Tag Archive for: Eager Group

Roger Callahan in Brazil - TFT Tapping Therapy

Leandro Percario and his new company, TFT Brazil, recently hosted Roger and Joanne Callahan as they launched TFT in Sao Paolo.  The large, well attended Boot Camp consisted of an excited and eager group of  new practitioners, including physicians, professors, psychologists, teachers, journalists and other community leaders.  This group also included therapists who volunteer with a humanitarian non-profit group Therapists Without Borders.

Joanne Callahan opens TFT in BrazilJoanne celebrated her birthday on the last day of the Optimal Health course where 12 professionals learned TFT Voice Technology.  This group had attendees from Chile and France as well as Brazil.  There were 3 physicians, 3 psychologists, a pharmacist, a professor, an acupuncturist, and 3 therapists.  The class was very exciting and enlightening as they all shared knowledge, experience and skills while they successfully applied TFT VT to many complicated cases.

One of the physicians experienced a life-changing improvement in a medical condition, even documenting it with blood tests.  Another attendee, was able to provide relief for one of the Therapists Without Borders call-in clients, in just minutes.  And another will be sharing it within the prison system as a volunteer.

Maria Isabel Aguilar, PhD, TFT VT, came from her home in Montevideo, Uruguay to assist in both courses.  She was a huge hit with all the  class members, as she could speak English, Spanish or Portuguese with them and shared her many years of experience with TFT.

The exciting and successful results the attendees experienced was a wonderful birthday gift for Joanne.  She and Dr. Callahan are eager to see TFT expand and grow across Brazil.  Mr. Percario translated the TFT Boot Camp materials into Portuguese so we now have our Self-Study program available in a third language, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Joanne Callahan, MBA
President, Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

Tapping Therapy in Spanish