Tag Archive for: Fear Anxiety

Does the movie 2012, the tabloids continual predictions of the end of the world, and the current news of the devastating earthquakes in Japan, Haiti and now Chile, cause you anxiety and stress or even terror at the thought of an earthquake near you? Do you have nightmares about disastrous events taking place around you?

If so, let world renowned phobia expert and author of The Five Minute Phobia Cure and Tapping the Healer Within, Dr. Roger Callahan, help you reduce this stress and eliminate your fears. (The links to both of these are to the right of this article.)

We all know chronic stress leads to comprised health, chronic disease states and poor immune function. But how do we get away from it, when fears and anxiety are all around us. It really can make our lives crazy. Can you relate to this young lady’s constrictive, fear ridden behavior?

Dr. Callahan has developed a simple program that will help many reduce and eliminate daily stresses. It is available on our web site, for FREE. Our FREE TFT Tapping Guide shows you how to use Thought Field Therapy® Meridian Tapping to overcome anxiety and stress in minutes.

If you or someone you love is suffering from anxiety and fear about the potential of an earthquake, you need to try this out.

Go to the web site,  and download your Daily Stress Guide. Use this every day to get rid of the effects of daily and chronic stress.F ollow this sequence for any fear from a past earthquake or the worry about the next one.

Dr. Callahan realizes how crippling chronic fear and anxiety can be and would like to offer this to all who are suffering in today’s current fear ridden environment.

There is a new, excellent article in Vision magazine talking about the benefits of TFT for anxiety and stress relief.  It is an interview with TFT practitioner Sharon Goodlove, whose is trained through the advanced, Optimal Health level of TFT which includes Voice Technology.  Sharon has been a long time practitioner and the interview is great for increasing awareness of the benefits of using Thought Field Therapy for anxiety and stress in today’s chaotic times.

For further information on training in TFT or a listing of practitioners, go to www.TFTRX.com .

Thought Field Therapy Tapping into Emotional Freedom

by Elyssa Paige

thought field therapy

If I told you that you could completely rid yourself of fear, anxiety and stress in a matter of minutes, what would you say?

That’s what Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is all about. By simply tapping on acupressure points in a specific order, you balance the body’s energy system and release negative emotions.

I discovered this modality during a stressful time in my life in which I thankfully found my way to the cozy office of Sharon Goodlove, Certified Thought Field Therapy Diagnostician. She showed me how to treat myself in one session. Recently we spoke again—this time to empower others to release negativity and heal themselves through TFT. Read more