Tag Archive for: Better Health

Tapping Away Stress

The holiday season is typically a stressful time for most of us.This year will be particularly stressful due to the increased financial strain many are facing. And for others it will also be emotionally painful due to the absence of loved ones, either currently away serving their country or lost in the many disasters both man-made and natural that have occurred throughout the world.

A season that historically is supposed to represent peace, love and joy, often turns out to be a nightmare from being stressed out, under-financed, and overwhelmed.

So when those old fashioned holiday tunes are playing, and the sadness starts rising, try tapping away those blues and then remember to smile.

Probably the single most stressful thing facing us this year is feeling the need to buy gifts for many but having limited resources.Another area of stress and concern is feeling the need for entertaining and pleasing others.These challenges can be faced with much more calm and mental clarity if you are tapping away your stress daily.

Our daily Stress Busting Guide is invaluable for relieving stress or anxiety as it comes up, keeping you calm and collected as each new difficulty arises.You can download this tapping guide for free from our web site. Use it morning and night during this busy season.

A Japanese study demonstrated that TFT meridian tapping normalizes cortisol, the stress hormone, levels in the body. Increased amounts of this stress hormone will leave you feeling tense and add to your feeling of being overwhelmed.It is well known that reduced stress contributes to a more robust immune system.

As we shop, interact in public, attend parties and travel, a healthy immune system is vital to maintaining our health. To learn how to use tapping for better health, just use the Stress Busting Guide regularly.

And then lastly, don’t allow your feelings of anger or guilt to linger and take up residence… try tapping them away as they surface.If you feel guilty that you can’t do or provide all that you would like to this season, or others have not met your expectations, tap away those harmful emotions.You can truly give and receive good feelings when your own negative emotions have been resolved. To find out where to tap for anger and guilt, go to the trauma relief blog, and the version for complex trauma with anger and guilt will help you to smile and reach out to others in the holiday spirit.

These are some simple ways that you can help turn your holidays into the peaceful and joyous time that we all wish for.As our gift, from Dr. Roger Callahan and Joanne Callahan, to all, we have provided these free tools to assist you, and wish you all a very blessed and joyous holiday season as we celebrate 30 years of healing with TFT.

Creative Commons License photo credit: MinimalistPhotography101.com


Join us for the TFT self-help workshop and learn How to Apply the Power of Tapping to Eliminate Stress, Fear, Anxieties, and Identify and Overcome Your Blocks to Achieving Better Health.

Tapping Therapy for Health Workshop

In response to the large number of requests from people around the world who ask us how they can put the full power of Thought Field Therapy® into effect in their daily lives, we have created a new 2-day live workshop.

Our new live event–Tapping Into Health–will teach you how to combine the TFT tapping algorithms, or tapping sequences, for optimum results in you life.

The workshop will be throughout the year, where you’ll learn:

  • 30+ years of powerful TFT algorithms
  • 35+ of our proven powerful tapping sequences for improving your quality of life.
  • How to combine sequences for optimum results in your own life
  • Objective self-testing of self-sabotage and blocks to healing and success
    – where you’ll learn to identify and correct all of your blocks to well-being.

You’ll also get a Tapping Into Health Guide that you’ll be able to keep as a reference the techniques and tapping sequences for almost any challenge you’ll face.

In this special workshop for anyone wanting to learn TFT in-depth, we’ll even be sharing the self-testing and identification of toxins, as well as the neutralization protocols –previously only available to our advanced level TFT practitioners.

Tapping Into Health Create a Better Lifestyle Through TFT

Click here for details on attending this new tapping self-help workshop

Dr. Roger Callahan joined the ATFT Foundation at their first strategic planning retreat last weekend in Sedona, AZ.

ATFT Foundation Board Member Meeting

All but one of the foundation’s dedicated board members came together for this meeting. They paid their own expenses to travel to Sedona for a weekend of brainstorming and planning, led by board member Bruce Paton, a retired PepsiCo executive, who has led many similar strategic planning sessions in the past.

Mary Cowley, Suzanne Connolly, Jenny Edwards, Joanne Callahan and Darla Terry-Ausmann were all present as Bruce led us thru our planning sessions. Sunday morning we had the pleasure of Roger Callahan, Jim Cowley and Dariah Morgan joining us as we shared our goals and plans for the future. We appreciated their various perspectives as we fine tuned our vision for ATFT Foundation’s future.

It was an exciting experience, sharing ideas, energy and a common goal of spreading TFT throughout the world with research, education and humanitarian work. I was amazed at the synergistic effect of all of us getting together in the same place.

Suzanne and Bruce Connolly graciously hosted the event in Suzanne’s office – and just two days after arriving home from a month in Rwanda. That, in itself was unbelievable. It was a delight to hear the stories from Suzanne’s trip

Bruce Paton was a skilled facilitator and leader throughout the entire weekend. He even provided all of us with a summary by Sunday evening, while still traveling, from a restaurant in Flagstaff. I will share some of his notes and summary.

“Our objectives were twofold…get to know one another better (teambuilding) and to create a strategic plan (increase foundation effectiveness).”

We defined strategy as “a series of integrated initiatives designed to produce desired results“. We defined plan as “a predetermined path from which to knowingly deviate“. Read more