Our Latest Newsletter
“The Thought Field”
Our newsletter lets you learn more about us and Thought Field Therapy, and what we have to offer you… whether you use TFT for yourself, or you are a TFT practitioner, or you are an organization that is using tapping as a way to extend your outreach.
Thought Field Therapy is growing at an unprecedented rate… and we are adapting to this growth by expanding our trainings around the world.
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Free Trauma Help
Thought Field Therapy® tapping has been used to overcome all sorts of trauma around the world.
The new book Stop The Nightmares Of Trauma provides the latest and most up-to-date procedures and theory for TFT… We’ll show you how to use tapping to overcome trauma.
“Overcome Love Pain, Emotional Pain and Other Traumas”
Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy® helps heal the emotional wounds caused by love pain and other traumas.
If you’ve been hurt by a loved one, been rejected, or suffered emotional trauma, Thought Field Therapy can help you get back to normal, and over the pain, your loss is causing you.
Click the image to access the recording
Free Guide to Conquer Your Fear Of Flying…
We were honored to be given the opportunity to work with Whoopi Goldberg as part of our participation in the Virgin Atlantic Airways “Flying Without Fear” program… helping her overcome her intense fear of flying with thought field therapy tapping. If you’re afraid of flying, or have any other phobia, help is just a click away.
Thought Field Therapy often works when nothing else will… It has been used for weight loss, stop smoking, phobias, trauma relief, love pain, and much, much more.
Thought Field Therapy, or TFT for short, uses a tapping sequence in the form of a healing code, balancing the body’s energy system and allowing you to eliminate most negative emotions within minutes, while promoting the body’s own healing ability.
* Disclaimer: The self-help products recommended on this web site are for the purpose of reducing fears, stress and various associated daily problems only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, mental or physical, or as a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.
Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is the sequential tapping procedure that Dr. Roger Callahan discovered, which provides a code to nature’s healing system. When TFT is applied to problems it addresses their fundamental causes, balancing the body’s energy system, and allows you to eliminate most negative emotions or fears within minutes.
TFT Tapping Therapy is a highly effective, non-invasive, healthy self-help alternative to long-term, or drug-related psychotherapy.
I have been using TFT Tapping Therapy for only 3 days, and am already seeing results in my ability to handle stressful situations, without allowing it to take me off course. Very easy to follow, takes less than 5 minutes, yet the results are very powerful. I am very grateful for this program! – Louise