Virgin Atlantic Airline’s Fear of Flying program incorporates the use of Thought Field Therapy.
We were honored to be given the opportunity to work with Whoopi Goldberg as part of our participation in the Virgin Atlantic Airways “Flying Without Fear” program… helping her overcome her intense fear of flying.
The aviophobic actress hasn’t flown for a decade, but an upcoming business commitment in London means she has to step on a plane once again.
Whoopi Goldberg will undergo a special course on her talk show The View on Wednesday April 1, courtesy of Virgin Atlantic boss Sir Richard Branson.
Part of the therapy is undergoing our Thought Field Therapy process and then a ride in a flight simulator to help Whoopi conquer her fears – and Goldberg is dreading the experience.
She says, “I am sweating a lot. My mind is doing bad stuff to me. I am not a good flyer. I don’t like it. I don’t wanna do it.”
Our Advanced Practitioner in the UK, Gillian Harvey-Bush, is one of the trainers for Virgin Atlantic’s Fear of Flying program, and Dr. Roger Callahan’s will also work with Whoopi using TFT.
Watch The View on April 1 to see the results.
And, if you suffer from a fear of flying, or any phobia, be sure to get your FREE guide to beating your fears!
Get The Free Guide to Beating Your Fears Here…
And make sure to let us know how you make out.