Over the last 20+ years we have been successfully eliminating the negative side-effects of necessary medications, without interfering with the efficacy of those medications.
I know from personal experience as I was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in January of 2001. I have been cancer-free since March of 2003. During my healing process, I took Interferon for about one year and we successfully eliminated the devastating side-effects of that medication throughout the course of my use. We have had the same results with AIDS medication, chemotherapies, gamma globulin, and many other medications. I know how much this can improve the quality of life of the person taking the medications in addition to improving compliance.
As the rollout of new medical interventions begins around the world, TFT may be useful in mitigating some of the adverse reactions listed by the CDC and manufacturers. We have advanced level TFT practitioners around the world that can help others. They can be found on our TFT Practitioners Directory, www.TFTPractitioners.net
For those wishing to be trained in this application of TFT, we will be addressing it specifically in our upcoming TFT Voice Technology (Optimal Health) and Advanced Level (New Era) classes in January. I believe as a community we can help improve the quality of life of many 100’s of thousands of people this year.
Note: The prerequisite for Optimal Health is TFT Diagnostic Level training and the prerequisite for New Era Advanced is Optimal Health.