Tag Archive for: Energy Medicine


Thought Field Therapy  – The Original Tapping Therapy

For the past 33 years, a simple technique called Thought Field Therapy has been rapidly healing trauma, anxiety, pain and disease for people who are desperate to regain wellness and normalcy in their lives.

Tapping Solution TFT

This Article Appeared in Spa Veda Magazine

What started as a simple therapeutic treatment to stimulate the body’s own healing systems through tapping on various points of the body—much the same way Chinese physicians use acupuncture to do—has become much more mainstream, launching the fields of energy psychology and energy medicine in the western world.

Thousands have recovered rapidly from troublesome disorders like insomnia, gout or tinnitus. Others have eliminated stress, anxiety and fears – and even physical pain literally within minutes. Hundreds have regained their lives by curbing addictive urges for nicotine, controlled substances or obsessive behaviors. Those suffering the aftereffects of trauma—warfare, rape, injury or loss— have instantly removed the horrible emotions and feelings tied to that event which previously controlled their lives, sometimes for decades.

How Did Thought Field Therapy Come Into Being?

In 1979, as a licensed psychologist in private practice, Roger was counseling a young mother who was terrified of water. In fact, her phobia was so extreme; she was unable to pursue even the most basic activities if they involved water or brought her near to water. To our great frustration, after a year of using all the traditional therapy methods, our patient “Mary” was no better than before. Sitting outside near our swimming pool one day, she became nauseous from just the thought of the water nearby. Then Roger had an idea. Remembering that the Chinese had used acupuncture for over 5,000 years to stimulate the flow of energy through what they call the body’s “meridians” or electrical pathways, he asked Mary to tap a few times under her eye – the location of the end point of the stomach meridian.

After several seconds of tapping, Mary exclaimed, “It’s gone!” and made a beeline for the pool bending down to splash water on her face. Quite frankly, we were dumbfounded. Yet that night, Mary decided to test her phobia cure further by driving to the ocean in a rare California rainstorm. Wading into the surf, she remained completely free of her fear. Trying to make sense of what had just happened; we questioned how such an unusual technique could bring about results when it was so contrary to all our traditional training and all recognized therapy protocols. Read more

I entered the field of energy medicine in 1999 after witnessing the miraculous results and benefits of advanced biofeedback technology through the application of Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS).

In 2005 I moved away from herbs and homeopathic remedies into the world of encoded water and thought that I had discovered the most amazing way to balance the body available on planet earth.

Incorporating Psych-K around this same time gave me another tool to help clients break through limiting beliefs. Shortly after I added Quantum Biofeedback technology that I was introduced to by Masuru Emoto (author of “Messages in Water” featured in the movie “What The Bleep Do We Know”) that took me even deeper down the rabbit hole of energy medicine. Using this device and the Meridian Biofeedback equipment increased my ability to assess the root of client’s health issues and provide solutions to these challenges by giving them water “energetically designed” specific to their problem.

I was convinced that there wasn’t a better way to balance the body than with these modalities, especially the imprinted water which gave immediate relief to a broad range of health challenges which led me to developing my own therapeutic water line called “WAVE Miracle Water”. (W=Water; A=Activated; V=Vibrationally; E=Encoded).

In April 2012 I attended the “Thought Field Therapy Algorithm” course, thanks to John Steuernol, a close friend and fellow practitioner.

I embraced the absolutely amazing realm of TFT. I was sure it couldn’t get any better and then I met Stephen Pollitt from “Source Energy Medicine” (author of “Heal Thyself”) and through his inspired work I learned how to increase “allowance of healing”, remove resistance to healing and increase clients energy levels above a 200 calibration based on David Hawkin’s calibration scale of 0 to 1000 (author of Power Versus Force). Read more

His Hand
The Energy Psychology Modality That Heals

by Lorraine Blum, L.C.S.W, MS.C, NBCCH, RM, TFT DX

Energy Medicine has been around a very long time. Reiki, an Energy Modality first discovered in Japan thousands of years ago and TFT Dx is a more recent Energy Modality used here in the United States to heal those suffering from Health Disorders… and it’s being applied in many other countries like Egypt, India, and China. In fact, Energy Psychology is now being studied in prestigious schools such as the University of Florida. Recently there were grants given to conservative settings such as Hospice in South Florida to hire these healers.

Insurance companies are beginning to look at this kind of treatment for possible coverage in the future. Where hospitals laughed at Reiki Masters and any kind of Energy medicine, they are now welcoming them.

Thought Field Therapy Diagnosis was started by Roger Callahan PHD

Anything is possible with Energy Psychology and the knowledge of Orthomolecular Medicine, especially when using Spiritual Law.

Of course it it wise and necessary to include your personal Physician in this type of treatment procedure as he knows the most about your physical condition.

The 37th Annual International Conference on Orthomolecular Medicine in Canada had patient’s previously severely mentally ill reporting full recovery. The successful treatment of Schizophrenia after all the tests are completed and the allergies eliminated is primarily Nutrition and Energy Psychology.

TFT Dx is incredibly effective in the Art of Healing.

Roger Callahan, a Clinical Psychologist focused on Mental Health. Through his research and testing he discovered some simple new procedures he demonstrated on televisions while treating those around the world for Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, Trauma and other disorders. This lead to development of a casual diagnostic process, where he could quickly determine a specific tapping sequence, now known as commonly used algorithms.

It was his invitation in 1994 to Florida State University to participate in the search for a cure for PTSD along with other therapies such as EMDR and VK/D a form of NLP that the descriptive name came about of Thought Field Therapy.

Energy therapies much like Acupuncture is so fast and seemingly lasting it is truly hard to believe.

For info on spiritual law and/or inspirational messages go to http://www.godis4.me

For  Counseling and/or Treatment at distance or more on Orthomolecular Medicine go to http://www.lorraineblum.com

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney