you know there’s so much more, but feel stuck?
- Do you feel held back by the past?
- Do you believe in the Law of Attraction but can’t seem to create what you want even though you think positive thoughts?
- Do you wish you knew which choice would help you feel better physically, emotionally—which one would be for your highest good?
- Do you want to help your families live powerful lives no matter how chaotic the world seems?
Open yourself to a new world of limitless possibility and transformation and join us in San Diego on August 27-28, 2011!
“I am pleased to know Mary Cowley as a friend and colleague for over a decade. Mary has a degree and depth of understanding in the theory of TFT that few others share. She has been creative in her application of this knowledge and works with me on the leading edge of the expansion of TFT. Her unique blend of knowledge and skill, combined with her creativity, passion and compassion, set her apart.” – Dr. Roger Callahan
To register, please email Mary Cowley at drmary@thecel.com or call 858-756-7131
You can register online for Tapping Into The Soul by clicking here.
DATE: Saturday Aug 27—Sun. – Aug 28, 2011
COST: $547
In line with the course’s commitment to vibrant choices, the low fee of $547 includes lunch and two snacks prepared by the restaurant “Spread” using only fresh, locally grown, organic ingredients. The vegetarian offerings will not only be creatively delicious, but also protein rich and balanced for a complete and total power diet!
photo credit: AmateurArtGuy