Please help us to better serve you. 

Our popular monthly well-being webinars are designed to assist you in meeting the daily challenges we all face in ever-changing world, while at the same time, healing and becoming the best you can be.  

We strive to provide you with new tools and ways to upgrade your skills, increasing your results with TFT’s powerful protocols and at the same time, addressing your personal needs and concerns.

As our world changes, so do our TFT tools and how we use them. Many have found it helpful to get updated and personally facilitated in reaching their goals and transforming their lives.

Please take a few brief minutes to let us know what is important to you:

1. Help us identify the focus of your interest. Are you primarily looking for:
Self-help and help for family and friends
Professional support ways to better serve your clients
2. Would you be interested in having more topics that include meditation, spiritual or transformational applications?
3. Would you be interested in having more topics that include healthier lifestyle choices and the latest research on our toxic environment and ways to mitigate it?
4. Do you prefer classes that are more:
Specific Topic Presentation
Live Demonstrations on Personal Issues
Open Discussion with Interactive Q&A
7.  Please share your ideas on the time of day and length of time (and your location) that best suits your live participation.
5. Please select the following class topics and areas of focus you would be interested in:
Stress relief
  • Stress relief
  • Anxiety and fear
  • Depression/Sadness
  • Grief/loss
  • Procrastination
  • Physical pain
  • Addictions both substance and behavioral
  • Negative emotions: anger guilt shame
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Weight loss
  • Hoarding and clutter
  • Law of attraction
  • Success or practice building
  • Relationships
  • Meditation / transformation
  • Making change in your life
  • Other (please specify in the questions following)
6.  Please share with us your monthly topic suggestions, topics that would help you most to attain a healthy mind and body.
8.  Please share your comments on the format of the class and how it might better serve your needs.