Embarking on our second Hispanic world healing conference in Mexico City in  August, 2024, we had such ambitious plans for teaching TFT across Mexico.

With good fortune, 100 indigenous tribes from across Mexico were gathering, with some Mexican government officials present at a conference outside Mexico City on native land.

Our healing foundation had rented huge vans to transport most of the 30 healing conference attendees some 4.5 hours drive into the country to meet with the native leaders.

30 healing conference attendees

We were to be guests and they wanted to learn and embrace the TFT protocols for stress and healing. 100 Native, healers and shamans had traveled from across Mexico and eagerly wanted to learn from us.

After elaborate tribal ceremonies with huge displays of fruits in ceremonial designs, smoke and dancing ceremonies, exchanges of gifts and blessings, we began our very first aboriginal guided self-healing session.

Unlike most people, the native leaders were almost completely absorbed and excited to learn self-healing techniques.

One shaman immediately proclaimed a blessing upon our Self Healing foundation and undertaking and he said he and the other native healers had together, removed “all blockages” that could thwart our healing efforts. It was exhilarating the extent of their reciprocity and enthusiasm.

The volunteers of our self-healing foundation were working with small groups.

Everywhere you looked people were learning and absorbed by the teaching.

We did not know at the time, that a Mexican government official was watching the entire proceedings.

Later, he introduced himself and said “I want you to teach this to one million school children in Mexico. I believe this is an essential skill all Mexican children should have”.

He offered a test pilot project near Mexico City in a girl’s school with 3,000 children and then a chance to extrapolate that across Mexico.

Meanwhile the native leaders had cooked a giant tasty feast of aboriginal dishes and we were so hungry we all piled our plates a foot high with yummy foods.

The meal was so invigorating and the mood so friendly that we exchanged more gifts and hugs and we ate for over an hour.

The native healers loved the simplicity of the movements in TFT

and it’s almost elegant flow and ability to impact people immediately.

The gifts we had given them were then blessed by the shamans as were the gifts they gave us. There was no mistaking how emotional and deep their generosity and kindness.

They simply could not believe we had traveled from 9 different Hispanic countries and Canada just to teach them the healing benefits of TFT.

Even the Mexican government officials were impressed with the “Mission”.

As we left in our vans, tired but satisfied, literally everyone in our group acknowledged that it was one of the most rewarding days of our lives🙏

Written by Mitchel Shore, co-founder, Self-Healing Community Foundation

PS: If you’d like to participate in one of our foundation’s healing missions, contact Yoniray Donis through: skool.com/prospera/about

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